Chronicles of Narnia Mafia Game Thread

OliviaPope is currently unable to log into the INFJ forum due to a technical error. rawr has been PMed. She'll return to posting once she regains access to the forum.
[MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION] :hug: its ok to get emotional, we all do it. It's pretty easy to do in this game. We're all having to play really weird hours because of the time zones, and being tired doesn't help. Sorry, I feel like I've upset you now!

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, I mean seriously....correct me if I'm wrong. I don't haev time to reread as im just in from work and running out to collect my daughter, but I thought golden admitted that he didn't have anything to do with what happened last night? I could be misreading/misunderstanding.
Huh? I'm confused. So you're saying you had something to do with it but had nothing to do with your role? I feel kinda stupid. :D
"Stay silent like you guys" - [MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION]
Who specifically is staying quiet to avoid attention? I don't like vague accusations like this. It's what baddies do

No matter what I say you all seem to think its something a bad guy would do.
If by some miracle I survive the upcoming vote then people will decide to lynch me afterwards anyway, and I know I'm innocent.

Yet I face this amazing dilemma.... people suspect me regardless of what I say or do and I don't have the kind of ability that I can say: "hey yall watch this!" and clear my name. :/

Fingersplints, if you're worried that I am going to vote on you this round because you feel like I accuse you indirectly of being a mobster and playing the silent game. You were wrong.

You did not stop to think that I figured voting on one of them was the only out I saw to not voting at all? My vote is like floating anyway because I'm the next man to die.
And that if by some miracle someone decided to join in on my vote and someone else got killed because of it, it would at least be someone who had it coming because they don't, barely, or insubstantially post at all.
After that I will still get lynched because people will see me as the one responsible. No matter what I say, I will be one of the next 3 people to die, and most likely I will die because of the upcoming vote.

You see, if I get lynched now, I'm dead and you all start posting your rips and apologies, and if i survive, the mafia would kill me by targeting golden in order to save the night after which you all lynch me.
Or I get killed by the mafia in order to throw you all of your game after which someone will say something like: "dude I think he was mafia and they killed one of their own to cover it up" and people will continue to believe me to be mafia even after I am dead. Possibly this would be said by a mobster too. The even better part of this is that someone will definitely post some reply to this post and be like: "Dude that post is so suspicious".

There could also be someone who decides to say something akin to: "Let's just lynch him and find out". After which, I will be lynched, everyone will write their insincere apologies, then they'll be quiet because they can no longer say how suspicious they find me since you gotta admit, I make one hell of an easy target, and they don't want to raise suspicion and it will basically become a game where everyone posts a vote, most of the time one in support of golden and jacobi, because they will feel voting anything else will get them lynched the next vote. then night comes, and the mafia kill someone again after which the silent voting will continue on and on and on.

But hey that's just the tip of the iceberg of what I am thinking. I wondered why I should even bother to post considering I am dead either way, but I found my answer.
The answer is that I keep posting anyway because if there is even the slightest chance for me to live, I will take it, giving up and dying in the gutter without putting up a fight is just too lame.
I am not worried you were going to vote for me. I asked you because I would like to know who you are attempting to call out, which you haven't answered yet. I am not accusing you. I am trying to understand you.

I can't see the night ending ability being more then a one time use, so I am not really worried about it. A repeating ability like that would put the baddies at an unfair advantage.
Artfirst I went back and read the character list, all it says is that santa has a secret, it doesnt mean the secret is a secret power does it? And maybe the hostesses decided to make it day again for some completely other reason, golden could be another role

I am also new to this game and trying to figure out the rules, to be honest my gut is saying youre civvie but the flip flopping youre doing with golden just makes me wary. You seemed really convinced he was a baddie before with not much info. I am not targeting you cause you're expressing yourself, only because you are changing your position really quickly, got nothing against you otherwise! Regardless of what side you're on i'm really glad you are posting alot, same with golden, it wouldn't be much of a game otherwise. I will do my best to post more too, just trying to get a feel of how it all works first.

Anyway I am wondering about the people who voted DP who arent posting much, spacedaisy im looking at you. Hopefully DP is the last innocent to go!
But hey that's just the tip of the iceberg of what I am thinking. I wondered why I should even bother to post considering I am dead either way, but I found my answer.
The answer is that I keep posting anyway because if there is even the slightest chance for me to live, I will take it, giving up and dying in the gutter without putting up a fight is just too lame.

Hole in one, Art. Never give in, never surrender.
But why would Golden be so quick to point out that Artfirst has an info-related role, and that he mistargeted if he went after Golden? I've never understood this tactic. A civvie has no good reason to call out another civvie as a specific role (whether right or wrong). Golden went straight into defensive mode, rather than even bother asking the question, "Is this case contrived?"

This is what stood out to me about MetalMarsh. If you are going to suggest that something isn't something a civvie has a good reason to do, and use that as the basis of your suspicion and vote, then you should think through what the good reason is for the baddie to do the same thing.

Some things about this statement that really bothered me.

1) "Why would golden be so quick to point out that Art has an info-related role" - Its almost as though he jumped straight to the conclusion that Art IS an info-related role, like I'm giving out accurate information. Plus, it wasn't quite true... I said that Art may have incorrect info, because he seemed so sure but was also so wrong, and also seemed genuine to me. I pointed out ways he might be able to get info, including info-related roles but also other things (like, for instance, the baddies having an ability to send a message implicating someone else). There are lots of explanations for why someone might have bad info. He basically jumped straight down the throat of 'Golden has outed ArtFirst as being Lucy, now the baddies know who our info role is'... but...

2) "A civvie has no good reason to call out another civvie as a specific role (whether right or wrong)." So what is the good baddie reason, then? I want to reveal to the town that ArtFirst is Lucy? Why? Why not just kill him, and hope that no-one thinks he had info... the thing is, as a baddie, why on earth would I imply that Art is an info role when he just called me out? That would make no sense whatsoever! In my experience, though, there are lots of reasons why you want to be honest when you think someone is civvie, and come up with potential civvie explanations for things they are doing. In that case, it was because I wanted Art to understand, if he did have info on me, the various ways it might have gone wrong so that he could consider that before trying to take me down. I don't want to be lynched by incorrect info.

3) "Golden went straight into defensive mode, rather than even bother asking the question, "Is this case contrived?" If there is anything I don't think I did do, it's go into defensive mode. Actually, I thought rationally about why Art might be going after me and then wrote that. And he did come after me hard. But a complete staple of being actually bad is that you do turn around and put it on the other person. If my immediate response was "Art's case is contrived, he must be bad" - don't you think THAT would look defensive?

This whole post, from Metal, did not seem honest to me. It didn't seem like he had thought it out. It just read to me as though he was trying to throw a bit of shade my way, and hope it stuck.

Then the vote post made him sound like he was just voting for me because he disagreed about DP being bad. So anyway, that's why I've been feeling like MM could be bad.
Mafia Timer
(Thanks to ArtFirst)

Lynch post will be up one hour earlier today due to RL.
Please remember to bold your votes.
Finally! I think this site must not like me. maybe it's my personality type. My phones not behaving much better:( I don't see the post Golden was going to make on me. However, I'm as confounded as Katniss by what Golden says about his role. He seemed to be implying he stopped the night which I think lead most of us to conclude he was Santa, but then says he's not Santa but it did have something to do with his role. I'm not seeing any other role that would have done that. Maybe he's trying to distance from his own role but I don't know. (Oh, and love you too, btw :). I don't think I've seen anything from metal marsh that made me particularly suspicious but I'll re read him when I'm on my home computer. I also want to re-read Art because I'm confused about some of his posts.
This is what stood out to me about MetalMarsh. If you are going to suggest that something isn't something a civvie has a good reason to do, and use that as the basis of your suspicion and vote, then you should think through what the good reason is for the baddie to do the same thing.

Some things about this statement that really bothered me.

1) "Why would golden be so quick to point out that Art has an info-related role" - Its almost as though he jumped straight to the conclusion that Art IS an info-related role, like I'm giving out accurate information. Plus, it wasn't quite true... I said that Art may have incorrect info, because he seemed so sure but was also so wrong, and also seemed genuine to me. I pointed out ways he might be able to get info, including info-related roles but also other things (like, for instance, the baddies having an ability to send a message implicating someone else). There are lots of explanations for why someone might have bad info. He basically jumped straight down the throat of 'Golden has outed ArtFirst as being Lucy, now the baddies know who our info role is'... but...

2) "A civvie has no good reason to call out another civvie as a specific role (whether right or wrong)." So what is the good baddie reason, then? I want to reveal to the town that ArtFirst is Lucy? Why? Why not just kill him, and hope that no-one thinks he had info... the thing is, as a baddie, why on earth would I imply that Art is an info role when he just called me out? That would make no sense whatsoever! In my experience, though, there are lots of reasons why you want to be honest when you think someone is civvie, and come up with potential civvie explanations for things they are doing. In that case, it was because I wanted Art to understand, if he did have info on me, the various ways it might have gone wrong so that he could consider that before trying to take me down. I don't want to be lynched by incorrect info.

3) "Golden went straight into defensive mode, rather than even bother asking the question, "Is this case contrived?" If there is anything I don't think I did do, it's go into defensive mode. Actually, I thought rationally about why Art might be going after me and then wrote that. And he did come after me hard. But a complete staple of being actually bad is that you do turn around and put it on the other person. If my immediate response was "Art's case is contrived, he must be bad" - don't you think THAT would look defensive?

This whole post, from Metal, did not seem honest to me. It didn't seem like he had thought it out. It just read to me as though he was trying to throw a bit of shade my way, and hope it stuck.

Then the vote post made him sound like he was just voting for me because he disagreed about DP being bad. So anyway, that's why I've been feeling like MM could be bad.

I am going to take a backseat these next few days due to my own time constraints. If you want to lynch me, fine, I will not be upset, because I know I'm not contributing as much as I should. I already tried to explain myself, and you've bypassed that statement to dissect one of my early ones.

And no, I don't actually think that Artfirst is an info-grabbing role.

No, I'm not trying to manipulate others into follow me. I suggest everyone follows their own gut and heart on this vote, genuinely.


I am going to take a backseat these next few days due to my own time constraints. If you want to lynch me, fine, I will not be upset, because I know I'm not contributing as much as I should. I already tried to explain myself, and you've bypassed that statement to dissect one of my early ones.

And no, I don't actually think that Artfirst is an info-grabbing role.

You did explain why you weren't contributing. I've already said I didn't suspect you because you weren't contributing. I suspect you for the post I dissected... but you did just step very neatly around having to address it. And it's very convenient to vote for me if you are bad, since it doesn't assist in providing any connections.
Hmm ok. I am a bit suspicious of metalmarsh as I said in my last post, but Golden hasn't really elaborated on what he meant by what he said either.

That is incorrect. I did say it had nothing to do with my role.
[MENTION=13661]golden[/MENTION] would you care to comment? You claimed something was going to happen that would prove to us you were innocent, but then post the above. Maybe I am just a bit thick and misunderstanding, but I would appreciate it if you could clear it up for me :)

also [MENTION=10371]heiots[/MENTION] [MENTION=13627]JB79[/MENTION] how many hours till our votes must be cast? Struggling to decide who to vote for, but I'll be out all day and dont want to miss the vote.
voting Spacedaisy

because the whole Santa/not Santa speculation surrounding golden has left me confused about him
and I don't believe Artfirst is a baddie anymore
what golden said about metalmarsh isn't convincing enough
overall I just have a feeling about Spacedaisy
ugh this is so hard to do when no one jumps out at you as clearly good or bad! is the game always this ambiguous?
[MENTION=10371]heiots[/MENTION] oops, must have missed that. Thank you!
[MENTION=1926]TinyBubbles[/MENTION]. I know right, I'm totally stumped. Golden isn't in the clear for me, personally, but there is enough confusion around his role that I feel like leaving him be for the time being. He is probably the top poster and if we got rid of him now, the game would be half dead. Hopefully, this is not a mistake.

I don't have a whole lot to go on with metalmarsh, but he is pricking my radar. The fact that spacedaisy hasn't posted a lot makes her suspicious...but again, it's not a whole lot to go on. So how are you meant to decide?
I don't have a whole lot to go on with metalmarsh, but he is pricking my radar. The fact that spacedaisy hasn't posted a lot makes her suspicious...but again, it's not a whole lot to go on. So how are you meant to decide?
Been thinking the same thing the whole day, just have been trying to figure out how to say it and how to find time to post. I feel like going with my gut this time and vote [MENTION=13639]Spacedaisy[/MENTION]