Corona / Wuhan virus

We need testing and contact tracing on a mass scale to properly reopen and that just isn't happening...we shall see...
This has been bungled beyond idiocy.
I agree. However, reopening is going to happen lest we like it or not.
(Hoping you are all doing well there ♡)



This fucking assclown...

Trump's plans to cut WHO funding amid the coronavirus
could exacerbate the crisis and cost more American lives
  • President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced plans to cut funds from the World Health Organization.
  • Trump accused the global body of failing to "adequately obtain and share information" on the coronavirus pandemic "in a timely and transparent fashion."
  • Former US officials who worked on public-health crises under both Republican and Democratic administrations warned this move could exacerbate the pandemic.
  • "If we throw a punch at WHO, we're just going to end up connecting with our own jaw here, because it will make it harder to stop the outbreak globally and that is bad for our own interests," Jeremy Konyndyk, who oversaw the Obama administration's response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa as director for foreign disaster assistance at USAID, told Insider.
  • "Defunding WHO will mean the withdrawal of medical advisers to these regions when they need it the most as the virus encroaches," Jack Chow, a US ambassador for global HIV/AIDS during President George W. Bush's administration who also previously served as a WHO assistant director-general, told Insider, adding: "The pandemic could last for many more months even years longer, and could even become permanent among human populations."

Also, this is pretty awesome for our BS Capitalist nightmare...
Helping the little guy with more trickle-down shit.

How Some Rich Americans Are Getting Stimulus ‘Checks’ Averaging $1.7 Million

A $1.7 million stimulus check?

While wealthy Americans are not eligible for the comparatively measly $1,200 stimulus checks that are now being disbursed to many Americans, they are on pace to do even better. 43,000 taxpayers, who earn more than $1 million annually, are each set to receive a $1.7 million windfall, on average, thanks to a provision buried in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

You may or may not be surprised that some of the language conveniently inserted into the $2.2 trillion-dollar Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) skews heavily in favor of the wealthy. The provision doling out literally millions of dollars is aimed at a limitation that was created in 2017 when Republicans overhauled the tax code. It “temporarily suspends a limitation on how much owners of businesses formed as “pass-through” entities can deduct against their non-business income, such as capital gains, to reduce their tax liability,” according to The Washington Post.


Way to really help those who are in dire need...
Morally repugnant fucks.

Your Stimulus Check Could Be Seized By Your Own Bank

Stimulus checks are right now being sent to millions of Americans in a desperate bid to offset the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The stimulus checks are being wired to eligible people's bank accounts with some 50 million to 70 million of them expected to appear in accounts tomorrow after the first batch were delivered late last week.

However, Congress did not exempt the CARES Act stimulus checks from private debt collection and Bank of America, Citibank, and U.S. Bank have not ruled out using payments to offset outstanding debts, it's been reported.

The Treasury Department last week appeared to green light banks to take advantage of the coronavirus crisis to collect prior debt, it has been reported by The American Prospect magazine, citing leaked audio from a meeting with bank officials.
I agree. However, reopening is going to happen lest we like it or not.
(Hoping you are all doing well there ♡)
Yes, it will happen...but will it happen in a way that will save more lives or cost more?
I'm not putting money on saving more.
Yes, it will happen...but will it happen in a way that will save more lives or cost more?
I'm not putting money on saving more.

I can't disagree with this either.

To advocate for the devil, answer me things.

If 100,000 die as a result of the virus if we reopen, but 60,000 die of the virus if we remain closed but 150,000 die over the next 4 years due to not having employment and therefore cannot afford housing, food, medicine etc. which is there better path?

The coronavirus isn't the only killer in the modern world.

And there is a limit to how much the government can keep borrowing without ending up with the economy of Zimbabwe.
To advocate for the devil, answer me things.

If 100,000 die as a result of the virus if we reopen, but 60,000 die of the virus if we remain closed but 150,000 die over the next 4 years due to not having employment and therefore cannot afford housing, food, medicine etc. which is there better path?

The coronavirus isn't the only killer in the modern world.

And there is a limit to how much the government can keep borrowing without ending up with the economy of Zimbabwe.
Well, I can't disagree with your point either, and rightly so.

So, let's ask that devil in light of what we do know, thus far, how many of that suspect total deaths of 100,000 were already beneath poverty level, and did not have the resources to overcome the virus,(be it medical coverage, lost wages from staying home, or working through symptoms and infecting the unsuspecting patron, or worse yet a compromised heath concern); and by opening the economy without the means in place to somewhat assure the workforce as well as the patron that they will have the ability to trust moving about in public again knowing it's high risk, e.g. public transport and walking in close proximity with others, not to mention hands on services like cosmetology and food services, how many more of the 150,000 slip into the beneath poverty sum and fall ill, yet, those that have returned to employment at minimum wages do not fall into beneath poverty but return living paycheck to pay check yet succumb to the virus in the 4-year window because they are trying to make up the difference in lost resources and debt occurred during the quarantine period?

There definately is much to consider when decision making. Not just for the government bouncing back but everyday individuals as well. The trauma response of some may leave a large portion of the population at home requesting assistance of some sort from the government as they work through the fear of returning to the market place as consumer or workforce. That response would hit an already faltering econonmy hard.

And who goes in first to test the waters to see if returning the entire workforce all at once or in tidbits is the correct solution?? Seems like that would be akin to cannon-balling right into the deep end of a pool of sharks ;)

There is much for our elitely elected officials to consider before opening the States back up, (minding some haven't shutdiwn yet even with the death toll where it is), as my governor refers to it "opening the valve". Trickling in might be a more apt solution rather than taking a blind dive and pouring in millions of people into the pool just as a boost to the economy.

One aspect that needs careful thought is that many laborers and service jobs will have to be restructured before refilling those positions. This will undoubtedly eliminate some jobs while slowly creating different ones. What do we do with the eliminated workers? What of the small businesses that have already closed up with no plans of reopening, where do their workers go?

Another thing that gets overlooked when projecting unemployment here in America is that there are many jobs that are available to work but they are considered menial and dirty. My answer to that has always been too high of standards. No one is going to offer someone $20 to pick peas. Life is dirty, however, if we want to eat over the next 6 months, we may have to get a little dirty. ;)
Well, I can't disagree with your point either, and rightly so.

So, let's ask that devil in light of what we do know, thus far, how many of that suspect total deaths of 100,000 were already beneath poverty level, and did not have the resources to overcome the virus,(be it medical coverage, lost wages from staying home, or working through symptoms and infecting the unsuspecting patron, or worse yet a compromised heath concern); and by opening the economy without the means in place to somewhat assure the workforce as well as the patron that they will have the ability to trust moving about in public again knowing it's high risk, e.g. public transport and walking in close proximity with others, not to mention hands on services like cosmetology and food services, how many more of the 150,000 slip into the beneath poverty sum and fall ill, yet, those that have returned to employment at minimum wages do not fall into beneath poverty but return living paycheck to pay check yet succumb to the virus in the 4-year window because they are trying to make up the difference in lost resources and debt occurred during the quarantine period?

There definately is much to consider when decision making. Not just for the government bouncing back but everyday individuals as well. The trauma response of some may leave a large portion of the population at home requesting assistance of some sort from the government as they work through the fear of returning to the market place as consumer or workforce. That response would hit an already faltering econonmy hard.

And who goes in first to test the waters to see if returning the entire workforce all at once or in tidbits is the correct solution?? Seems like that would be akin to cannon-balling right into the deep end of a pool of sharks ;)

There is much for our elitely elected officials to consider before opening the States back up, (minding some haven't shutdiwn yet even with the death toll where it is), as my governor refers to it "opening the valve". Trickling in might be a more apt solution rather than taking a blind dive and pouring in millions of people into the pool just as a boost to the economy.

One aspect that needs careful thought is that many laborers and service jobs will have to be restructured before refilling those positions. This will undoubtedly eliminate some jobs while slowly creating different ones. What do we do with the eliminated workers? What of the small businesses that have already closed up with no plans of reopening, where do their workers go?

Another thing that gets overlooked when projecting unemployment here in America is that there are many jobs that are available to work but they are considered menial and dirty. My answer to that has always been too high of standards. No one is going to offer someone $20 to pick peas. Life is dirty, however, if we want to eat over the next 6 months, we may have to get a little dirty. ;)

Absolutely. A trickle open is the smartest approach. I'm glad of the 'Western States Pact' Where Cal, Or and Wash are coordinating their responses to open appropriatedly as block.

It would be good to see more coordination between other Governers too in common areas.

It was more a devils advocate to those who saye we need to keep every country closed until July. I don't think that's feasible.

However slowly opening low risk areas over the feews/months following May 1st is sensible.

And absolutely there needs to be support to protect those made aleady unemployed and a funding boost for the government to re-start and start new buisneses to get people back into the workforce.

And, as legal experts agree, its the decision of the State governers. They have the legal power as per constitution and they're also probably in a better position to make a decision than the Fed.
Well it took the normal world greater part of three months to catch up to where people were already figuring this all out.
I am doubtful this was just for research given the CCP's reputation for wanting to undermine Taiwan and this would have been a handy bioweapon but ultimately backfiring regardless. Also it has been reported these labs have the habit of selling test animals to said wet markets to prop up their budgets as well to line pockets.
About the grocery expedition: I try to go once a week. Today, wore a mask. Washed down where I touch the cart at because they had the sanitize wipes, washed my hands, then proceeded carefully. The checkout lines had little squares six feet apart. I waited for the person in front of me to leave before placing my items on the checkout. Left my basket behind me to give myself more room. Two young boys from where I don't know, probably Mexico, were behind me with their Mother...waiting. Both boys stepped forward and began hanging from my clean handles, turning their hands and touching everything in my cart. The Mother didn't seem to care at all. I moved my basket to the front of me and stared at the boys, who returned to their Mother's space.
Keep your kids on a leash, please, or take control over them. They do NOT have to touch everything in the store. Better yet, leave them with someone. Why expose your children?

Where I worked before this part time, we would have customers pick up, handle, and even carry around in their hands items for two hours; then, leave buying nothing. You touch it? Maybe you shouldn't right now unless you are buying it. I, personally, would not take ANY returns right now. I feel some of the world is living in denial. We have reefer units filled with corpses. Hello? Do we have to spell it out to you?
I suggested to one of the banks I use to give me three months' break on credit cards and equity line of credit. Told them to leave the principals the same and add the interest to the principals at the rear end. I also asked a favor: to do that for every customer that needed it, and to talk to the Federal Reserve about doing it for everyone. Leave all terms the same. Do not take advantage of anyone right now.
They offered me a three month deferment on my credit yesterday, but I have not had the time to read it.

Some utilities and other entities are offering to pay what one can this month, but one must catch up with it next month. That is not helping. That is not a deferment. It is a joke. The banks have the money to afford it. Everyone should help, power companies included.

The Feds giving a stimulus check is for keeping the economy afloat. If one bank takes one stimulus check, the banks will lose control over many things. It would be like suicide for them. There needs to be a hotline set up for those who run into this....a public hotline.

Small business loans leaves a shady start. I want records of it all made public. Three months would give everyone a better hope, and the banks (not the government) should see to it that it happens.

This evil excuse for a POTUS needs to be gone next year...WTF Murica!?
You want to have any remaining shred of national pride?
You want the world to respect us?
We have to start acting like humans then.
Starting with the ones elected to "represent" us.
The immoral asshole Trump is destructive and is leading us and the world down a pathway to exponential suffering.
Pulling funding from WHO to shift the blame for his own incompetence.
Narcissistic cockpuppet.

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So we play life and death roulette so the economy can restart. . .oh, you mean so that the billionaires can continue to make billions? we seem to have plenty of money to destroy the world a hundred times over. . plenty of money to give pharma CEO's millions of dollars. . let's see how much money every member of the congress has and see where it comes from, and while we are at it, every member of the administration too . . . .how much does every televangelist have socked away. . lets see how much cash every NFL,NBA,MLB player has on hand. . there is plenty of money, just being hoarded.and given to those who don't need it or rally earn it. .
NO it is not ok to gamble with lives for the fucking economy . .
So we play life and death roulette so the economy can restart. . .oh, you mean so that the billionaires can continue to make billions? we seem to have plenty of money to destroy the world a hundred times over. . plenty of money to give pharma CEO's millions of dollars. . let's see how much money every member of the congress has and see where it comes from, and while we are at it, every member of the administration too . . . .how much does every televangelist have socked away. . lets see how much cash every NFL,NBA,MLB player has on hand. . there is plenty of money, just being hoarded.and given to those who don't need it or rally earn it. .
NO it is not ok to gamble with lives for the fucking economy . .

So we play life and death roulette so the economy can restart
oh, you mean so that the billionaires can continue to make billions?
we seem to have plenty of money to destroy the world a hundred times over
plenty of money to give pharma CEO's millions of dollars
let's see how much money every member of the congress has and see where it comes from, and while we are at it, every member of the administration too . . . .how much does every televangelist have socked away. . lets see how much cash every NFL,NBA,MLB player has on hand. . there is plenty of money, just being hoarded.and given to those who don't need it or rally earn
Healthcare is too expensive unless it's profitable and linked to jobs that contribute to the economy. That's just simple science of accounting which is clearly greater than human life and health... Duh
NO it is not ok to gamble with lives for the fucking economy

In other news, Jeff Bezos just got an extra $24 billion!!!! And Americans that earn more than $1 million got an extra $1.7 million!!!! Yay!!! That's good for America! What's good for America is good the Americans and good for the world! Duh
@Skarekrow , looking at that map says a lot for our country's education. I choose my own paths, as most.

and this:

Woman carries a sign up north stating "I will not comply!" That's not what the sign actually means to most, but she used it. Said she would rather die of the virus than to stay home.

Yet, another sign from a Michigan school teacher says, "Let us work."

Just saying.
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the trumpers were on parade in Michigan, acting like a scene from the walking dead. . fitting I suppose as some of them are just that today, dead men walking from the virus they refuse to believe is a real thing. personally, if they choose to infect themselves out of ignorance, that is on them. . what I object to is that it is these assholes that will keep the virus circulating. .and it was sure a classy move to prevent hospital workers from going to work . . this is trump's finest on display. . fuck them all