Clinton vs Trump, Trump vs Clinton

I wonder if you could feel it if reason were biting you on the butt and logic was kissing you.
I wonder if you could feel it if reason were biting you on the butt and logic was kissing you.
You hate my words because you see the truth in them.
Deny as you like.
Stu I'm sorry but you are intelligent. Im fairly sure even you dont believe the tripe you post sometimes. But if you want to continue to imply that you do, I honestly have little offense for it.
My world is reason and logic. I cannot fight anything other.

Says the person who has yet to back up any statements with evidence.

As I said. Clinton wants to regulate and ultimately ban guns. Even if not tye suggestion whether true or false plays into the largest support group for Trump. So....take her guns away first and see how she likes it is a good argument. Now shell have to defend her stance on guns.

Please post evidence that she wants to ultimately ban guns. I own a gun. My grandfather owns several guns. I'd like to see this.

Still waiting for evidence to backup the stupid nonsense you spout off about....
All Hail Atlantis
The reality is Clinton is going to maintain the status quo. She won't as progressive as Obama but she will maintain the direction that America should be going in. The economic recovery will limp along. Things are improving despite an obstructionist congress who mantra is to say no to everything and attempt to destroy the system from within. Trump is born out of the frustration of many of those who have been left behind really since the 1990s when globalization really took hold. Economically many of those industries and the places within the US that they dominant in, have never recovered. There is no recovery. Many of these place need to reinvent themselves or continue to wither. The other issue is that the culture of the US is changing and will change. The lost cultural world many Trump supporters pine for will never come back, largely because it never really existed in the first place. Immigration is changing the face of America, as it has done so many times in the past, and their is not much the nativists can do to stop it. History has proven this is the losing side. If by some fluke Trump does get in, he won't be able to change the overall direction of the economy. He can't mobilize people with the sunny stupid optimism of Reagan, so conservatives can forget that narrative. The wall won't get built, the Mexicans will just refuse to pay for it. Trade agreements won't be torn up because Trumps advisors will convince him not to risk it. As president Trump will continue to embarrass America with his antics. The country will further divided because he will be unable to govern as President for all the people, and minorities will be further alienated. He may attempt to do some things on immigration and discriminating against Muslims which will have disastrous consequences and further tarnish America's reputation. It will be a disaster as it will be the Trump Show 24/7 while serious issues will not be addressed, and heaven help us all if there is a bona fide crisis. At least Hillary is prepared to do the job and is reliable, and that's why my American friends you need to vote for her.
He can't mobilize people with the sunny stupid optimism of Reagan, so conservatives can forget that narrative.
The wall won't get built, the Mexicans will just refuse to pay for it.
Trade agreements won't be torn up because Trumps advisors will convince him not to risk it.

As president Trump will continue to embarrass America with his antics.
The country will further divided because he will be unable to govern as President for all the people, and minorities will be further alienated....
. It will be a disaster as it will be the Trump Show 24/7 while serious issues will not be addressed, and heaven help us all if there is a bona fide crisis.
At least Hillary is prepared to do the job and is reliable...
I am Lewis Black.

Wake the fuck up, Republicans. This shit is insane.
This just in....
Unfortunately I don't see either of these presidential candidates bringing positive outcomes for the U.S.A.
Discrimination and deception have been proved over and over again to not work.
Excessive security and civil unrest are indications that all is not well in the U.S. psyche regarding these 2 candidates.
I remember when Obama was elected in, hope reverberated around the world, people danced in the streets. Finally, inroads seemed to be being made towards ending racial discrimination. Sadly it appears to have been muffled soon following the last election, but the spirit was high initially.
The tension and distrust of this election is palpable, even from afar.
Things I've learned from this debate:

Trump's balance sheet is better than anything and anyone
Trump doesn't talk to his running mate
Locker Room is a state of mind

Trump's children won the debate