Less than 23 days to V-day...are we any closer to a decision? The war dance is going to heat higher as the dance to the finish line gets closer...I do not like the repetitive statements from Donald that if he is not elected there will be riots in the streets...it seems it is in his master plan to bully us into voting for Him.

That may work on insecure pagent princesses and girls with no balls...but my choice is sound. Hilliary will get my vote for this four year term to keep the pig out of the white house, help Hillary reach her goal of sitting in the big chair all the while hoping congress keeps the country focused while Hilliary creates memmories to share at her political retirement tea...kills two with the same stone.
My thought is that in the next four years of "entertainment" a reality bound candidate will grow stones strong enough to lead us into the future on a mature path.