- INFPishy
Please elaborate as to why you think that is.
Does sadness make us more in tune with reality?
The feeling of happiness can be very addictive. Who wouldn't want to feel good or content. But the need to always feel that things are going well or must always go well can actually provide more rather than less stress to maintain it, increasing the fear or concern of what will happen if we don't maintain a consistent level of happiness or contentment. I think feeling sadness, in some cases, can help to put things in perspective. This doesn't mean that you approach life with sadness or pessimism, hopeless or strive to be happy or at content, but it helps to remember that life involves a balance of good and bad. Sadness allows us to experience a state of discomfort, disappointment, or loss, so that we can appreciate what we have or when we w do have more. There's the sense that life can't always go the way we want or things can't always work out perfectly and that's ok. It can also help us remember not to take things we have for granted as well. This is of course just one perspective on this, others may have other insights to offer on this.
I think both emotions can lend themselves quite nicely to exaggerating certain elements of a situation.
I agree with this. I think when we are are lead by our feelings and emotions, whether positive or negative, we are more likely to perceive situations through the lens of our feelings naturally. If I am sad, and unhappy, and pessimistic about life, choices, prospects, or opportunities, I'm more likely to approach situations with reserve or question about the positive outcomes. Or I may overreact, overdramatize, or experience/respond to a situation as if it is worse than it really is. In addition, anything someone says or does, could be perceived almost immediately in a negative light because this maybe my attitude toward life at a particular point in time. Consequently, I may limit my options further as a result.
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