When i first started doing more Angel and Tarot readings for people, i use to pick a card for myself at the beginning. The card i got over and over again was called 'Angel of Expression'
After a while i stopped bothering with choosing a card and simply focused on the energy of 'Angel of Expression'. i also try to draw this energy when i am having difficulty being honest in general with others.
This is the message on the card:
Angel of Expression
Speak you truth and express yourself clearly
There is something that you are not expressing, because you fear hurting someone you love or care for.
The Angel of Expression has showed up in your reading today to encourage you to speak your truth and express yourself clearly. Know that the truth, when spoken honestly, clearly and with Love, will never truly hurt anyone. Lack of self expression is soul destroying for all concerned and prevents life's natural flow. The Angel of Expression understands your fears reagrding this issue and ishere to help you through this difficult time. Allow her to help you find the courage to face the issues clearly. By expressing yourself honestly and clearly, this situation will heal in accordance with the highest good of all concerned. Yet do not try to pretdetermine or control the outcome. Trust- for the power that made you both, will heal you both
- Toni Carmine Salerno
Honesty and truth are not the same thing. Truth takes a great degree of self awareness, it is subjective. Honesty is clearly expressing what your percieve and feel. Honest self expression and vindictive cruelty are not the same thing. It is hard to be honest with others if we are not honest with ourselves, and vice versa. We can not control how people will receive our message. What we can do is speak from a place of love and sincerity. Once we put it out there, its out of our hands and its up to the other person to receive it in the way they wish to. We see things as we are, not as they are. We cannot control how someone will react. Sometimes people are very defensive because they have a incongruent self concept. Sometimes people only want you to feed their ego and nuture their fragile self concept. They dont want honesty or tuth, they want to you to lie and say what they want to hear. Feeding into this comes from a place of fear, not love. Because the intention is -not hurting the person's feeling, making sure the person does not think poorly of me, having no faith in the person's ability to hear truth etc, rather than sharing your truth and having an honest loving interaction.
Being honest with others and receiving honesty from others is courageous. Being honest and recieving honesty is a gift. It requires us to be vulnerable. It requires and builds integrity, trust, respect and faith. I am honest with people because i respect them and i believe in them. I want them to be honest with me, so i try to practice what i preach. Sometimes this is very hard, and unpleasant. But..it means that i feel free, and that my interactions are real. The people that like me, like me for me, not some false idealised image. I would rather have quality sincere friendship than diluted fake relationships. I will pussy foot around an issue if i dont believe in the person's ability to handle the truth. But then.. the situation is not genuine or meaningful.
I expect complete honesty from people that i am close to. I want to know who people really are and what they really feel and think. Because i genuinely care about them, i will be honest even if there is a risk they will feel hurt. There is nothing that i cannot forgive. Lying is destructive and pointless if the intention is to have a sincere and empowering relationships.
Its like.. we all have cracks, we are all aware of these cracks to varying degrees. If we ignore the cracks because we too afraid to bring them up, this may cause more pain in the end when the structure collapses. And it can be upsetting when we learn that people could see the cracks and they never bothered saying anything, because it simply wasnt important enough to them. It is a loving kindness for someone to share their truth with me. It means that i am now aware of the crack and i now have the power to do something about it. It means i can see the situation from another perspective, that i know more than what i did before, it means that i can learn, and move foward.
The truth does set us free because it allows us to see things more clearly, it increases awareness. And i would rather have brutal horrible painful cruel honesty than nice lies