Crystal & Indigo children

I guess there are so many points in this topic. Interesting to see what area people ended up connecting with.

The other two that I am curious about is Questingpoet and Ria.
They seem very well 'connected'

Von Hase, you wrote a lot of interesting things. Also nice to point out you have been drawn to spiritual matters for some time. Has it always been this way, since you were a child?
And random question. What are your parents like, or family in general? And indigosensor's? I've often read lives are planned carefully, in such a way that you will be able to grow well spiritually, quickly. That it's important that an environment is conducive to growing spiritually. And that it leads to you finding your purpose much earlier on.

I do however think it could describe categories of types of people and their possible life effect. I think everyone living at any time has a needed life purpose within the whole, but I also allow for the fact that at different times a certain swell of this type vs. a different type is needed for the health of the whole. It could be indigo or crystal types of people in the current time..
I also wonder if it's about restoring balance. If the MBTI percentage rates for INFJ/INTJ etc are accurate, then it could be we are getting more of these types these times.

Also: I found another site that has more definitions. It splits the auras into mental/physical/spiritual categories. It confirms it even more for me crystal and an indigo are introverts. And also HSP/empath. Colors.htm
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Ah, no. I want to learn how to observe the colors and stuff if I can. Because I have no idea what you're talking about and my intuition isn't giving me any direction.

Sometimes when I hear about whacky stuff like this, I just go "Yes, of course!", and I just snap into it. But it is not happening with this and it's a tiny bit frustrating. Lol! :D
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I read somewhere on this forum, someone mentioned if you want to do it and believe you can and expect it will happen, it will happen. And I think you can also remember abilities will come in different forms. A lot of members here say they feel energies/aura instead of seeing them. Even for myself, I have been having strange experiences lately... and the sense of touch and hearing are much more intense than what I see with my eyes. So I guess it's an exploration to find out what your way of communication is.

You could try meditation, concentration and visualization exercises. I could send some ideas if you want. I'm not guaranteeing anything though (lol). I think RaccoonLove posted a quiz just a few days ago and after you get your results it takes you to a page for developing your "Self" if you scored low on that. And one of the exercises was called guided imagery which is the same as visualization/meditation.

I'm not well versed in this, but it is very interesting to me. I will have to read more. What you said (RL) I have heard before. Just over the last few years I have started wearing a lot of reds and oranges, compared to what I wore before. I'm not really sure why, but I always wore blues, greens, and browns before. Don't know if this coralates to auras, but somehow I feel it does.
I've noticed I used to like yellow a lot as a child, almost as a crazy obsession. I had a favourite crayon named Goldenrod. I had several of them. And some time ago a few people tell me I seem like a "yellow type" of person to them. But these days I am drawn to different shades of white, brown and grey/silver. Almost an obsession to say too. I often feel very at home sitting in a sauna.. and being around things made of glass.
I guess there are so many points in this topic. Interesting to see what area people ended up connecting with.

The other two that I am curious about is Questingpoet and Ria.
They seem very well 'connected'

Von Hase, you wrote a lot of interesting things. Also nice to point out you have been drawn to spiritual matters for some time. Has it always been this way, since you were a child?
And random question. What are your parents like? And indigosensor's? I've often read lives are planned carefully, in such a way that you will be able to grow well spiritually. That it's important that an environment is conducive to growing spiritually.
In my case I have parents who can be quite close minded and conservative, but if it's about spiritual things, they are very, very open minded. My experience is that I had a very sedate childhood and just on turning into an adult, the momentum sped up very quickly, I felt very rushed, disoriented, to say pushed violently to the stage I am at now. I have become so exhausted I have been looking for ways to recharge.. and things from my childhood that seemed like nothing are also connecting with me now.

I also wonder if it's about restoring balance. If the MBTI percentage rates for INFJ/INTJ etc are accurate, then it could be we are getting more of these types these times.

Also: I found another site that has more definitions. It splits the auras into mental/physical/spiritual categories. It confirms it even more for me crystal and an indigo are introverts. And also HSP/empath. Colors.htm

I do see a correlation betweem the aurac colors and certain cognitive processes and decriptions for example red being involve in physical pleasure, sexual and indulges sounds very Se for me while Green's want to be succesfull sounds like a ENTx description to me, interesting enough I have always wnated to assign each type a color before even reading this lol and I somehow related green with ENTP. I took the test on the site and my highest score was Indigo, followed by crystal and lavander in a tie.
Ah!^ I saw Krumplenump made a thread for that [book]

I got crystal in that test.

If you ever disagree with the descriptions in those, Moxie made a good point here
Dneecey, it's my opinion that yellow aura's just mean you were excited about things at the time, maybe talking fast, or just moving a lot. When people are speaking, they tend to emit yellow. When you are deep in concentration, you'll likely emit it too. I think aura's change, but your 'core' colors stay the same, unless something drastic happens. One of the reason I dislike this subject is that there are so many descriptions of what the colors mean. I don't think they can be defined in a book, I think, like Maetel said, they can only be defined by the person seeing them. For example, I've read how 'red' auras are 'exciting and powerful and dynamic' but if I see someone with red, there is a really bad feeling that comes from it, and I will avoid that person like no one's business. Also, everyone talks about purple being spiritual, but purple just makes me uncomfortable. I've read that white is both truthful, innocent, and also, sick and about to die - but I think white is spirituality - unfortunately, if seeing auras is really possible, I don't believe there is a guidebook that's helpful. It's 100% intuition.

Being someone who can see aura's, I still have to tell you I'm skeptical as much as interested. When people see 3 headed monsters in their living room, they're delusional, when someone sees colors around a person, they're psychic. I both listen to my gut instincts about people when I see their auras, but I would do that anyway.... I have gut feelings about what the colors mean, but I also can't say that I'm not making it up. LOL, unhelpful I am.
So I guess it doesn't really matter what colour you are
But the descriptions might be revealing to someone
And some of the parts where the traits are not so ideal, it offers a different, good perspective on it..
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Ah!^ I saw Krumplenump made a thread for that [book]

I got crystal in that test.

If you ever disagree with the descriptions in those, Moxie made a good point here

So I guess it doesn't really matter what colour you are
But the descriptions might be revealing to someone
And some of the parts where the traits are not so ideal, it offers a different, good perspective on it..

I also agree with Moxie that it can also depend on our current mood, but I think we keep our original type always, like MBTI, we are born to use certain functions but as we mature and adjust to new situations we learn to develop all sorts of that I think about it the correlation between MBTI theory and the aura descriptions seem to be very similar...
Oops. I decided to bold the part I meant ^^

The psychic abilities.. it's really a subjective thing. Just like dreams.

If I go by this, it's crystal that makes the most meaning to me.. Not just as a description, but the memories and feelings I have with it.. and also, visually.!!

Just for fun. I love this fabric called organza/organdy. And I have a special cotton piece dyed in indigo and ox's blood, by the Miao in China.. I dont think there is a name for it. One could say these fabrics are covered with tiny crystals ^^; I have quite a collection of tiny shiny things.
One other thing I've come across

Regarding the excusing of ADHD or other disorder idea ...
In the case for crystals, I read several stories of children who may not start speaking till past age 4. They are considered autistic.. but technically, an autistic child is said to be hard to communicate with. Yet the parents of a crystal child have no difficulty communicating
There was one story of a mother who was at her daughter's school to visit the teacher. She was going to ask her to get something from the jacket of her pocket. She didn't yet ask her, and as she was about to, the little girl gave her what she wanted...

And another amusing one that's not completely related. At another school the teacher wanted to play a game --she decided they would try to put a jigsaw puzzle back together without seeing the picture (it was inverted..). The boy there, 3 years old, was able to do it and what was even more surprising was that a group of children came into the classroom and his attention was taken up by them, watching them and listening to them, and yet he kept putting the puzzle pieces into the right place without even looking! Or hardly ever looking.
One other thing I've come across

Regarding the excusing of ADHD or other disorder idea ...
In the case for crystals, I read several stories of children who may not start speaking till past age 4. They are considered autistic.. but technically, an autistic child is said to be hard to communicate with. Yet the parents of a crystal child have no difficulty communicating
There was one story of a mother who was at her daughter's school to visit the teacher. She was going to ask her to get something from the jacket of her pocket. She didn't yet ask her, and as she was about to, the little girl gave her what she wanted...

And another amusing one that's not completely related. At another school the teacher wanted to play a game --she decided they would try to put a jigsaw puzzle back together without seeing the picture (it was inverted..). The boy there, 3 years old, was able to do it and what was even more surprising was that a group of children came into the classroom and his attention was taken up by them, watching them and listening to them, and yet he kept putting the puzzle pieces into the right place without even looking! Or hardly ever looking.

This seems to bea quite accurate description of when I was younger, when I was 3-4 supposedly I did not speak much or associated much with other children..The teacher had several talks with my parents about my supposed autism( In the country I wa sat the moment we start school since 4), my parents have always looked at me differently since then.
I've read it's the ultimate goal of a human being to become a crystal. And that indigos can also turn into crystal. The crystal are at their highest. They also have no past life or connection to any other life (in one reading I came across). They are pure, they are new souls. .. a human at its purest form
To look at it a scientific way, I've often read humans are capable of more than what we see now. The brain is only used for a small percentage. Often the right brain is not used enough (left brain made important during school years). So I would say a crystal or prodigy even, is one that has been able to use 100% of their brain

I just remembered I wrote this in the OP
It's interesting if it is true. I pasted the description of crystal here at the bottom. It would mean that the aim of a person is to become part of the whole again. Like an empath. Taking on other people's auras and also healing them.
I guess it doesn't tell the whole story.. since a crystal born here, will have to live just like the rest of us. Go through hardships, learn life lessons etc. They still have work to do before they realise their full potential, what their abilities are really capable of. But I suppose the rest of the other auras can be said of the same way, since they also have their own special and specific abilities. And having all of these auras on the planet than just one is good balance

description of a crystal by Pamala Oslie
Crystal is a rare Life Color. Crystals have clear auras and are known as the "aura chameleons." Like chameleons, their auras will change colors to match those of the people they are connecting with at the time. They then take on the characteristics, behavior patterns, emotions and thoughts of that color.

Consequently, in power Crystals can get along quite well with almost anyone. Yellows , for example, feels they can relate to Crystals who, when they are with them, act and think like Yellows . Later, when the same Crystals spend time with Sensitive Tans, the Tans can feel as if they have found kindred spirits.

However, the Crystals' inconsistencies can also confuse people. One minute Crystals think and behave like Greens . A short while later, they can act like Blues . The more they connect and bond with others, the more their personalities change.

Because Crystals tend to absorb the colors of other people's auras, people can, at times, feel an energy drain when they are in the presence of Crystals. In power, Crystals can be a clear conduit or channel for healing energy. Being natural healers, the Crystals' gift is to help their clients clear blockages, thereby enabling the clients' own natural healing processes to take place.

While healing, balanced Crystals are able to keep their thoughts and emotions out of the way, making the healing more pure. Crystals do not always understand their healing abilities. It can often frighten and confuse them or cause them to feel overwhelmed. These rare souls are often physically fragile and delicate.

Because of their unusual sensitivity, they can only heal one person at a time. They then need to go to a peaceful place to cleanse their aura. Working with too many people can short-circuit their system.
What I've heard is that Indigo Child are another word (or a delusional term) of saying sociopath.
It -- REALLY depends, isn't it? >_>;

When I take into my account my "wonderful" experiences with someone who labeled himself an indigo child, sociopath seems exactly right.
i'm glad someone other than myself sees this as nonsense.
seems like a case of glamorizing these traits with pretty names...sigh
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i'm glad someone other than myself sees this as nonsense.
seems like a case of glamorizing these traits with pretty names...sigh
The good question to ask, personally, is why.
yh total crock of shit.

honestly I don't believe in half of the stuff this forum does. Past lives, psychic phenomena, crystal children, etc. Its too much imagination and too little pragmatism.

or something totally diffenent. But still, the shit this forum believes... (No offence to anyone..)
I think telling a child that they are "indigo" or "gifted" or otherwise magical or special without the child having a visible talent that produces something for the world, is just going to set them up for developing a complex.
I know a few "Indigos" As in that is the colour of their Aura. Yes, the ones I've met, have exceptional talent in one way or another, but they are just people. People of all auras have exceptional talent in some form or another. Indigos just are more heavily "dependent" (Not sure if that is the right term) on their Third Eye than others...meaning they just stimulate it more.

I have been told by several, including my Reiki Master(s) that either I have a opal/pearly aura or a light/medium purple. I can see both at once when I look at mine. My eleven year old neice also has this opalescent colour.

I agree with [MENTION=3998]niffer[/MENTION] ; I wouldn't tell the child this. However, when they are grown up/ and are not as impressionable, and you still think that they are, then by all means tell them, but be sure to do it in a way that is not purely for the benefit of their ego; as if you are relaying an observation to them. Nurture their imagination, but also be cautious.