[INFJ] Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination and the magnetic phenomenon could be explained by Graphene Oxide

I am quoting this here because I don't want to derail the other thread
...During testimony last week, attorney Thomas Renz gave testimony {Direct Rumble Link} on behalf of whistleblowers inside the military medical system who have access to vaccination data that is withheld from the general public.

The data on adverse medical conditions that surface after vaccination within the military is contained on a system called the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). The documents that were released to Thomas Renz are now being reviewed {Direct Rumble Link}. The resulting information is very disturbing.

The research took five-year averages of medical conditions and then compared the track record to the results after the mandatory military vaccination program was initiated. The results are alarming:

Heart Attacks +269%
Pericarditis +175%
Myocarditis +285%
Pulmonary Embolisms +467%
Cerebral Infarction +393%
Bell’s Palsy +319%
Guillain-Barre +250%
Immunodeficiencies +275%
Menstrual Irregularity +476%
Multiple Sclerosis +487%
Miscarriage +306%
Anyway, an anti-covid-jab stance may include information such as the following. This is a portion of the panel that Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson held.

Dr. Ben Marble:
I am Dr. Ben Marble. I am the founder of MyFreedomDoctor.com. We’ve delivered over 150,000 free doctor visits to America, delivering the early treatment McCulough Protocol. We’ve only lost four patients. We have a 99.9… [interrupted]

Senator Ron Johnson:
Repeat that. So you’ve treated through telemedicine 150,000 covid patients.

Yes sir.

With your team.

Yes, with the team. We have a team of volunteer free doctors that donate their time to help treat these patients that come to us. They go to MyFreedomDoctor.com and they answer our questionnaire, we deliver the early treatment protocols to them as early as we can and we have a 99.99% survival rate. So I believe MyFreedomDoctor.com, the volunteer free doctor team, we have settled the science on this. Early treatment works. Period.

I listened to the entire 5 hour discussion. Related to that:


On Monday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) held a panel discussion with a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

Sen. Ron Johnson said: “I'm hoping everybody that viewed this today recognizes the qualifications of the individuals that spoke here today. Now, again, there's disagreement between people in this room. The viewpoints expressed are those of those individuals expressing it. But these are real world experiences from people that are on the front lines, that are treating patients. It’s different from probably anything you've heard, unless you've been following these people in the media, trying to break through, trying to convey to the American public and provide the information that I think we all need, that we all deserve. Now, you know, my antenna is always up because I'm getting accused of spreading this misinformation all the time. So I can imagine how the news media is going to treat so much of this. They're going to pick little phrases out, and they're going to pick it apart and they're going to try and marginalize this entire event.

“All I can ask, is the viewers to share this. Tell your friends, I know this is long. This is a five hour long panel, and we didn't even scratch the surface of what we need to discuss. This shouldn't have been necessary. As our information grew, as we became better and better educated, less ignorant about the Coronavirus, COVID, the COVID vaccines, this should have been made public every step along the way. But it wasn't. So again, I'm just asking the viewing public to have an open mind. Respect these individuals who have paid a significant price professionally, reputationally. These are highly qualified individuals. They speak from experience. We've got to fix this problem. We can't let this continue. We can't let it happen in the future. So again, thank all of you for coming. Thank you for being doctors, for being nurses, for being academicians, for being medical researchers, and thank all of you for viewing this. Share this with your friends. God bless you all.”
Sen. Johnson also extended an invitation to the following agencies to hear firsthand from the medical professionals. All declined to participate.

Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. Janet Woodcock, MD, Acting Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Chief Medical Advisor to the President
Dr. Lawrence A. Tabak, DDS, Ph.D., Acting Director of the National Institutes of Health
Jeffrey D. Zients, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator
Dr. Albert Bourla, DVM, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer
Dr. U?ur ?ahin, MD, Chief Executive Officer of BioNTech
Stéphane Bancel, MBA, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna Therapeutics
Dr. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH, Dean of Brown University School of Public Health
Dr. John R. Raymond Sr., MD, President and CEO of Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Jonathan Reiner, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director of Cardiac Catheterization Labs
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, MD, Former Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Dr. Francis S. Collins, MD, Ph.D., Former Director of the National Institutes of Health
Dr. Rick Bright, Ph.D., Former Director of Biomedical Advancement Research and Development Authority

Watch the video here. Watch the full roundtable here.
I do find this very disturbing, I have looked into many of your posts and this one really hooked me. The only counter to J.D.Zients claims regarding the medical data culled from the Dept of Defense's health data was a denial of data accuracy derived from a single email from the relevant agency's spokesperson who has been on the job since January. I believe that this story needs a much more thorough airing.

The data is suppressed. According to Renz:


Dennis is working with attorney Thomas Rentz to support three whistleblowers who are doctors in the military and who signed affidavits under the penalty of perjury. Renz identified them as Lt. Colonel Dr. Theresa Long, Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, and Colonel Dr. Peter Chambers. According to Renz, the data the physicians provided showed alarming increases in several diagnoses:

Hmmm. Are these whistleblowers liars?
The cancer numbers alone made me seriously question whether there was a problem with the database... cancer rates, while they can increase and decrease from year to year, never show incredibly rapid and dramatic changes, such as the increases ranging from 395% (testicular cancer) to 894% (esophageal cancer) reported by the “whistleblowers”. Indeed, the claimed 487% increase in breast cancer from year to year ... such an increase can only be accounted for by reporting issues. For example, as I’ve discussed ... breast cancer has been relatively stable over the last 30 years, as mortality from breast cancer has been steadily falling, trends that continue based on the 2022 cancer statistics reported last month by the American Cancer Society.
Spikes in cancer incidence in just one year reported by Renz’s “whistleblowers” are... completely implausible from a biologic standpoint.
....Cancer is the culmination of a process that takes years... from the initial insult that resulted in cellular transformation to the development of a cancerous tumor detectable by symptoms, physical exam, or screening tests. Even if there had been a spike in these cancers from roughly four- to ten-fold in just one year (for an overall increase in total cancer diagnoses from 36,050 to 114,645 from 2020 to 2021), it could not possibly have been due to what Mike Adams, Thomas Renz, and his “whistleblowers” are claiming, namely COVID-19 vaccines, which only started rolling out to the military a year ago and were only mandated for all military personnel after the August 24 order by the Secretary of Defense.

, I didn’t see any mention of hematologic malignancies, like leukemias in this “whistleblower” report. Odd, isn’t it? The cancers that are known to appear the fastest after exposure to a powerful carcinogen like ionizing radiation don’t show up as having increased in incidence in this report. One wonders if there were some cherry picking, one does. After all, I’m sure that the data for hematologic malignancies must be in DMED. Why didn’t the “whistleblowers” download the data? Or maybe they did, and Renz left it off the Excel spreadsheet because was no change in incidence from 2020-2021.

I would like to thank all that refuse vaccination..the virus needs unvaccinated hosts to replicate in to new variants..thank you for the next wave, and the deaths that follow, nicely done. So keep listening to doctor internet, and good luck with bleach, light, and hydroxycloraquin..


I just thought this might prove useful that Pfiser NEVER tested or knew (as their stated position) that the "vaccination" wold stop the transmission of said pandemic material.

I'd less than humbly suggest they knew that indeed the "Vaccination" would NOT stop the spread of the disease (whatever you care to call it).

I don't have a link (If I need one I will certainly be happy to provide it but.......Hydroxycloraquin has also now been stipulated to take care of the epidemic material (why this is italised I have no clue).
I just thought this might prove useful that Pfiser NEVER tested or knew (as their stated position) that the "vaccination" wold stop the transmission of said pandemic material.

I'd less than humbly suggest they knew that indeed the "Vaccination" would NOT stop the spread of the disease (whatever you care to call it).

Um, yeah, that was stated from the beginning. The vaccines were meant to lessen severe disease, so as to spare the healthcare system.

Not to prevent disease.

Not to prevent transmission.

Not to confer immunity.

Don’t try to move goalposts after the fact, or seem to find a fault by introducing changed evaluative criteria.

Thankfully, I’ve never had COVID. I hope and work to stay that way.


I just thought this might prove useful that Pfiser NEVER tested or knew (as their stated position) that the "vaccination" wold stop the transmission of said pandemic material.

I'd less than humbly suggest they knew that indeed the "Vaccination" would NOT stop the spread of the disease (whatever you care to call it).

I don't have a link (If I need one I will certainly be happy to provide it but.......Hydroxycloraquin has also now been stipulated to take care of the epidemic material (why this is italised I have no clue).
Is your sole existence on this forum to avoid genuine interactions with the community, and just shove your political opinions on everyone? Why do you keep coming back?
Thankfully, I’ve never had COVID. I hope and work to stay that way.
I've had it twice. First time early March 2020, so right when Covid just started spreading, when there was no natural nor acquired immunity yet, let alone vaccines. But it was really not that bad. I'm not saying you should go out and get it, lol, but if you accidentally do, you'll probably be okay. :)

Not to confer immunity.
Well, that is the point of vaccines. And they do provide some. If they didn't, you'd have no less severe disease.

Regarding information (in this case about vaccines), it seems a lot of people forget that science isn't instantaneous, and truth is revealed over time.
Um, yeah, that was stated from the beginning. The vaccines were meant to lessen severe disease, so as to spare the healthcare system.

Not to prevent disease.

Not to prevent transmission.

Not to confer immunity.

Don’t try to move goalposts after the fact, or seem to find a fault by introducing changed evaluative criteria.

Thankfully, I’ve never had COVID. I hope and work to stay that way.



Hopefully the link will work. This is (not in order) Fauci, Maddox, Biden and at least one other stating that the vaccine stops transmission. Just thought some would enjoy the information.

I know I will be stunned by the rationalizations but this is the CEO of Pfizer saying the quiet part out loud. "They" (the WEF) want to reduce earth's population by 50% by 2023 and thinks it will likely happen.

Find the full video and post it. Using this clip outside of the larger context turns it into misinformation and lies.

Post the full video and allow people to decide for themselves.

Is your sole existence on this forum to avoid genuine interactions with the community, and just shove your political opinions on everyone? Why do you keep coming back?

Fair enough! I could care less what anyone wants to believe. Some of the radical nonsense will be put to some check on Tuesday. If it continues unabated it will end in violence no one can comprehend. No matter to me. The country is already dividing itself geographically so that will slow some of this down.
If I am wrong what difference does it make and why do people get SO worked up? I am not creative enough to figure out how the CEO of Pfizer with the WEF logo behind him saying they want to reduce the population by 50% is mis-information but, clearly what do I know? The fact that any number of other WEF prominents are on video and in print saying the same thing is just dumb coincidence I guess......

But the brass tacks is......if there are child bearing age women on here that at some point in time want to have children and find out they can't ( because of the jab) that is going to be an extremely painful situation. The large number of young males that are dying of myocarditis is unforgivable. A great portion of what has transpired is not reversible - intentionally. Over 100 food plants and distribution centers have been destroyed in the last 18 months. Now even if someone wants to make the case that's because Trump colluded with the Russians, getting a hold of food in the future could be a challenging proposition. Diesel fuel is in very short supply now and again if it is because Trump blew up the pipelines, if the trucks can't roll you may not get what you need. And again why is the left so afraid of another differring position? If we are all wrong then we are wrong and you have nothing to worry about, you are good to go.

If there is food at YOUR grocery store, gas at your gas station and your pregnancy went fine why do my post(s) have any weight? They are simply wrong. I haven't, nor will I, threaten anyone and since I have neither the inclination, let alone the information, to track any of you down, there is most assuredly no physical threat. Conversely if any of you start developing medical problems might it be easier/better to at least allow that the jab may not be as advertised?

Now I realize this won't slow anyone down from assaulting me yet again.......and I am probably on double secret probation for my character count is too low and/or too high.....
If there is food at YOUR grocery store, gas at your gas station and your pregnancy went fine why do my post(s) have any weight? They are simply wrong.

This is incorrect. Your chosen actions exist within a larger context. You live in a society. You can deny your responsibility in that regard, but it does not absolve you of that responsibility.

Also, regarding post-vax reports from individuals—anecdotes ≠ data.

Best to You,
I am not creative enough to figure out how the CEO of Pfizer with the WEF logo behind him saying they want to reduce the population by 50% is mis-information but, clearly what do I know? The fact that any number of other WEF prominents are on video and in print saying the same thing is just dumb coincidence I guess......
The issue is that the very first result of a YouTube search for "WEF ceo population" takes you to the unedited interview he took part in.
He doesn't speak of killing 50% of people. He speaks of 50% more people being able to afford medicine by cutting costs. I'm sure you'll find another way to twist that though.

You can't even do a simple contextual digging on these bogus claims you take at such face value from the Internet, so the entirety of your second paragraph is moot, unless you have the material displaying such information. Yet, like with others I've pressed in this thread, it's very rarely presented let alone reliable.

You're right in that you are simply wrong, at least. Your posts only hold weight in that it's the mass of individuals such as yourself regurgitating misrepresented or misinformed claims which could lead some sorry bastard down a similar path. Therein is the irony of people obsessed with the hidden agendas of corporations and governments being blind to the agenda they've been indoctrinated into.