Closing a Thread: Warning! Graphic picture


Gay punk band Pansy Division

I saw them play when I was maybe 24 and this skinhead tries to rush the stage yelling “Fucking faggots!”
From out of nowhere this huge lesbian grabs him by his ankles and lifts them out from under him causing his face/chin to smash into the stage floor, at which point the singer of the band picked up the mic stand (with the heavy base) and bashes him in the head with it.
He was crowd-surfed out into the gutter where his skinhead buddies took him away.
Fucking awesome night.​
Wait…wait….I got a good one. @sprinkles [MENTION=13855]JJJA[/MENTION]

Nope. Don't believe that guy ever had sex in his life. I mean, just look at him.

Hence the incest…probably the product of it as well.
I don't think you care about any of this. You don't care about homosexuality or Amad's misguided hatred towards it. I don't even know why you're here.

I was reading the "Transgender - Why is it even a thing?" thread and I wanted to get to understand a few things about transgenders. I created a different thread here "" in order to explore a few questions I had. I noticed that people were posting in the "Transgender - why is it even a thing" thread again so I started reading and noticed that amad made an accusation toward sprinkles that was ludicrous and so I jumped in. A few posts later I noticed that the thread was closed and that this new thread was created so I followed along to see what happened. I noticed then that people wanted to silence amad so I read amads posts to determine why and I didn't think it would be prudent to silence him for the reasons you and I have been arguing about for a few posts now.

Is it because you feel better being so above it all.
I didn't want to ignore your comments or questions, otherwise I would have ended it after the first or second post.

I jokingly compared you with Jesus, but the fact is even Jesus lost his shit once or twice. And according to your own words that's not something which ever happens to you.
I am aware that you were joking.
What I said was this: "I can understand that. But if that is the issue then I generally back off and regain my composure before re-initiating discussion. I would not condone my reactiviness."
The last sentence is important because it gives indication that I do react. The second sentence is important because it indicates that at times I want to react.

The most forgiving and accepting people I know aren't immune to the bullshit of the world.
I am not immune. I gave you an accurate response to the example you provided but what holds true for that one example does not hold true for every situation. I think you don't know me enough to know what does get through my accepting attitude.

If feels like arguing with air and that there's nothing behind your words.
I am not sure what you mean. Emotion is a form of communication as well as a feeling and although I can feel it and express it to a person in direct communication, I am not very good at expressing into words. But maybe that isn't what you mean...
Wisdom is justified by her children.
Also you know what really is unfair?

You guys being able to go around and post whatever you want and nobody is allowed to get offended.

Well that changes now so suck it up.
Three of my childhood friends come from lesbian households. I was so jealous of how much love and attention they received from their mothers. It was always such a normal and sweet atmosphere. They are all extremely sweet, creative and smart people today, and I feel lucky to know them.

Oh, and they're all straight.