Closing a Thread: Warning! Graphic picture

"Go and sin no more" was told to a woman after Jesus stopped the ones stoning her to death. She became a follower of Christ. "He of you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone." Jesus asked people to look inside themselves. They killed Him.

Asking someone that believes so strongly the holy scriptures to cast it out is like asking Obama to think about what motions he is setting into play.

The Bible is not a rebel flag, so get used to it. God sends people every now and then to ask you to look inside. Why can you not just look and let it go? Don't know how to listen quietly and turn away wrath? Have to have that last word? This is no debate.
Give the messenger a break for once.

[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION]

Who threw the first stone? You started this thread, right? I'm still highly interested in your reasoning for that picture....

Nothing wrong with apologizing for making a mistake.
@just me

Who threw the first stone? You started this thread, right? I'm still highly interested in your reasoning for that picture....

Nothing wrong with apologizing for making a mistake.

No apologies. I may have started it, but couldn't write in it again til three pages later. I feel the picture was self-explanatory. I was not tossing a stone, either; nor was I trying to start a fight. Do you expect each artist's explanation of their works? Some are meant to provoke thought.
No apologies. I may have started it, but couldn't write in it again til three pages later. I feel the picture was self-explanatory. I was not tossing a stone, either; nor was I trying to start a fight. Do you expect each artist's explanation of their works? Some are meant to provoke thought.

Think God has a purpose for every baby that is born? Explain this one to me, please.

What are you even going on about? If you're the Christian, why don't you tell us what you think that picture represents? Are you just lumping everyone's arguments together or are you referring to one or more specific individuals who you feel are being either incoherent or deceitful? Are you trying to say people are incapable or shouldn't refer to other's beliefs if they don't hold them themselves? What sort of nonsense are you talking about?

You say it was self-explanatory, so that makes the questions in the second quote rhetorical. That you now want to portray it as some art project open to interpretation is laughable especially given the preceding context, but whatever. I get it. You got upset and lost your temper. That's fine and I get that, but there really is nothing wrong with following your own beliefs and holding yourself to your own standards. Hulk is characterized by anger. Please don't lie to me and please don't lie to yourself.

Closing a thread is fine, but abusing everyone that disagrees by having the last word SOUNDS to me unfair. Maybe it isn't unfair, but I see it as abuse of one's rights.

I'll crawl my Hulk self back into my Yoda dwelling now.

If some Christians spent more time actually looking inward as they should rather than spent so much of their time focusing on others' lives and behaviors then the world really would be a much better place.
What do they do in bible study?

Interpretation. I did say "some" Christians. Some apply their interpretations towards themselves and some apply their interpretations towards others.

Let's be clear. I'm not against Christianity or religious beliefs of any kind, but I am against forceful, aggressive proselytizing no matter who it originates from.

Edit: As evidenced by my tendency to use that person's words and beliefs against them rather than my own.
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You say it was self-explanatory, so that makes the questions in the second quote rhetorical. That you now want to portray it as some art project open to interpretation is laughable especially given the preceding context, but whatever. I get it. You got upset and lost your temper. That's fine and I get that, but there really is nothing wrong with following your own beliefs and holding yourself to your own standards. Hulk is characterized by anger. Please don't lie to me and please don't lie to yourself.

I said, "Some are meant to provoke thought." Something wrong with saying this? Do you not understand the word "some" ? I hardly ever "lose" my temper. Didn't lose it when the thread was started. It is not proper to close a thread the way that one was closed. Before you get started, I did not say it was improper to close a thread.

I did comment later on the understanding of two posts relevant to the discussion. Did you read that? Your rather late postings remind me of an emoticon: :deadhorse:

You know nothing about how to make the world a better place.
I said, "Some are meant to provoke thought." Something wrong with saying this? Do you not understand the word "some" ? I hardly ever "lose" my temper. Didn't lose it when the thread was started. It is not proper to close a thread the way that one was closed. Before you get started, I did not say it was improper to close a thread.

I did comment later on the understanding of two posts relevant to the discussion. Did you read that? Your rather late postings remind me of an emoticon: :deadhorse:

You know nothing about how to make the world a better place.

If you were not angry and did not lose your temper, then please explain to me why you referred to yourself as "Hulk". Don't worry. I'll wait.
Do you not know about Hulk?
We infj personalities often step outside ourselves: no?
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION]

I'm not trying to judge you here, man. I will gladly forgive you if you ask me to. I make mistakes same as you. It's not a big deal.
I think you may have misjudged me.
I think you may have misjudged me.

I wasn't trying to. I simply don't understand why you referred to yourself as the Hulk while also saying you were not angry and you refuse to explain it to me.
Actually this occurs to christians on a regular basis on this forum. It is something I had occur to me often when I was a christian. Being a christian is an integral part of a person that affects their whole life.

I never wrote that it was the only reason. It is not wrong and a person is not lesser when they have a softer heart.

I can understand that. But if that is the issue then I generally back off and regain my composure before re-initiating discussion. I would not condone my reactiviness.

I understand people's reaction and it is different for different people on different levels. I don't feel a reaction is a productive approach. I do not see it as beneficial long term for those who suffer at a Amad's condemnation.

Your reaction to a feeling of righteous anger that makes you feel right, fear at the pain and damage he is causing, resentment at the destruction caused by those before him and like him, hopeless frustration and the endlessness of it all.

To accept my views and not place yourself aggressively in opposition to amad gives a feeling of 'compromising your greater values' and this is not something you can do. In a sense you feel that is what I do when I interact with Amad in a less aggressive manner than you would. And as is stated here you feel I am un-empathetic to victims and therefore I must be suffering from emotional ignorance or sever bias.
-I don't know if I captured the feeling well enough and much is lost when put into words but I hope that I am understanding you well.

That is fine. People tend to react better and it makes life easier. Aggressive opposition has never shown to benefit me

It is fine if you don't believe me. Choosing to be ignorant of your situation before I come to judgment would put me in more uncomfortable situation than you would be putting me in. I would judge myself as being unwise, inconsiderate, and ignorant. My own personal judgements are going to be a lot harder to deal with than some meaningless and arbitrary insult you come up with because only the truth is valid right and true and can strike me in the heart.

Since you were kind enough to tell me my feelings on this topic, I'll do the same for you. I don't think you care about any of this. You don't care about homosexuality or Amad's misguided hatred towards it. I don't even know why you're here. Is it because you feel better being so above it all.

I jokingly compared you with Jesus, but the fact is even Jesus lost his shit once or twice. And according to your own words that's not something which ever happens to you. The most forgiving and accepting people I know aren't immune to the bullshit of the world. Just like the people who tried to be more reasonable on this topic eventually showed some anger or disappointment. But I don't get anything from you. If feels like arguing with air and that there's nothing behind your words.

Of course I could be wrong. Maybe you've attained a level of understanding that I've confused for emptiness. Again, it's not something I'll ever really know, but for now I'll trust my instincts.
Interpretation. I did say "some" Christians. Some apply their interpretations towards themselves and some apply their interpretations towards others.

Let's be clear. I'm not against Christianity or religious beliefs of any kind, but I am against forceful, aggressive proselytizing no matter who it originates from.

Edit: As evidenced by my tendency to use that person's words and beliefs against them rather than my own.

Some people who independently call themselves Christian may study for interpretation, but most church going Christians do not interpret. For the vast majority of Christian branches, the interpretations are already set. So they don't study to interpret, they study to learn the correct reading of their church.

Basically there's no critical thinking, what they learn is already assumed to be holy and correct and not interpretable in any other way than what the church approves.
I propose that we excise this thread and transplant it to another part of the forum and make it into a lawless troll cave.

Might as well because stopping this now would kind of be a joke.