Corona / Wuhan virus

You piss me off because your come off with this perspective irrelevant with the actual situation going on.
You wan't the reality check? The US going to lose a lot of lives. Canade will manage. Europe will manage but will
deal a massive and i really mean massive economical losss.

You don't know what my perspective is. You are assuming a lot of things by your misinterpretations of a few words I write.
You seem to think I am uncaring and ignorant of our situation. Let me assure you, I am so far away from that notion, I can't even articulate it.
I am devastated by all of this. I am a fucking wreck in a lot of ways.
But I am also not going to fall into any sort of fear mongering narrative because that doesn't help anything.
I want to help, with as clear and sharp of a mind as I possibly can.
That is just how I personally operate. I am not saying anything about anyone else here.
Coronavirus affects to all of us, just in different (and also similar) ways. We don't know what the future will be like after this pandemic, we can only hope for the best and try to live one day at a time.
In the spirit of Gandalf to the Balrog only take it as the rest of us to the Anger that has permeated this thread:


@dragulagu & @Wyote

I really hate seeing two guys I like going at it with such anger. The situation is stressful to everyone, and yes, in particularly to our front liners.
Please stop.
@Whyote takes the upper stance here as he show the emotionak refletion on the sitaution sttfju b ro
Oregon just called for retired medical staff to return. .fuck. . I'm just not sure. . I would be willing to go back to mental health. .

My mother is in the same situation.

I told her not to go. If you are old and get pulled to the front line the combination of age and being worked off your feet will weaken you far more and massively increase your risk of the virus. At the end of the day this is on the government to get young healthy people doing the work and if they fail to do that well then the loss of life is on them.

Even if its not front line, coming into contact with people who've had contact with people on the front line increases risk.

She's considering doing some telephone stuff, calling other elderly people or others locked at home with no company. Perhaps there is something like that worth doing.
@Whyote takes the upper stance here as he show the emotionak refletion on the sitaution sttfju b ro

It's not a competition. You need to stop.
idk what's going on with you, but everyone is here for support, myself included.
My mother is in the same situation.

I told her not to go. If you are old and get pulled to the front line the combination of age and being worked off your feet will weaken you far more and massively increase your risk of the virus. At the end of the day this is on the government to get young healthy people doing the work and if they fail to do that well then the loss of life is on them.

Even if its not front line, coming into contact with people who've had contact with people on the front line increases risk.

She's considering doing some telephone stuff, calling other elderly people or others locked at home with no company. Perhaps there is something like that worth doing.

Now that's a good idea. All those who have retired can help if they want, but none should be put in the way of this virus. When AT&T had their strikes they'd call upon management to fill the roles. First time around they put dad out on the lines. Second time around they tossed him in an operator's seat.Treat you all with the respect and safety you've earned.

They're offering early graduation packets to young doctors to come help, I'm sure they can do the same with nurses.
Oregon just called for retired medical staff to return. .fuck. . I'm just not sure. . I would be willing to go back to mental health. .

Right now I am hoping that no one finds my employment history should they (the state) decide that they need to scrape though the bottom of the barrel for whatever could work having worked in elderly care. Looking at the news New Orleans is getting hit hard because the morons over there didn't cancel mardi gras and the rest of the state is in the same cluster fuck.
I don't blame China for keeping foreigners out for now. They just got this virus under control and don't want a relapse.
The US would do the same thing. They still want our business though.

My opinion, and I'm far from an expert on this: drop all manufacturing in china. There are other places that would love our business as well as us being able to manufacture on our own, with cleaner and safer factories than they ever had.

That's what you get for lying to the world and covering up this virus in the first place.

All those lives could have been saved. All those people out there.
fuck it. . I sent my request for emergency licensure approval in. . if shit hits the fan, I have to help
Damn INFJ. No self preservation instincts.

I kid of course, you set a wonderful example for others. However, they need to keep those who this virus targets behind a firewall. That include you kiddo.
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