Could there be a gay gene?

(Pick all that apply) Homosexuality is...

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Imagine if they ahd a gay test, where they could see if you had the gay gene and you completely indentified as straight and then the test told you otherwise, man that could mess people up.
BRB making test that tells everyone they're gay.
Homosexuals, at least the males, are physiologically different from heterosexuals. Areas of their brains are comparatively smaller or larger.

I don't see how that couldn't be genetic.

Really? Interesting. The most I've read on the subject states that gay men tend to have similar brains to heterosexual woman (EG the amount of connections between the brains) but I don't think that's always the case. Some men might have 'female' brains and yet be straight. We need more brain scans! Brain gendering ftw, yes?

BRB making test that tells everyone they're gay.

Ruining childhoods while making money? Seems like a good idea. The parents pay to make sure their child isn't gay.

Personal opinion: I've always thought that being gay was partly genetic (Like VH brought up, once population increases, the amount of individual animals that are gay increases. That could just be a statistics issue though)
I'm actually somewhat surprised I am the only one that has said disease. Of course, the word "disease" has a horribly negative connotation to this, but really it is a dinstinct possibillity. It could very easily be some kind of mutation (genetic, physical, mental, etc.), or could be caused by a strange viral infection at some point in ones life. Just because something is called a disease doesn't mean it is a bad thing. Autism spectrum disorders are considered a good thing, but in some cases people can function just fine as they are, and it really isn't a bad thing.
I'm actually somewhat surprised I am the only one that has said disease. Of course, the word "disease" has a horribly negative connotation to this, but really it is a dinstinct possibillity. It could very easily be some kind of mutation (genetic, physical, mental, etc.), or could be caused by a strange viral infection at some point in ones life. Just because something is called a disease doesn't mean it is a bad thing. Autism spectrum disorders are considered a good thing, but in some cases people can function just fine as they are, and it really isn't a bad thing.

There really is no evidence to support the idea. That doesn't mean it isn't the case, but its the least probably at this point in time.
Well, from what I know from my (very many) GLBT friends, there are some people that are "more" gay than others -- it's not even always a clear line between how "gay" people are. Some are gay and have known they were since they were children. Some, well, haven't. Some actually do kind of "choose" to embrace homosexuality or bisexuality. It's probably more a combination of factors or a variety of factors than just one gene.
Even if the brain was physiologically different, there still is no absolute proof that it is completely genetic. The brain is amazingly complex and flexible; there doesn't necessarily need to be an inborn gene that would change it. In fact, it's even possible that factors in the environment, especially in early childhood, could change and/or effect the development of certain parts of the brain, even in a physiological sense.

In my opinion, it's just not that simple. I think there are many ways to create similar results; in other words, homosexuality can be caused through different means for different people. And even then it would depend on how strictly you define "homosexuality," since, for example, there are times where abuse will cause a person to change attractions, etc. It's much more complex than just "you're gay, and you're not, so there's only two ways people can be, and thus there can only be one thing that makes people different." That would be like saying, "you're depressed, and you're not, so there's only two ways people can be, and thus there can only be one thing that makes people different."
I wonder, if you gave a male rat that gene... would it be attracted to other male rats the way female rats are? Or does it only affect the sexual preferences of the female rats?

Anyway, I personally think it could be anything. I'm betting on hormonal issues in the womb or DNA, though I'm not sure which is more likely. We don't know what causes homosexuality in humans yet. There could be more than one cause. The only ones I would rule out are disease, conditioned, cultural, and choice. I'm pretty sure that none of those things are a factor.

FucM? Funny name. Sounds like it could be expanded to <expletive censored> Males, which is what it causes the rats to do.

Now, for the joke response to your title. "Could there be a gay gene? Clearly, you haven't seen Jurassic Park. Remember Mr. DNA?"
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Personally I think we are born with the predisposition of how we will interact sexually. It is then also influenced by nurture, society, religious beliefs and ones value system. I base this on myself: I was curious about boys as a young child but yet always the
I'd vote that any form of sexuality (incl. asexuality) is conditioned and cultural, because whatever the physiological factors, they only apply through interaction and comparison. For example, one could say that some physiology is stronger than another, but that depends on the conditions for comparison. It could provide stronger legs for faster running, which could be the best thing in some conditions, or better developed upper body, which could be invaluable in other conditions. Or, even more oddly, it could turn out that physical weakness causes relatively more focus on non-physical activities such as reading, which could end up more favorable in the newer conditions. (Eg: Gill Bates owning the football bullies from high school through becoming a software giant.) It's relative. If some disease appeared which kills all males, before the age of 3, and there was no way to work around it, people would be reproducing themselves without males, and all would become happy lesbians suddenly. It wouldn't be because their genes, formed in hundreds of millennia have suddenly changed. They'd just adapt their brains to the circumstances. How do you think fashion changes so fast and tastes change so fast? (1920 Beach Beauty Contest Winners) It's in the neurons.

Nevertheless, I recognize that the issue has multiple levels of analysis. I guess it's up to definitions, sets of the data pool, time periods etc. I'm pretty sure that within the current set of "modern" people there is hormonal and epigenetic correlation with some kinds of sexual behavior, but I wouldn't be quick to conclude what "causes" what. Causing sounds like it's determined and cannot be any other way, and usually that's not the case.
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I AM gay. It is not a thing I hide from anyone, and I wont be hiding it here. I am not a cliche and I am not a disease. That option is more than a bit startling, if not outright offensive.

If this is a choice, then I want you straight guys to think whether you ever did this..." hmm.... today me and my best bud are gonna go at it and make the house rock... well.... maybe not, I have other choices" That is what saying it is a choice is implying, and that also implies that he who IS gay doesn't have the moral fiber to make the "right" choice.

Its interesting. I belong to a forum composed of gay men, and their main concern regarding this whole thing is that, if a gay gene is found, people will start aborting their children for that reason, and a political role reversal on the topic of abortion would occur.

Conservatives who think their children may become gay.....finding proof of that from the beginning could scar a child that wasn't aborted in too many ways to even think about.

In a world becoming quickly overpopulated, homosexuality is a natural response, and I think that all animals carry the recessive gene for that purpose. It may mean that the urbanization of the human species is causing a homosexuality explosion.

whatever the reason, what is often lost is the fact that if given the choice, many gay people would prefer not to have been gay from the beggining. It is a hard life. You would not readily accept your identity as gay until you are sure there is no other way to feel whole as a person otherwise. To choose the hate, judgement and venom aimed at you that goes with being openly gay? no one wants.

Having said all of that, I am very critical of many of my gay friends for falling into the gay ghetto trap. While it may be genetic for people to be gay, it does not mean that you are also genetically disposed to have feminine traits. A man is aman, no matter who he sleeps with. there is a certain part of the gay lifestyle, an affectation, that is learned and unnatractive to me.

I am not fond of PDA's from anyone of any sexuality. If you want to be lovey and kissy, do it in private
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Homosexuals, at least the males, are physiologically different from heterosexuals. Areas of their brains are comparatively smaller or larger.

I don't see how that couldn't be genetic.

you are refering to hypothalamus studies. the results can only be seen in autopsy, so the cause and effect are unknown. There is no part of a gay mans brain that is smaller, but the hypothalamus is larger for some reason. It may be a fear resonse for all we know.
you are refering to hypothalamus studies. the results can only be seen in autopsy, so the cause and effect are unknown. There is no part of a gay mans brain that is smaller, but the hypothalamus is larger for some reason. It may be a fear resonse for all we know.

That is partially what I'm referring to. That could be a fear response, but how likely is that?

Also, though, gay men, at least some gay men (I can't say with certainty that all gay men are like this), are more sensitive in some areas than straight men (i.e. nipples).

Edit: If it were a fear response, wouldn't we be able to find other characteristics of a fear response in gay men?
While I openly accept the possibility of homosexuality/bisexuality being the result of a certain genetic combination, I'm more personally inclined to believe that genes do not make or break one's sexual preference.

For example, according to my lesbian/bisexual friends, the reason they choose women is because they have a phobia of men for one reason or another and/or feel more secure with women. I can imagine that being the case with both sides (male and female homosexuals/bi's), as I often hear that people gravitate towards things that make them more comfortable. There's also another case (where I won't specify the person's gender) where they got raped and they instantly "jumped ship" (sorry if that offends anyone, but that is in the person's own words) because anyone else of the same gender caused the memories of the one to manifest. Sure, it sounds like something out of fiction, but I don't disregard it as a possibility as I've heard similar stories many many times.
While I openly accept the possibility of homosexuality/bisexuality being the result of a certain genetic combination, I'm more personally inclined to believe that genes do not make or break one's sexual preference.

For example, according to my lesbian/bisexual friends, the reason they choose women is because they have a phobia of men for one reason or another and/or feel more secure with women. I can imagine that being the case with both sides (male and female homosexuals/bi's), as I often hear that people gravitate towards things that make them more comfortable. There's also another case (where I won't specify the person's gender) where they got raped and they instantly "jumped ship" (sorry if that offends anyone, but that is in the person's own words) because anyone else of the same gender caused the memories of the one to manifest. Sure, it sounds like something out of fiction, but I don't disregard it as a possibility as I've heard similar stories many many times.
This comment always enrages me. Your friends that say it is a choice are then not truly lesbian, they are either experimenting or just bisexual or straight–curious or have chosen a different lifestyle which to me does not equate to being lesbian. If that offends you or them then my apologies. They might even benefit going to therapy as you cannot change ones sexual preference, they will revert back to men if the right kind of guy comes along. That is why I avoid women like that like the plague!

There is this huge misconception that women are lesbian because they have been hurt / abused by men. This is so not true, I have no issues with men what so ever. I am just not sexually attracted to them, that simple. Most people latch on to the idea that there is a “learnt reason” or “choice” of being gay and when they hear these stories their suspicions are justified but yet they seem to forget about the majority that do not feel this way.
And THAT irritates me. There is no rulebook to say who is and isn't of one sexuality or another. Quite frankly, there are a lot of reasons that people are attracted to others. Although someone who has had traumatic experiences may not remain necessarily attracted to any of those groups of people for their entire life, they can still become part of the GLBT community; there's no doorman to decide who gets "let in."

Which is why I think that there are many reasons why people become gay or bisexual. While some people have never had any doubts about their sexuality, there are others that have doubts and reasons and questions and fears, and there are people who have emotional reasons for being attracted to a certain gender and others that find themselves attracted to a certain gender's just not so simple, not as black-and-white, one-way-or-the-other as people make it out to be.
they can still become part of the GLBT community; there's no doorman to decide who gets "let in."
I agree with this and respect the differences. I have friends who believe in role play, have "chosen" being lesbian etc and I respect their decisions but that does not mean their beliefs are mine.

What I do not respect when "choosing" to be gay is that you run the risk of hurting someone based on your issues with your sexuality i.e. you are not giving the person a fair chance of being with you.
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I agree with this and respect the differences. I have friends who believe in role play, have "chosen" being lesbian etc and I respect their decisions but that does not mean their beliefs are mine.

What I do not respect when "choosing" to be gay is that you run the risk of hurting someone based on your issues with your sexuality i.e. you are not giving the person a fair chance of being with you.

I can understand that...but many people who change sexualities due to traumatic events or abuse do not intend to harm people. It's really a complex situation with a lot of layers of pain involved; it's a case in itself when that happens. In those cases, you should think of it more as a mental instability because, essentially, that's what it often is...It's rather delicate.
This comment always enrages me. Your friends that say it is a choice are then not truly lesbian, they are either experimenting or just bisexual or straight
but many people who change sexualities due to traumatic events or abuse do not intend to harm people.

I'm sorry but I don't believe that this can be done. People can convince themselves that they have changed sexuality, but that doesn't actually make it true. One can live with a facade within themselves for years and make it appear true to themselves and everyone else around them. However, this does not change the persons true nature (which is impossible to change).
I'm sorry but I don't believe that this can be done. People can convince themselves that they have changed sexuality, but that doesn't actually make it true. One can live with a facade within themselves for years and make it appear true to themselves and everyone else around them. However, this does not change the persons true nature (which is impossible to change).

But if they've convinced themselves that they are something else, then haven't they successfully changed their nature? I would personally say so. Then again, I don't believe that one's nature is as concrete as you suggest. Although, like concrete, something can shatter it into a billion pieces with enough force behind it.