I told myself I wouldn't enter the rabbit hole by posting here, but I've seen some pretty vile displays of ignorance and a celebration of righteous indignation that I just have to make my mark before resigning from such a farce.
I have probably read at least twenty, thirty, perhaps up to fifty emails (from the Podesta leaks and the ones before that) that, if were appropriately covered during your average news cycle by the corporate media outlets, would END Hillary's campaign indefinitely.
In the following leak, Hillary is revealed to have deleted the emails herself, despite saying under oath that she did not do such a thing. This could amount to a threat of perjury under law:
Here, the Clinton Campaign's chairman John Podesta expresses his desire for the terror attack perpetrator to have a name that wasn't Arab; this implies a cold attitude towards narrative-control:
The Clinton Campaign's desire to keep the US voting public effectively sterilized in the brain. Quote: "we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry." -
Hillary's support for TPP, despite her repeatedly saying she doesn't at the debates:
Quote: "she has begun to hate everyday Americans":
Clinton speech to Goldman Sachs defending the fake plight of bankers and their need for more money:
And here, one (out of many) correspondence with the New York Times:
And now for the final nail in her corrupt coffin. Her campaign has been directly communicating Trump smear strategies with all of the major outlets. Here are some more emails:
Huffington Post quote: "I am committed to make sure she is elected as the next President of United States." -
Associated Press:
Here is a list of all the reporters that attended a party in New York City to give reporters broadcast lines just before Hillary announced her candidacy:
Based on these revelations and many many more I have read, I can conclude that Hillary Clinton and her campaign have been able to formulate an entirely one-sided narrative using almost every single corporate media outlet and newspaper over the last year and a half. This level of collusion is not just corrupt, it is borderline-Soviet style censorship. This sort of suppression of words and people, this preferential treatment, it is tantamount to a propaganda machine; at its core is Hillary. The goal of these organizations is to get her elected, not to report the news, not to investigate claims, not to get to the truth. The American people now have undeniable proof of a scandal that should completely dwarf Watergate, and here I still see people completely taken in by the bait. It's rather depressing that many members of this forum (you know who you are) are willing to elect somebody that would perpetuate the greatest level of corruption and censorship that this country has ever seen. And what is the reason for this collective madness? "Trump said mean things about women". After reading these Wikileaks and learning all you need to know about the Clinton machine, you honestly have to wonder how long it would take to repair this damage. The so-called "Trump tape" scandal is not a scandal. Those tapes were released exactly one hour after the first Podesta leak; not a coincidence. The Washington Post (also colluded with the Clinton Campaign) put that out in order to deflect the REAL scandal that they have been trying to cover up ever since the first leak of evidence to prove it, and the media is now provably gotten their hands shoved into the filth of corruption just to make sure all of you sheep-bait lickers keep your brains locked onto the "real news" (Trump is a sexist racist madman). It is all provably a massive, giant farce that has been perpetuated and many of you forum-goers have took it straight down your throats hook, line and sinker.
And the corruption and censorship is merely one part of this scandal. We now know Hillary has lied over many issues, whereas Trump doesn't "flip flop", he at the very least admits his mistakes and corrects them. The reason the Trump tapes came out is because they have literally nothing else to throw at him. He says mean (and sometimes brutally honest) things about certain individuals years ago, but Hillary has lied, cheated, bullied, and propagandized an entire election; with the hopes of eventually winning it by a rigged proxy. If Hillary wins, she will continue to drive the Republic into the rabbit hole of sterile public opinion, an effectively state-owned media (If the Clintons own the media and they are in the most powerful office of state, the state owns the media), and the inevitable black hole of dystopia will suck the country down into darkness. I would vote for Trump for many reasons, but right now I only need one reason: to clean the house, to start fresh, and stem the act as a temporary pressure valve on any imminent abuse of power which has already taken place with the Clintons.
What will happen on November 8th is quite simple: Brexit 2.0 - Trump will win because the American people will finally wake up from the Clinton matrix and fully realise the error of their gullibility. They will elect him because they know he will remove the stench and filth from the Washington sewer, and turn it into a flawed, but HONEST office. I cannot wait for him to win and for all of butt-hurt to commence with the people that still don't realise they have just had the Republic saved on their behalf.