Crystal & Indigo children

This sounds a lot like me, if people ever compliment something about me is intelligence and analytical skills, and I do have that passion for fighting for what I believe in, I am very curious as well. I am very moody and I have been told my world is a complete mess. Once again though I do not know enough about this theory, I could easily fit into another type, but now the thought is in my mind lol so I guess my task is to research more on the topic.

hehe, I'm glad I helped. btw, I think you might be a friendlier type of indigo child (he was totally not a people person. now that I think about it, I think he's an INTX)
The same issues that abound with typology, namely the Forer effect, is evident in the Indigo classification. Anyone who read Generation We can tell this is a weird generation to be a part of, regardless of some sort of spiritual warriiorship.
I don't know much about auras other than self-report tests online and a few online listings of characteristics. No one has ever spoken of seeing my aura. I am skeptical about the idea and feel uncomfortable with some of the hierarchical associations made with certain colors vs. others.

I do however think it could describe categories of types of people and their possible life effect. I think everyone living at any time has a needed life purpose within the whole, but I also allow for the fact that at different times a certain swell of this type vs. a different type is needed for the health of the whole. It could be indigo or crystal types of people in the current time.

When I take the self-report online tests, I often come up as crystal and feel some resonance with the description. Without really knowing how to describe it, I do feel I have at times been a conduit of energy. I am affected by the people I am around strongly. I have resonance of changing with my environment and of feeling unbalanced by (for lack of a better word) negative energy environments. I have felt on a few occasions that I was able in some way to communicate something healing to another without any external interaction. I have believed it to have been some sort of energy transfer I was able to effect.

Because of these experiences, I feel an embarrassed sense of acceptance for the idea of some as yet scientifically undefined and unproven energy experience. Yet because of it's undefined nature and because of some of the associations made by those who claim it's existence, I feel uncomfortable acknowledging this.
I've never read anything like this Indigo and Crystal - I think it's cool though, although it sounds limited, but I will read more. My aura is purple by my skin that turns into medium blue fading into light blue (it's mostly light blue) and then white. I know it sounds nuts, but I've seen it many times. I've also seen other people's. Again, something I don't talk about. I've never been completely convinced that it wasn't my wacky eyesight. (20/20 vision with a stigmatism where I naturally see everything 3D - I only wear glasses when on the computer)
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Are these things something you can learn, or do you just know/not know it?

If it is learnable, can someone direct me to a source?
I had my aura picture taken at Salem before Halloween not this past year the year before. It was all yellow with some exceptions. It had a red overlay that the person told me was typical in people who experienced trauma it was considered to be a protective shield so to speak . I have done a lot of work on this area. I will have my picture taken again and hope to find the red overlay gone.
I've never met anyone that does auras, but I really really want to! From all the tests I've taken, though, I come out very high in both Violet and Indigo, and all the rest of the colors fluctuate. I'd like to know for certain, though.
I too have never met someone that does auras, but would love to! I have no ability here to see anything. I do get a sense that mine has a lot of blue in it though, and that it has changed over the years a bit. Maybe some green too......
I too have never met someone that does auras, but would love to! I have no ability here to see anything. I do get a sense that mine has a lot of blue in it though, and that it has changed over the years a bit. Maybe some green too......

I got quite curious after seeing this thread, and yes based on the description I do get some sort of blue feeling from you, sine yor deep nd compassionate, as I seen from your posts and you seem to be very emphatetic, I also get a calming effect from you which will match with a green aura...I'm a bit confused though, there's different theories to this, one has to do with the different colors.
I'm not well versed in this, but it is very interesting to me. I will have to read more. What you said (RL) I have heard before. Just over the last few years I have started wearing a lot of reds and oranges, compared to what I wore before. I'm not really sure why, but I always wore blues, greens, and browns before. Don't know if this coralates to auras, but somehow I feel it does.
I'm not well versed in this, but it is very interesting to me. I will have to read more. What you said (RL) I have heard before. Just over the last few years I have started wearing a lot of reds and oranges, compared to what I wore before. I'm not really sure why, but I always wore blues, greens, and browns before. Don't know if this coralates to auras, but somehow I feel it does.

perhaps more extroversion? red and orange are typically associated with energy, red specifically with physical, sexual, and here and now pleasures while orange with creativity, perhaps your developing other cognitive processes such as Se which is causing this.
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Undoubtably true. I am much more "E" than I ever was when I was younger--though I will never be mistaken for an extorvert. And yes, I have consciously developed my Se the last 10 yrs or so; though it is only now that I have a name for it! The MBTI has given me names for things I have know/felt all my life!
The same issues that abound with typology, namely the Forer effect, is evident in the Indigo classification. Anyone who read Generation We can tell this is a weird generation to be a part of, regardless of some sort of spiritual warriiorship.

I think some of us try to make meaning with things that come into our lives. Astrology, tarot card etc
It's like a dream. It's up to you to interpret it. You are the only one who would understand.
Sometimes what we see can help, regardless of the Forer effect or even, whether it is the 'truth' or not.
If it helps one grow, why not? If it doesn't, let it go.
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Do you mean learn to become an indigo / crystal ?

Ah, no. I want to learn how to observe the colors and stuff if I can. Because I have no idea what you're talking about and my intuition isn't giving me any direction.

Sometimes when I hear about whacky stuff like this, I just go "Yes, of course!", and I just snap into it. But it is not happening with this and it's a tiny bit frustrating. Lol! :D
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So... I will say that this is all very interesting to me.... but I know next to nill about it. Can someone please explain the whole crystal concept a bit more? And what aura would a crystal normally have? Yellowish? I've only ever had one person tell me they could see my aura and they said it was yellow.. like they've never seen before. I was about 20 and I thought it was nice and took it as a compliment because of how nicely they put it, but didn't really ask much at the time... That was the only time I had ever heard of it though.

Besides that, one thing I have always been told is that I am a natural peacemaker, from all different types of people. I think i will look into this more just for the sake of research. :m163: But I would be pleased if anyone else could elaborate. I will say I am leaning a bit more the side of TDHT on this all. :)
I'm trying to think more about this and I want to say that there was a hint of light blue there as well.... I wish I knew someone who sees auras.... to actually sit and have a conversation with them. Does/can your aura change with time?
Dneecey, it's my opinion that yellow aura's just mean you were excited about things at the time, maybe talking fast, or just moving a lot. When people are speaking, they tend to emit yellow. When you are deep in concentration, you'll likely emit it too. I think aura's change, but your 'core' colors stay the same, unless something drastic happens. One of the reason I dislike this subject is that there are so many descriptions of what the colors mean. I don't think they can be defined in a book, I think, like Maetel said, they can only be defined by the person seeing them. For example, I've read how 'red' auras are 'exciting and powerful and dynamic' but if I see someone with red, there is a really bad feeling that comes from it, and I will avoid that person like no one's business. Also, everyone talks about purple being spiritual, but purple just makes me uncomfortable. I've read that white is both truthful, innocent, and also, sick and about to die - but I think white is spirituality - unfortunately, if seeing auras is really possible, I don't believe there is a guidebook that's helpful. It's 100% intuition.

Being someone who can see aura's, I still have to tell you I'm skeptical as much as interested. When people see 3 headed monsters in their living room, they're delusional, when someone sees colors around a person, they're psychic. I both listen to my gut instincts about people when I see their auras, but I would do that anyway.... I have gut feelings about what the colors mean, but I also can't say that I'm not making it up. LOL, unhelpful I am.
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I've decided I'm going to try to learn how to see them. I mean, why not? Might as well see if there isn't something out there for that :D