Hi, I'm turning 30 and I'm having a major crisis.
I've been working a normal 9-5 corporate job for few years now and i don't feel any personal growth / no promotion / repetitive boring tasks everyday etc. up to a point where i feel depressed and have no motivation to live my life. I just don't see myself belonging here...
I did consider about going back to school as i think it's the only way out but the problem is i can't really decide which major to take on. Kind of did some research on my own...
Health Science, Healthcare ( occupational therapist?, physician assistant? )
Biology ( field is kind of broad )
Computer Science ( feels kind of boring to me )
Anyone who's able to share some experience or shed some light...
I would really appreciate anyone who's willing to give some advice.
Klawin T,
I've spent more years in academia than out of it. It wasn't till I got 'super-radical' that I started being happy. So, what 'super-radical' thing did I do? I went in a whole other direction. A direction that, back in my old days of being a snob and self-righteous prick, I used to think poorly of much of the time. I threw-out my efforts to walk in the various religious circles I used to travel. I stopped practicing law unless someone asked for help. I stopped being on various educational councils. I just stopped talking to almost all people, period. About 4 or so months later, I decided to learn a hands-on skill. Something years before, I considered 'blue-collar' and beneath me. I was taught by my family to be a self-righteous prick all my life--but it not once felt right to me. I felt terrible thinking and feeling that way. I decided right then-and- there, snobbery, self-righteousness, and all that nonsense had to go. I had to strive to humble myself. And, right after I had a crisis of conscience, I blurted-out at Synagogue certain things and was cast-out and disowned by my family (not including my wife and kids). I made the radical decision to do something WAY OUTSIDE my comfort-zone (if I ever had a comfort-zone in the first-place). I decided to attend a vocational-school. I was miserable, I HAD to do something. I wanted to be happy for once in my life. And so, vocational-school was the choice I made.
And I realized, after I took a vocational-school programme, that I actually loved it. I remember, I smiled for the first-time since the birth of my youngest. I'm not particularly-skilled in physical things, but I'm not too shabby either. And, as a side-bonus, I work for myself, on my schedule, when I want. And, after God (and my wife, she'd say), I've got no boss! Either way, degrees don't guarantee anything. If you can actually get a job at all in the field of your choice, there is no guarantee you'll be happy in it. Since that time, on a regular basis, I take vocational trainings and learn new things. My eldest kids are teenagers. Yet, for some reason, they love hanging-out with dad. My teenagers are daughters. They are always busy, yet, my second-born daughter sat next to me one day and said, "Dad, I really want to learn guitar! Wanna learn with me? Side-by-side!?" I smiled and said, "Absolutely, my Love, absolutely!" :-D
My advise, discover what inspires you to be your best self, and love yourself, and others. Discover what you live for, what makes you want to get out of bed with joy, and look forward to the day! When we only do what inspires us with our life, then we are motivated, and when we are motivated, we are disciplined. And when we are disciplined, we don't mind the set-backs so much, because we believe so much in what we do each day, that we view the rougher moments with some degree of stoic-calm, knowing, it'll be alright. We'll discipline ourselves, yes, but it won't feel like discipline, it will feel like success and a joyful life!
Wanna be happy in life? Keep it simple. Happiness really is in the little things! :-D