Milktoast Bandit
Dominate with compassion...
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No!Are you kidding?
No!Are you kidding?
People who are HLA-B27 positive demonstrate increased natural immunity toward a number of viral infections, such as HIV-1, hepatitis C and influenza, although whether this natural immunity carries over to coronavirus has not been studied.
~ SAA’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. John Reveille
Aren't most flu cases of the Corona Virus? The craze now is about COVID-19. I really think we should all just survive it. I haven't heard of healthy individuals dying because of this strain. It often killed the weak. It's lethal only to immuno-compromised patients. Maybe this is nature's way of Hitlerizing the world to leave it with only the healthy ones.The report from a nurse at the hospital, directly to my ear, is that the corona-man in Indianapolis was at a convention in Boston. Developed fever and cough, went to hospital, Dr said, "It's Corona..." and sent the man to a hotel to self isolate. Hahaha! A hotel! So everyone from out of town can take it home with them! Makes no sense. Indiana... Murica... Yay!
Ayayayay. Smh, Milk, SMH.
Well it does but I also don't see why it's raising panic like hell. I mean vigilance is one thing. Excessive anxiety about it is another.I don't know why it should be less of a big deal that only the sick and elderly are dying. Like that doesn't matter or affect us all.
Ayayayay. Smh, Milk, SMH.
Well it does but I also don't see why it's raising panic like hell.
Maybe it's because I've been susceptible to it since its outbreak and maybe because I live with elderlies and they stayed healthy that I am not so alarmed anymore. I used to be. Very much. I even contemplated not having classes to spare my students of any untoward spreading. One comment that struck me though is that this is no longer about steering clear of it. It is apparent that it's only a matter of time before the entire world catches it. rather than putting cities on lock downs, I think our best option is to stick with good hygiene to slow down its spread and to amp up on immunity boosting efforts. Finding the patient is wasting time. staying healthy is ideal.People should not panic but a healthy person catching it can easily spread it to an immunocompromised or medically fragile person. It's kind of strange to me that people are comforted by the thought that only the elderly and medically fragile may die. And I'm just seeing that sentiment everywhere.. online, on TV, the radio. But I'm kind of frustrated by how badly my country has dropped the ball on this. We were quarantining people for 2 weeks who traveled to countries with cases of infection, but not people on cruise ships with infected.. and now there was a case near me in a major city of a special education aide being diagnosed. And she works with medically fragile kids.
From my POV, I think the panic is causing it to spread more horrendously. Vigilance is one thing but excessive reactions are also another. Travel bans for one are silly. The world is connected. That is the age now. Lock downs are just foolish.
Maybe it's because I've been susceptible to it since its outbreak and maybe because I live with elderlies and they stayed healthy that I am not so alarmed anymore. I used to be. Very much. I even contemplated not having classes to spare my students of any untoward spreading. One comment that struck me though is that this is no longer about steering clear of it. It is apparent that it's only a matter of time before the entire world catches it. rather than putting cities on lock downs, I think our best option is to stick with good hygiene to slow down its spread and to amp up on immunity boosting efforts. Finding the patient is wasting time. staying healthy is ideal.
Don't worry, Mike Pence is praying it away...who needs test kits?People should not panic but a healthy person catching it can easily spread it to an immunocompromised or medically fragile person. It's kind of strange to me that people are comforted by the thought that only the elderly and medically fragile may die. And I'm just seeing that sentiment everywhere.. online, on TV, the radio. But I'm kind of frustrated by how badly my country has dropped the ball on this. We were quarantining people for 2 weeks who traveled to countries with cases of infection, but not people on cruise ships with infected.. and now there was a case near me in a major city of a special education aide being diagnosed after being on a cruise with active infection. And she works with medically fragile kids. We still don't even have the testing kits out there. The CDC screwed up on who to test and not test. It's a mess. Should have been taken more seriously.
There, right there. Vigilance. That guy was clearly a noob. I was in Vietnam last month and this tourist coughed right into my nape. anyway, the virus cannot stand warm temps at least 37 degrees. Its incubation period is still unknown. People should take warm baths daily. Masks are stupid because people touch their face masks relentlessly. These things have to be changed every 4 hours or else they become virus bombs. And where to dispose them too? It creates problems. It is best to deploy healthy food and massive amounts of vitamin C. Manuka honey. Eat ginger tea. Eat garlic loaded food. Slice onions. Take warm baths and wash hands with soap regularly. These run miles of prevention.Can't stop it. Can only slow it so that hospitals don't become overwhelmed attending to those needing care. I'm not really sure how you'd slow it down. Maybe have everyone stay at home for 2 weeks? But that will have a huge economic impact. You can tell people to cover coughs and sneezes and wash their hands but you know people are just going to screw that up. I was at the store yesterday watching a guy cough all over the cereal.
Don't worry, Mike Pence is praying it away...who needs test kits?
Didn't Trump mention that we would have a million or more people tested by yesterday?
We have clowns running the show - more concerned with the stock market and how the economic hit will affect their reelection.
Maybe this is nature's way of Hitlerizing the world to leave it with only the healthy ones.
So, um.... because of the Coronovirus there is now a shortage of toilet paper.