One of those so called "Indigos"
(this is my first entry on this site.. scary stuff ^^)
3 years ago I have been told for the first time that I am an Indigo Child by a person that barely knew me back then, but I never cared to look into it. Some days ago I decided to read about it and I must say that I FINALLY realize that I'm not a freak and that there's nothing wrong with me. Even since I was a baby I felt different. In kindergarten, school, high school -I never belonged. I was different in all possible ways. I can feel this planet, I feel the trees, I feel the sea, the wind, the grass, the insects, the stones.... It broke my soul, I was literally hurting when a kid broke a branch off a tree to play with it. Because people never understood me, growing up, my best friends were the Moon, the Stars and the Sun. I would talk to flowers and they would live for 2-3 months as opposed to their usual life span of a few days or a week.
The worst of all though, is that I feel the pain of HUMANITY as a whole. Between the age of 14 to 17 I would try to gather the pain of the whole world within me and wished to die with it. To end it all, because I couldn't take it anymore. If a person would hurt, I would feel their pain within me, if 3 of my friends would hurt, I would feel their pain, all in their individual intensity at the same time. I would scream, rip the hair off my head in agony, punish myself for not being able to help them... Turns out that I did help them and THIS is what I dedicate my life to: helping other people. Stranger or not. And I put my whole being into doing so.
I have been diagnosed with split personality disorder and prescribed Zoloft (SSRI) within 5 minutes of conversation with my first psychiatrist, because I told him that I was feeling the emotinons of others, even of those people who I never met and had contacted only via mail. I Was born with low Dopamine and serotonin levels and suffered from chronic depression since childhood until I turned 21. I should have died 4 times, first time when I was 3 years old and flatlined when I was 18 (no suicide attempt!)... but something always brought me back. At 21 I was diagnosed with bipolar and ADD and at 25 I was declared healthy and free from any mental issues. What happened was that I finally understood that there was nothing "wrong" with me, I was not mentally ill, I simply am different.
Before being put on heavy medication I used to see entities, they would appear to me and I would see them just as I would see you. I had and still have telepathic abilities. I can think of a person and know how they feel and sometimes they would feel me thinking about them, I think "today I'll meet Y" (A person which I only met once in my life before and haven't seen for years) and it would happen...My mom once saw through my eyes as she was taking a nap in the afternoon and I would be out walking through town. I had "stupid" day dreams of a friend having a hair cut and the next day she had short hair and I would tell her which salon she cut her hair at and how her hair dresser looked like and what she was wearing... I would dream about the future, I would dream about what would happen the day after and no matter how hard I would try to alter the happenings, I couldn't. And I always knew when a dream would turn into reality... except one time when... I could have saved lives... I dreamt about the terrorist attack from London 2005.. I was there, died with those poor souls, I died 4 times exactly as it happened 3 times in the metro and one time on the buss.. I will NEVER forget this dream and I still can't forgive myself for not being able to save those lives.. but.. who would have believed a 17 year old girl..?
I aways felt that I had a higher purpose. I was always calm, but in my 20's I turned aggressive and now I can't keep my mouth shut when I see injustice happen. I fight for others, I fight for this planet, for us, for you, for our future. Because it's what we are, what we have and what I feel. I don't even see myself as human. I never dig, nor do I see myself as anything higher or lower. I see myself as particles of this universe. energy. Nothing else.
Enough writing. (hate all this I-I-I-I-I...)
It's just that there was a lot of skepticism around here.. and since I'm investigating this subject, I'm not afraid to write/talk about it anymore.
The Indigos, whatever you call them.. Crystals, healers, spiritual people, they are here, they always have been.. and they're here to stay.. weather you accept it or not. Here are some very interesting stories... To me it's like I'm reading about my own life, but to you it might be something new..