Clinton vs Trump, Trump vs Clinton

In my view, Barack Obama is using his family name and family heritage for furthering his own image and career. In 2015, he visited his family in Kenya. In 2014, he visited Ireland to connect to his Irish ancestry. I believe that this guy has got some narcissistic/psychopathic qualities.

Who doesn't have arguments with relatives from time to time? Which President hasn't visited the place his ancestors/family originated from? Both Reagan and Kennedy visited Ireland for the same purpose. Wouldn't you do the same if you were President? How does this demonstrate narcissistic/psychopathic qualities?

Sorry but this post makes no sense to me.
Who doesn't have arguments with relatives from time to time? Which President hasn't visited the place his ancestors/family originated from? Both Reagan and Kennedy visited Ireland for the same purpose. Wouldn't you do the same if you were President? How does this demonstrate narcissistic/psychopathic qualities?

Sorry but this post makes no sense to me.

The higher up the social ladder you go, the higher the concentration of psychopathy and narcissism you will find. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are no exceptions.

Unfortunately, I have no psychological evaluation of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton with which to back this up. I am judging this from their actions and their body language.

I hope to write a longer post about this later on. It will take some time to fetch all the newspaper articles and other data about this topic.

Here in 1996 is Madeleine Albright interviewed by Leslie Stahl in the TV show 60 minutes. How can any human being justify the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent children???

To me calling someone a psychopath is extremely loaded term. Its not precise either, as is completely unsanctioned as term by any psychiatric or psychological association. If you accept it in its most broad definition it should include poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight. Obama or Clinton never struck me as having poor impulse control or lacking in planning.

Are you arguing that all Presidents and high level politicians in recent memory have narcissistic/psychopathic qualities or just Secretary Clinton and President Obama? Is Henry Kissinger a psychopath or how about George Bush?
“He’s not an honest man,” said the elder Obama. “It’s a big humiliation.”

Obama's sister: 'My brother has carried our name up there'

The people of Moneygall – population 320 – celebrated July 4th in true American style yesterday with the opening of the President Barack Obama Visitor Centre.

There is a family feud in the extended Obama family. Some relatives like the current POTUS, others detest him.

In my view, Barack Obama is using his family name and family heritage for furthering his own image and career. In 2015, he visited his family in Kenya. In 2014, he visited Ireland to connect to his Irish ancestry. I believe that this guy has got some narcissistic/psychopathic qualities.

As a politician, Hillary Clinton is intimately connected to Barack Obama. When I see Donald Trump wanting to use the Obama connection, it spells a clash of big proportions. There is going to be mud slinging involved in the next debate.
Im the first person to bad mouth Obama. But whats done is whats done. If you find a legal way to hold him accountable for what hes done to America I am on board. But who cares what his family says about him? People are people ...I dont need to watch someones soap opera. Cant tell what Trump is thinking. People will vote for him rather than Hillary for buddying up with his half brother? Stick going after Hillarys juggler. He makes himself look like a clown more everyday he does wacked stuff like this.
Its not saying much...corrupt criminal socalist windbag pitted against a wind bag. Still, Trump clearly won 3 of 4 debates.

I really really really dont want to hewr about Clinton anymore. Throw the corrupt thing into jail and forget about her. Lesser minds are so easily led and manipulated into following ..what exactly? Why do people follow her? Shes a rich white woman who achieved all of her money through corruption and lies...has claimed she was broke and that she has the best interest of people in mind but that she could care less about.
Trumps right about the election results. If it looks like shes wins it needs to be investigated in depth
There were three presidential debates. I watched them all. I am a glutton for punishment.
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There were three presidential debates. I watched them all. I am a glutton for punishment.
It feels really good to be right about something doesnt it? It must feel even better when the happenstance is so rare.
Can you believe that in under three weeks Donald's political career will be permanently over? So sad.
Very difficult. Thats why I still plan to vote.
Can you believe that in just under a year Hillarys supply of fresh 9 year old blood is going to run out and with it, her time on this earth as well.
Can you believe in three weeks?
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Honestly this crap is wack. Hillary should absolutely be in jail. We have a criminal running for President and to top it off....some people are actually going to vote for her.
They are giving everything away and building a Muslim empire in the world with her help.
The world has voted the Temple Mount, with foundations and a wall still in place, never existed. Lies. Don't let your minds wander.