Corona / Wuhan virus

Laughing while thinking where is their carts of doritos and hot pockets after trying to hoard 23 cases of mt.dew.

Is the world on its knees yet? This is really bad timing for jokes and finger pointing. Political battles. This must not have struck home yet. Guess I'm too serious to enjoy the banter.
Being patronizing is pointing fingers.
People make jokes and light of situations that are stressful or frightening to them, it's normal human nature, it acts as a pressure valve.
There would be no political battle if it wasn't being politicized by those who should be directing our resources toward actually fighting the virus instead of propping up the airlines, wall street, hotel industry, etc.
(Everything but helping the actual people)

What was all that Conservative talk about "death panels" happening because of the ACA a few years ago?

Someone put Dan on the top of the list...he says he's ready and willing.

Again...reasons why healthcare and capitalism don't mix.

Healthcare should never be for-profit, nor should it be tied to the economy.

Godspeed Dan...

"Some of you will die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."
A text from my ex (a nurse)
View attachment 65117
Be okay!

Out here we just don't have enough of a medical workforce anymore. Doctors are dying. Nurses are refusing to be front liners because they're not even paid. China did it because of the authority the government has but if we rely on volunteerism... Just last night, my cousin's team of doctors were virtually scared to be at the front and their nurse flat out refused to complete the team. It's... Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. But we are one person, apparently, the world is too many. Let's just pray.
I think many people in the USA actually agree that people should just be allowed to die off. The problem is they only want it to happen to people they don't know and they especially don't want it to happen to them. Guaranteed when they're drowning in their own blood and mucous they'll feel differently about it.

The USA is utterly fucked. Watching it from the outside is a true horror show and I'm glad we closed our borders in Canada. I am so, so sorry for those of you that have the live there. It must be so stressful.

The USA doesn't know how to exist without dumping everything into Corporations. They're going to have to figure it out because that ship is fucking sinking fast. The captain will go down with the ship and he'll insist you all die with him.
all those motherfuckers saying some should die for the economy, you go first. .un fucking believable. . .
It's stomach churning....

But what's even more disgusting is Trump claiming Christianity.. and refusing to use his war time rights.. and just letting thousands die. If I were the president.. I would be yelling with a megaphone inside every business that could produce ventilators and masks like a dictator! Get busy! Save lives! Let's go!!

And as @Skarekrow spoke of.. that revolting CDC recommendation... bandanas???

The CDC... . Horror.

Watching my birth place from afar.. and praying that the public screams so loud Trump HAS to mass produce ventilators and PPE just to escape shame..
It's stomach churning....

But what's even more disgusting is Trump claiming Christianity.. and refusing to use his war time rights.. If I were the president.. I would be yelling with a megaphone inside every business that could produce ventilators and masks like a dictator! Get busy! Save lives! Let's go!!

And as @Skarekrow spoke of.. that revolting CDC recommendation... bandanas???

The CDC... . Horror.

Watching my birth place from afar.. and praying that the public screams so loud Trump HAS to mass produce ventilators and PPE just to escape shame..
trump is turning this nation into a shit hole. . he will hide away and praise himself untill we are all rotting in the street. .he has no idea what he is doing, and those around him are like the nazi's and Hitler, afraid to speak truth, or stop the madness. all in this administration share the guilt and shame. fuck following orders and directives, this is war assholes, and we are losing. and now, send the slaves back to feed the machine, more will die . . and he continues to praise himself, and we just nod, and plod along. .worried about fucking toilet paper
I think many people in the USA actually agree that people should just be allowed to die off. The problem is they only want it to happen to people they don't know and they especially don't want it to happen to them. Guaranteed when they're drowning in their own blood and mucous they'll feel differently about it.

The USA is utterly fucked. Watching it from the outside is a true horror show and I'm glad we closed our borders in Canada. I am so, so sorry for those of you that have the live there. It must be so stressful.

The USA doesn't know how to exist without dumping everything into Corporations. They're going to have to figure it out because that ship is fucking sinking fast. The captain will go down with the ship and he'll insist you all die with him.
I think it's the selfish bastards who can't see past the end of their own noses, and the young who have had limited exposure to positive interactions with elderly who feel this way. Certainly not most of us. The feeling is also not restricted to the US, but here we have that annoyingly beautiful thing called freedom of speech that doesn't help in this case.

As for the usa as a whole being screwed: yes and no. Yes, we've put far too much faith in the federal government to lead and protect us. They've proven they cannot do either. No: I have faith that the states will band together and make the appropriate calls. Some of these governors are slow on the uptake though. Even our own here in MA has dragged his heels when he should have followed the example of California and just clamped everything down after that Biogen fiasco. We also have more than enough skills and facilities here to create our own test kits. Governor Baker should never have waited for the Feds to say it was okay for each state to create their own kits.

For planning purposes, some positives will emerge from this:
  • I see more companies and schools being willing to embrace the work from home model. I am totally amazed at how unprepared the school systems were for anything like this.
  • The environment is taking itty bitty steps in rebounding. It goes to show how all we need to do is alter our behavior and we can fix this climate change mess. There's no need to resign to a dying planet.
  • The world is in perfect position to unite in support of humanity despite political finger pointing. All it takes is a nudge from folk with human emotions at the top levels.
  • We see the weakness in current health systems. We have the info needed to overhaul them to prepare us globally for the next pandemic.