just me
Well-known member
- infj
Your choice. I just think China will deal with the outbreak much better then your precious US and UK.
I think it pretty strange how prepared they seem to have been.
Your choice. I just think China will deal with the outbreak much better then your precious US and UK.
I think it pretty strange how prepared they seem to have been.
I think it's pretty sad how unprepared we are.
(paying the most in the world for our healthcare)
On a podcast, it was mentioned the concept where the idea of people working from home would be both more accepted and more conceivable by those who haven't tried, due to this virus.
I'm all for it
Price =/= value.
The UK pays a lot for the NHS. We're going to be swamped due to poor management and undercutting due to previous governments.
Our nurses are poorly supported, badly paid and underappreciated and its still a rather large expense. And we still don't have enough medical professionals despite the cost.
Socialised medicine isn't a magic bullet. If its not managed properly it can be as bad as a privitised insurance based system.
Preach it brother. . .Oh, I understand how it works my friend.
And I understand that socialized medicine does not necessarily = higher quality and better outcomes.
However, one would hope that we would at least be in the top ten as far as the above goes, but we aren't even close.
We are rank something like 27th in the world, pay the most for care, the most for drugs, have some of the shittiest outcomes, have an infant mortality rate that rivals third world countries, people are rationing their insulin and heart medications, etc.
One would hope paying more than any other country in the world by far, that we could at least be in the top 5.
Well, at least we're still number one as far as bankruptcies caused by medical debt, which is the number one reason in the US for filing.
And that still leaves a huge swath of our population uninsured or underinsured.
You want to know who isn't being underpaid?
Hospital administrators, medical device manufacturers, drug manufacturers, insurance company middle-people and management, etc.
People don't seem to realize just how shitty our healthcare is in the US since they have no system to honestly compare it to and all they hear is propagandized though Faux News.
The NHS has poorly supported Nurses and medical staff - perhaps, but not comparatively.
(thanks for the laugh)
Example - the hospital I worked for the last 6 years in the surgery was taken over by a large Catholic conglomerate.
A month before Xmas the upper management flat out fired 500 low level support staff with no warning - then turned around and gave themselves huge million dollar bonuses for doing such a fantastic job of cutting costs.
Guess what they did then when hospital couldn't function properly without those people?
They hired most of them back for half the price and benefits.
Hell man, while working there the medication I needed for my ankylosing spondylitis was denied by them again and again because they didn't want to pay for the infusion center costs (even though I have friends there that would have infused me for free).
Healthcare should never, never be mixed with for-profit models.
There will always be someone who gets f***ed because of it, while someone else buys a new yacht.
Not to mention that healthcare is also mainly tied to peoples' employers here...a patchwork of garbage.
Pay your premiums, pay your co-pay, pay a crap ton for meds, pay the doctor's bill, pay the hospital bill, pay the surprise charge bill, pay for this or that specialist who read your xray, get denied for legit medical services and needs and have to fight tooth and nail with the insurers, etc.
IF said people at that hospital are even covered under your "insurance".
You can drive an hour away to an in-network hospital, only to find out that this other service isn't covered so here's a bill for thousands of dollars.
My Mom had to spend an entire week trying to get nausea medication approved for my Dad while he was on hospice care because his "really awesome coverage" didn't want to fork out the money.
Very common...deny, deny, deny...approve and pay only after you have 4 Doctors call on your behalf or you're in tears.
Welcome to Murica man...if you haven't experienced it yet, you should start a savings account.
Preach it brother. . .
I couldn't wait to retire to rid myself of the daily exposure to our healthcare system.
there is no money to be made in cure, only treatment, and only the treatment your insurance company will authorize, based on cost folks. you know who gets good healthcare? people on medicaid, the mentally ill. . that the government is afraid will file class action lawsuits if they dont get the best. . our system sucks, yet we believe the lie. . told by the ones making the profits
it's all good. this pandemic has shifted my views of many things. much to ponderHope you are hanging in there!
LmaoI was saddened to hear that cocaine was not a cure for the corona virus. . I was looking forward to that first line. .
Oh, I understand how it works my friend.
And I understand that socialized medicine does not necessarily = higher quality and better outcomes.
However, one would hope that we would at least be in the top ten as far as the above goes, but we aren't even close.
We are rank something like 27th in the world, pay the most for care, the most for drugs, have some of the shittiest outcomes, have an infant mortality rate that rivals third world countries, people are rationing their insulin and heart medications, etc.
One would hope paying more than any other country in the world by far, that we could at least be in the top 5.
Well, at least we're still number one as far as bankruptcies caused by medical debt, which is the number one reason in the US for filing.
And that still leaves a huge swath of our population uninsured or underinsured.
You want to know who isn't being underpaid?
Hospital administrators, medical device manufacturers, drug manufacturers, insurance company middle-people and management, etc.
People don't seem to realize just how shitty our healthcare is in the US since they have no system to honestly compare it to and all they hear is propagandized though Faux News.
The NHS has poorly supported Nurses and medical staff - perhaps, but not comparatively.
(thanks for the laugh)
Example - the hospital I worked for the last 6 years in the surgery was taken over by a large Catholic conglomerate.
A month before Xmas the upper management flat out fired 500 low level support staff with no warning - then turned around and gave themselves huge million dollar bonuses for doing such a fantastic job of cutting costs.
Guess what they did then when hospital couldn't function properly without those people?
They hired most of them back for half the price and benefits.
Hell man, while working there the medication I needed for my ankylosing spondylitis was denied by them again and again because they didn't want to pay for the infusion center costs (even though I have friends there that would have infused me for free).
Healthcare should never, never be mixed with for-profit models.
There will always be someone who gets f***ed because of it, while someone else buys a new yacht.
Not to mention that healthcare is also mainly tied to peoples' employers here...a patchwork of garbage.
Pay your premiums, pay your co-pay, pay a crap ton for meds, pay the doctor's bill, pay the hospital bill, pay the surprise charge bill, pay for this or that specialist who read your xray, get denied for legit medical services and needs and have to fight tooth and nail with the insurers, etc.
IF said people at that hospital are even covered under your "insurance".
You can drive an hour away to an in-network hospital, only to find out that this other service isn't covered so here's a bill for thousands of dollars.
My Mom had to spend an entire week trying to get nausea medication approved for my Dad while he was on hospice care because his "really awesome coverage" didn't want to fork out the money.
Very common...deny, deny, deny...approve and pay only after you have 4 Doctors call on your behalf or you're in tears.
Welcome to Murica man...if you haven't experienced it yet, you should start a savings account.
Yeah it's weird. I'm kinda disappointed in my kids right now because they give no shits about it. They all say, "this doesn't hurt kids! Doesn't matter!" So I had to tell them that if they ignore things they will murder their grandma. (She has a compromised immune system from weekly blood transfusions) and grandpa (over 80 yr). We'll see. So far they've more or less been quarantined, they just have no fucks to give yet. God forbid a fucking kid wash their hands once in a while!You may be ok and think it's a bad cold or flu and pass it on to others who it will kill. Or it could totally wreck you. That kind of messes with me
Yeah it's weird. I'm kinda disappointed in my kids right now because they give no shits about it. They all say, "this doesn't hurt kids! Doesn't matter!" So I had to tell them that if they ignore things they will murder their grandma. (She has a compromised immune system from weekly blood transfusions) and grandpa (over 80 yr). We'll see. So far they've more or less been quarantined, they just have no fucks to give yet. God forbid a fucking kid wash their hands once in a while!
Also, I saw a lot of people driving in Indy with facemasks, which was pretty strange for this area. I'm just glad I found some cow juice at a gas station!
Wash your phone!