Chronicles of Narnia Mafia Game Thread

MM, it's not you being stretched a little thin that makes me think you could be bad... I'll come back to a couple of things later. Silly questions like 'did you know DP was civ' (seriously? How do you think I'd answer that?) don't help at all.

And yes, this game does have structure. There should have been a night two, but I think we are better off without giving the baddies a chance to kill. For one thing, if I had been right about DP, I feel I probably would have been the NK target.
Well golden did say he was going to do something big to prove his innocence and then night was skipped. Of course it could be that golden is a very powerful bad guy, such as the white witch and they were willing to take a hit to keep to suspicion away. Still, it's not the best plan. You'd have to be pretty desperate to try it.

The way artfirst attacked golden really suggests one of them is a bad guy. Either artfirst is a character who can tell who's good and bad or he's mafia and wanted to create some chaos and paranoia. Neither scenario really feels right to me though. But I'm not sure why else artfirst would be so insistent on goldens guilt.

I agree it doesn't seem likely a baddie would stop the night, and it's nice there's been no night kills yet. So Golden I concur it seems unlikely you're a baddie now. But I'm curious why you suspect me. It feels like a No U type of thing. I'm also doubting my theory I had about Art having info. He could be a misguided townie or mafia. I've got 4 people I feel good about and 8 others I need to try and get a read on.
I have been thinking about it all day and it would seem Jacobi got there before me. I kind of agree with his assessment on Golden/Art. I'm rather puzzled to be honest. Art seems very sincere, and we know that there are characters out there who have the ability to role check.

Golden is a bit of a mystery.He did predict something would happen though, and it did. I don't think night skipping seems like a power the mafia would hold.

I'm a bit curious about MetalMarsh. He seemed to jump on me the minute I posted agreeing with Golden about DP purely because I agreed. We didn't have anything better to go on, and at the time the majority agreed with the theory.
This is very true. Sorry, re reading my post I didn't make it very clear. I've been very back and forth about the two of them. I've had a long day today and im pretty tired, I should have waited till morning to weigh in.

Art could just be a really good liar. He did get pretty emotional about the whole thing.

I guess I want to see how more of their interactions with each other and the rest of the group go.
Olivia - I thought I suspected you first, but I might be wrong about that. Funny, I kind of felt like maybe your vote for me was a no u. But for now, I'm going to take a step back from explaining my suspicion and leave it for later in the day, because I'd like other people to get out into the open and discuss some of their suspicions, and I feel like yesterday me being so up front about my thinking so early left the whole day being only about whether or not you agreed or disagreed with me. I promise I will explain any suspicion I have for anyone I might vote for in plenty of time for them to defend.
I don't know people, I'm absolutely mind blown here... I really thought golden was a bad guy... but if he really is behind the night disappearing and if santa really is the only one capable..... Then he can't be a bad guy...

[MENTION=13661]golden[/MENTION] I owe you an apology. I let my personal disposition towards people with strong manipulative abilities in combination of you targeting someone that I thought to be innocent get the better of me. So golden... I'm sorry.
However, I'm still concerned about you on a personal level though, your words are so perfectly calibrated to get the exact reaction you want from people that it truly scares me to see that. I kinda want to ask you why you are so good at manipulating people...

As for my my next vote. I really don't know anymore people. I'm new to this game and just when I thought I began to understand it, this happens... I no longer know what to think now. I thought about hitching my vote onto golden because hes santa, but he lynched one of us and I don't want to be part of a lynch mob that lynches everyone until eventually they strike gold. I'm beginning to think the best way for me to avoid killing the wrong person in this game is by not voting unless im certain but after what happened with golden I don't think I can be certain of anything anymore. I am really lost atm. I still don't even get what choosing a venue was for, Somehow we all went a different place, 1 chose something else and got lynched for it, another nearly got killed but somehow lived and now we're voting to lynch someone again. We're not even voting for a venue again which once again I still don't understand the point of, but we have to vote to lynch someone AGAIN with absolutely no new information to go on and no absolute certainty anymore. Am I even allowed to pass on a vote ?
[MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION] - I came into this game committed to trying to both play it, but also help the five newbies learn the game (including its traps etc). I think maybe this is what is sending off your spidy sense, because it kind of seems like I'm sucking up to you, maybe? But I'm not - I'm just trying to make sure you are enjoying it and understanding it.

Also, I'm a commercial lawyer - some things I do for a living are putting things in a logical order, making sure I explain myself as fully as I can, and drafting things to be unambiguous. So perhaps it is just these habits you are seeing.

I don't think, however, I've got the 'exact reaction I want' at all - because what I've been wanting from the start is people to contribute their own ideas and what I've ended up with on day one is people either following or opposing mine. There is no way I would figure out who all the baddies are on my own - our best chance is to work together and get all our ideas out there.

I would like to say, however, that you should not assume what role I am from what happened to the night. I'm not trying to role claim a specific role at all. What happened after day 2 was not related to my role, although I have a hunch it was related to Father Christmas...
RIP Disgruntledporcupine, you didnt deserve it!

Artfirst you are swinging back and forth its triggering my alarm bells. You and golden are still on my radar right now. Unless something changes im probably voting for one of you.
MM, it's not you being stretched a little thin that makes me think you could be bad... I'll come back to a couple of things later. Silly questions like 'did you know DP was civ' (seriously? How do you think I'd answer that?) don't help at all.

And yes, this game does have structure. There should have been a night two, but I think we are better off without giving the baddies a chance to kill. For one thing, if I had been right about DP, I feel I probably would have been the NK target.

I'm used to playing a very proactive game. I'm used to reading posts multiple times, rereading players at least once, and making cases coming from a very strong base. But I am not in that position right now. I am not used to doing quick read-and-react posts. I'm trying to force myself to play a more passive style this game, but it's just something I am not used to at all. So I feel stuck. I'm still searching for pings from what people post as I am reading, and I feel like I have to contribute something, especially after your request for players to contribute more.

As for DP, at first it struck me as odd that he was the only voter for the lamppost, but after Night 1, I came to the conclusion that it was just coincidence. I mean, it's not uncommon for such a thing to happen.
Am I even allowed to pass on a vote ?

voting is not optional, it is after all the point of the game. And while we understand that real life is sometimes an issue, there will be consequences for those who repeatedly fail to vote.

Don't think I hadn't noticed you there miss splints :suspicious:
Art could just be a really good liar. He did get pretty emotional about the whole thing.

Yeah, that's why I started to believe him. Outside this game, artfirst seems like a very honest, principled person. I don't really see him taking on such an aggressive mafia role.

Of course, my impressions of him are only based on a few conversations so there's probably a lot about him I don't know. And he did almost immediately jump on splints for not voting. I almost missed the vote myself so I don't see anything suspicious about it.
In the game of mafia, you can't always be an honest, principled person. I like to be as much as I possibly can - but especially if you are mafia, there are lots of times you have to lie, and as a civilian they also sometimes happen. It'd good to separate who people are out of the game from in it - some of the loveliest, most honest and principled players I know are also some of the best liars and schemers when the game begins. And also, some of the most honest and principled people I know can be some of the hardest to lynch when they are bad... because no-one wants to lynch them. So then they beat you. Mafia is tough like that - I really love playing with DP but I'll try to take him out straight up if I think he is bad. And I love Olivia (she hosted my first ever game I believe) and haven't played with her in probably 4 years or longer, but we are still willing to openly suspect each other and she was ok voting for me. Ultimately, in this game, you gotta do what you gotta do - no hard feelings.

So, it doesn't bother me that ArtFirst has gone after me - even if he was lying about the whole thing. That would be ok. If he is lying, that makes him bad, and baddies have to do what the have to do.
[MENTION=1926]TinyBubbles[/MENTION] you're wrong. I write what I think and feel. I believed golden was a bad guy yet I got slapped in the face by irrefutable evidence when he pulled the god card and stopped the night. wth am I supposed to do? everyone said hes gotta be santa because thats the only dude who might be able to do that. Santa is one of the good guys. So I have to be mistaken about him don't I ? anyway, perhaps you should post some more yourself. the only reason I'm in the crosshairs is because in addition to being one of the few who does, I speak my mind regardless of whether people might find it suspect. I could have easily hid behind short posts stating I find someone suspect too, then you probably would never have thought about me.
[MENTION=5297]Katniss Neverbeef[/MENTION] I am emotional... though not in the negative ways :X also I only lied once in this whole thread and that was "I Don't Care" shortened to "idc". I always care more than I care to admit.

[MENTION=13661]golden[/MENTION] please don't confuse me anymore on the night skip thing if I finally got it right now. Either do did it or you didn't if you didn't... O.O
.... for real? you're a lawyer? o.O I guess that makes sense.. though i probably got the wrong kinda lawyer in mind :p

[MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] thanks :o I'm feeling kinda touched right now >.< tough I'm still wary you will lynch me for speaking my mind. Though that's also not restricted to this game :p I know it sounds stupid but I always expect to be the target of flame war, forum ban or in this case lynch with every post I make >.<

so what now guys? can perhaps the silent people speak their minds ?
because as it is now, since I am not allowed to skip the vote I am inclined to vote for the people who posted the least... '

and no offence but if I had stayed silent like you guys then I would never have been the next guy up for execution. As it is i'll probably be the next one to die regardless and it doesn't sit well with me that it would be because I did express myself... I can already see the RIP posts from everyone. >.<
... sorry for the spelling and grammar and bad post formatting >.> I really didn't see any mistakes before I posted it >.<
ArtFirst - being the one to speak always makes you a candidate for execution.

For what it's worth, I really believe your posts have been genuine and I can guarantee I won't be voting for you today. You are one of the few I feel pretty comfortable that I'm getting civilian vibes from.
voting is not optional, it is after all the point of the game. And while we understand that real life is sometimes an issue, there will be consequences for those who repeatedly fail to vote.

Don't think I hadn't noticed you there miss splints :suspicious:

Damn. So close to getting away with it
I won't miss any more I promise <3
"Stay silent like you guys" - [MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION]
Who specifically is staying quiet to avoid attention? I don't like vague accusations like this. It's what baddies do