I don't think I should defend the inquisition or you want me to ?! I am not Christian and I don't follow any of the known religions even, but I believe in the truth in all the holy books. The truth is always one and the same whether to be thankful towards your Creator or rebel and distort His creation.
Homosexuals can look very fine and happy from the outside, but deep inside they have a raging hell, they will not look any less humans to their friends and families but they look so to themselves. It is a loosing case from the start, nobody can defy God and get away with it, no matter how or what is his/her excuse, being it extremist Christians, inquisitions, bullying, etc except in very rare cases where the individual is really struggling with it and wanting to quit, may God's mercy encompass that poor soul.
Homosexuality is unnatural whichever way you look at it, most humans on this earth today would agree on this, which proves that it is bad for you. It is never late to quit and straighten your ways, you were not born that way, you have a choice to break this viscous cycle of depression, lust, sodomy, depression...etc. Confront yourself, ask her if she is happy or not, don't distract yourself every time you confront it, insist on finding an answer.
I agree that the extremist religionists give a bad example by their vengeful attitude, that's why maybe we get an over reaction everytime we debate a homosexual, but then on a second thought they have no self confidence in their lifestyles to begin with, extremism is not actually the sole source of this knee jerk reaction.
I never said anybody should go about killing gays, actually the sin of homosexuality is of such proportions that no human can give it a punishment, it is the end of the road my friend.
God himself interfered and destroyed the whole gay town of Lot (something like what happened to Pompei), so in essence death will come from God, first spiritually then physically, I would advise any gay person out there to think twice before continuing his journey along this dark path, repent not to a church but to God directly.
The same is repeated in Quran, because as I told you God is the source of all holy books.