- Enneagram
- 954 so/sx
You piss me off because your come off with this perspective irrelevant with the actual situation going on.
You wan't the reality check? The US going to lose a lot of lives. Canade will manage. Europe will manage but will
deal a massive and i really mean massive economical losss.
You don't know what my perspective is. You are assuming a lot of things by your misinterpretations of a few words I write.
You seem to think I am uncaring and ignorant of our situation. Let me assure you, I am so far away from that notion, I can't even articulate it.
I am devastated by all of this. I am a fucking wreck in a lot of ways.
But I am also not going to fall into any sort of fear mongering narrative because that doesn't help anything.
I want to help, with as clear and sharp of a mind as I possibly can.
That is just how I personally operate. I am not saying anything about anyone else here.