Let's see, there are a couple type of crushes for me. #1. The long term crush #2. The short lived crush
My crushes aren't really based on physical attraction because I can think someone is cute but never think of them in romantic way. Mostly I base them on intellect and similar point of views. I have crushes on peoples brains, if you will.
Now the first type of crush will last years on years on years. I've only had one like this and he currently goes to my school. I'd never talk to him, but I still am hopelessly in love =/
The second kind is the more common for me; I have a guy friend who shares my common interests, we get along well and I have a brain crush, though I don't ever move out of crush mode because it is so much easier to just be friends. I actually like to dream about crushes more than I like to start something up with them because in my head things are much better =)
&& plus too it's always fun to look back on the past 'crush relationships' I've had and compare them. In a weird way it feels like our brains have dated >.< Wow, I am out of my mind I think.