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I watched the debate, just to see if Trump would try to grab Clinton by the '.....'.
Do you have answerI think you can argue that Clinton has broken the law with her email crap....but what has Trump done to deserve incarceration?
I am actually laughing right now. I dont even know why.They say Trump didn't commit sexual assault. Well, they are completely wrong: he anally raped Clinton into the ground.
Are you sure you watching the Presidential Debates and not re-runs of the Big Bang Theory? Because most people have given the opinion that Hillary has won both debates. Of course he can't follow through with the promise. @Eventhorizon, if he is elected President. Please tell me that you mistyped this comment in your exuberance at the thought of her behind bars and you do understand the rule of law. She has to convicted in a court of law to be put in jail. You know this basic foundational fact of you own legal system, right? Even if Trump is elected President, the President cannot just throw people in jail because he thinks a person is guilty of some crime. The United States is not a dictatorship, let me explain the concept. There are 3 separate and independent branches of government. Executive. Legislative, and Judaical which function through a series of checks and balances to ensure that a dictator cannot seize power and use it to further his own ends.
Let me know if you need any further assistance in understanding how your government functions. As your friendly neighbour I am always glad to help
Are you sure you watching the Presidential Debates and not re-runs of the Big Bang Theory? Because most people have given the opinion that Hillary has won both debates. Of course he can't follow through with the promise. @Eventhorizon, if he is elected President. Please tell me that you mistyped this comment in your exuberance at the thought of her behind bars and you do understand the rule of law. She has to convicted in a court of law to be put in jail. You know this basic foundational fact of you own legal system, right? Even if Trump is elected President, the President cannot just throw people in jail because he thinks a person is guilty of some crime. The United States is not a dictatorship, let me explain the concept. There are 3 separate and independent branches of government. Executive. Legislative, and Judaical which function through a series of checks and balances to ensure that a dictator cannot seize power and use it to further his own ends.
Let me know if you need any further assistance in understanding how your government functions. As your friendly neighbour I am always glad to help
So good!!!
Tell that to the folks who set up Guantanamo! The people who have been torturing and waterboarding people without due process before Trump even got the inkling to become a candidate. Tell that to the people who allowed private for profit prisons to exist and incarcerate illegal immigrants.
I.E. The current administration Clinton stands for.
"And Hillary ma'ma?"
Trump, please stop. This is too much ..... to handle.
This Just In.....
View attachment 29532
Turns out this particular moment is the most agreed upon, egregious moment in presidential election politics in modern US history. Those of you who took delight be mindful that you are among the new vulgarity of America, not exactly a conservative value.
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/11/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-special-prosecutor.htmlAs president of the United States, Donald J. Trumpwould wield the power to carry out his vow to have a special prosecutor reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails — if not to guarantee his threat to her that “you’d be in jail” if he ran the country.
But the move would take American democracy to a dangerous new place, legal specialists across the ideological spectrum said.
“It’s a chilling thought,” said Michael Chertoff, a former federal appeals court judge who also served as the secretary of Homeland Security and head of the Justice Department’s criminal division in the George W. Bush administration. Mr. Chertoff, who has announced that he will vote for Mrs. Clinton, added, “It smacks of what we read about tin-pot dictators in other parts of the world, where when they win an election their first move is to imprison opponents.”
http://fortune.com/2016/10/09/heres-who-won-the-second-presidential-debate/and later told his opponent that if he’s elected, “you’d be in jail.”
The moment is likely to reverberate. It amounted, after all, to a major party presidential candidate promising to use the criminal justice system to satisfy a personal vendetta against his challenger — a threat more likely from a tinpot dictator than an aspirant for the highest office in the world’s most powerful democracy.
http://www.thedrum.com/news/2016/10...hillary-could-soon-be-her-way-the-white-houseAdding insult to injury, he then went into an incredulous rant about Hillary's deleted emails.
"It was an entirely legitimate attack," said Gergen, until he vowed that if elected, he would "instruct" his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to pursue her and that if he were president today, she would be in jail.
Gergen's view: This is what tin-pot dictators do, jailing their political opponents.
“If he had done a half hour studying up (something that seems beyond him), he would know that under the law, a president can request -- but not order -- the Justice Department to appoint a special prosecutor and Justice must then make a decision independent from White House control.”