Professor Snep
Smart. Sexy. Snep.
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All hail King George III!I'll be good cop, you can be bad cop. Together we'll right the world's wrongs.
All hail King George III!I'll be good cop, you can be bad cop. Together we'll right the world's wrongs.
I'll be good cop, you can be bad cop. Together we'll right the world's wrongs.
Canada will endure. It'll be rough times but no matter what happens in the US I get the feeling Canada is more like the UK in some ways and there is a stronger community spirit than the US.
The Great North will endure, though it may mean re-alligning with the EU a bit more if the worst comes to the worst (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). The EU would love better relations with Canada giving the state of their economies.
Though I think the US will power through, have a bit of a wave of death, then see a Democrat rise to the Presidency in November.
He is basically hanging democratic states out to dry and wants them to be "nice" to him before he "helps." I have a deep hatred for him.We're fucked under Trump's leadership but communities will band together to fight this thing AND I think we may come out of this realizing how short-sighted and self-destructive all that rugged-individualism is. Maybe there will be a cultural shift. Where the federal government under Trump's incompetent administration is failing, private citizens are volunteering to make PPE and companies are making PPE and ventilators. We see retired healthcare professionals volunteering to go back to work during the outbreak.
Trump may pressure governors to relax social distancing so that we're open by Easter, but I'm hoping states will be smart enough to resist that pressure and do what is right. Maybe we will come out of it changed for the better by demanding intact safety nets and healthcare for all. Because if we ensured everyone had access to healthcare and wasn't forced to work when sick-- or most of us weren't a paycheck away from being destitute, maybe we could have managed this better earlier on. But for the time being, you guys are right to close your borders to us.
It's not free in Canada. We pay taxes out of each pay cheque and that tax is distributed to a bunch of services, including healthcare. I think people in the USA get really bent about being taxed but they have no problems paying an extortionate amount of money to insurance companies for some reason.... Nevermind if they don't even have a job. The mental gymnastics people have to do in order to hold on to their beliefs about universal healthcare should get them an olympic medal.Americans simply don't want free healthcare, this election cycle has taught us that
He is basically hanging democratic states out to dry and wants them to be "nice" to him before he "helps." I have a deep hatred for him.
I hope the American people see through this and find a way to come together. Afterall, there are 330 million of you against one rotten orange. I'm just sorry you're all in that position to begin with.
Universal healthcare would be transformative and I think it would improve the state of the USA beyond what people can even imagine. I don't think people realize they would actually save financially with universal healthcare but they would save on their health and wellbeing as well . But your healthcare now is run like a business. It's incomprehensible to me.
It's not free in Canada. We pay taxes out of each pay cheque and that tax is distributed to a bunch of services, including healthcare. I think people in the USA get really bent about being taxed but they have no problems paying an extortionate amount of money to insurance companies for some reason.... Nevermind if they don't even have a job. The mental gymnastics people have to do in order to hold on to their beliefs about universal healthcare should get them an olympic medal.
It could be down to the average American not liking tax and not trusting government programs.
The US has always been State vs Federal government which doesn't translate elsewhere in the world.
The UK and probably Canda excluding Quebec are fairly centralised so taxation is less of an issue. In then States though you have Federal and State tax and States actively compete against each other and the Federal government hwich is a massive clusterfuck so the people don't trust government programs as much as other countries as their entire system far more convoluted.
We have a separation of Federal and Provincial regulations also. Each province has it's own way of having taxes, healthcare, etc worked out. Alberta being the "oil" province likes to pretend it can be separate from the rest of Canada but it had no backup plan when oil went down and people blame the Federal Government for that for some reason lol. Quebec likes to think that it's an independent country already and does things very much on its own but is still subject to Federal regulations. While each province is unique in how it sets things up, you still "feel" you are in Canada. In that way it feels different than the USA where people are very state proud and each state somehow feels like an entirely different country all being fucked by the same prick.
It's not free in Canada. We pay taxes out of each pay cheque and that tax is distributed to a bunch of services, including healthcare. I think people in the USA get really bent about being taxed but they have no problems paying an extortionate amount of money to insurance companies for some reason.... Nevermind if they don't even have a job. The mental gymnastics people have to do in order to hold on to their beliefs about universal healthcare should get them an olympic medal.
...... This vid is repulsive.Fuck Cancer. And China.
People should take forest and animal reserves more seriously. The wet market is just a part of that intricate system of environmental abuse. It's the environmental abuse that's killing us, taking its vengeance on us like badass mother fuckers. We all partake in this abuse, even as we buy a palm oil product off the clean and pretty shelves of high end supermarkets. So, yes. We had this coming. It's mostly our fault. Much of the blood is on the capitalists' hands, especially the ruthless ones.I always defended China but I am really pissed off with them too.
Huge blow for their "soft power".
I don't believe it's a chemical weapon - but can we please stop it with the wet markets already!?
I don't like videos like this. It is generalizing and divisive at the same time. It's dangerous. Also, saying China is racist is racist in itself. It's like pointing a finger when all other four are pointing back at you. Nobody is not racist anyway.
Ah. My head hurts. So are they planning to shoot bullets on the virus until it ricochets to their heads? America is headed for a collapse and it's all because of the refusal to recognize that capitalism, especially amoral capitalism, is flawed and suicidal. Get out of that country while you still have the chance. It will be one of the world's greatest liabilities soon. What goes up often goes down and America has been up for a while, so good luck with the mathematical trajectory of that. No offense.I believe we're fucked no matter who is in office. There is only one leader of the United States and it is a large group of many lobbyists all with very deep pockets, all cramming the assholes of every elected official with brand new, crisp dolla billz.
I started a bunch of shit at work earlier in the week at the company I work for because of their willful ignorance to the crisis. Today, I had a talk with three of my company's main bosses about how they are handling this thing. The things I believe we're confirmed and I realized some things about the country at large.
1. The leaders of my company are not afraid of the virus, getting sick, or dying.
2. The leaders of my company are afraid of going out of business.
3. The leaders of my company do not understand that people outside of the company exist.
4. The leaders of my company do not care about the people that make the company what it is.
5. The leaders of my company are big time Trump supporters.
6. The leaders of my company do not trust news reports or "mainstream media."
7. The leaders of my company believe if they use people to save the business, they will save the economy, and save the nation.
8. That is the only greater good.
During my meeting, audible sounds fell out of their heads, such as:
"Well, I believe it has been here since late last summer and no one said anything then." (Because a relative and his family got "deathly" sick and tested negative for the flu.)
"I wish people would shut up about this flu."
"People are such pussies."
"We're all going to get it anyway."
"What they news conveniently glosses over is that we will have to pay it (an SBA loan from the new stimulus bill) back."
"When I go home, I don't turn the news on. It only creates anxiety."
"We will not get a loan, but if you do have it or are uncomfortable at work, you can use your 88 hrs of vacation time."
"We are blessed to still have a job."
"The federal government is working hard to stop this."
"The numbers you hear on the news are exaggerated."
In between trying to explain to them that I'm not worried for myself, it's just wrong to be contributing to the spread of an infectious disease that will put people in the hospital and kill them and if everyone gets sick at the same time the hospitals will collapse, the healthcare workers will get sick, people that are covid negative will die, I know what nurses and doctors are already suffering through and listening to their ignorant puke, it dawned on me that Trump has been at war with the media since before he was elected. Fox news, the other high profile fuckers and Trump just defend themselves against an imaginary enemy (anyone or thing that can be even remotely considered 'left,' including science and general humanity) And people eat it up, believe it, live it, adopt thebl 'enemies.' Trump has also proposed to cut CDC's budget more than once. Now we have a pandemic. The media is attempting to get information to the masses, but many don't believe it to be true because he discredits any media any chance he can. The media is the enemy. Now, when the media tries to tell the people what is happening in the world and the US in particular regarding the pandemic, people don't believe it and continue in ignorance. Others, that take this more seriously speak up, (like myself) are viewed as "freaking out," and it is even more clear that we are a divided nation in the worst way. It's no longer politics. It's two (or more) completely different realities filled with completely different species of creature that can't communicate. One believes health and life are primary. The other believes the lies that 'Nation' is economy and economy is life. Nation and God are synonymous. It is not life itself they stand for but, their 'way of life, ' in this so called land of freedom where our lives depend on every cent we make off the backs, health and life of others. And that is a very short sighted, selfish and shallow way to live.
When a fucking governor goes on TV, explains the situation in their state and tells the federal government exactly what must be done in order to meet the demands of a growing and crippling crisis and he is met with doubt that is believed and repeated to millions of faithful viewers every day and no or minimal action is taken, we are fucked in all the ways. And this shit is just what is needed. But be careful world! We have guns. Lots and lots of guns. A whole serious bunch of guns. I'm not talking about a couple. I'm talking about over half the population with massive arsenals buried in their back yards to hide em from the government. Think twice before you invade! On second thought... That may be the only way to unite us. Fuckers.