Death throes of liberal America. | Page 18 | INFJ Forum

Death throes of liberal America.

Best Fe meltdown of 2017?

Hey fuckhead do you know why Russian hackers get paid to make memes and social media messages that trick left and right into fighting each other? It's because it works on stupid people, by which I mean you. Mr. INFJ emotional demi-god master manipulator is being played because he's a fucking idiot. You useless cunt.
Don't forget to add coffee to that coco.

I think I'm going to laugh forever at this.
Also if eventhorizen is getting paid to create problems on this tiny website, I'd find that kind of adorable in a weird way. I mean, I'd love to be paid to be insane myself.
I think I'm going to laugh forever at this.
Also if eventhorizen is getting paid to create problems on this tiny website, I'd find that kind of adorable in a weird way. I mean, I'd love to be paid to be insane myself.
Create problems? I'm helping. People running around deliberately ignoring realty because they don't like it. Sometimes you just have to set things down look around and say, this is how it is now how am I going to accommodate it.

Where it gets interesting is in the resistance. Sometimes it's funny, sad, annoying. Don't get me started on the personal attacks. I respond to it all with humour but I do occasionally feel as if I am talking to children. Not always but more than I would like.

In return..occationally.... just occasionally, I get a nice comment.
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Create problems? I'm helping. People running around deliberately ignoring realty because they don't like it. Sometimes you just have to set things down look around and say, this is how it is now how am I going to accommodate it.
People are running around deliberately ignoring realty? This can’t be true because millennials are purchasing real estate like a boss!
Icedream If this thread disappears I will recreate it. It's not my fault people have chosen it to go nuclear on eachother in it. This is a valid thread with a valid topic. Thanks so much for your opinion though.
that's great. this particular thread still needs to go.
People are running around deliberately ignoring realty? This can’t be true because millennials are purchasing real estate like a boss!
I doubt that. If I hear one more story on how millienals can't find work or are so quaint for choosing to live in tiny homes i will wretch.

HOWEVER i find it interesting how an entire generation bred through our education system is embracing capitalism. By this I mean, I highly doubt the whole suggestion. Perhaps you could give a few articles from reputable sources that support this claim?
It's not opinion, it's common sense. You don't keep eating an apple once you realize it's rotten
I find common sense to be quite rotten in and of it self. The world spins into destruction because the majority leads it there. Common sense is part of the majority. Common sense by definition does not mean correct sense only that what ever sense it is, it is the most common.

Edit: And Yes, your statement was absolutely opinion.
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See, this I don't get. EH, with respect, why do you choose to focus on whether or not what she said is opinion, or how common sense is or is not correct sense. I fail to see the relevance.

Why do you not instead focus on the core of her statement, being 'You don't keep eating an apple once you realize it's rotten.' or: You don't repeat the same actions knowing the outcome is unfavorable.

Do you believe
A) the same actions are not being repeated or
B) you don't know what the outcome will be or
C) the outcome is not unfavorable or
D) another option
I doubt that. If I hear one more story on how millienals can't find work or are so quaint for choosing to live in tiny homes i will wretch.

HOWEVER i find it interesting how an entire generation bred through our education system is embracing capitalism. By this I mean, I highly doubt the whole suggestion. Perhaps you could give a few articles from reputable sources that support this claim?
Simply put, they pay my bills. No link to online articles are necessary. Unless you plow flow fields for a living, they spend money. I would sign but you can’t see me.
The world spins into destruction because the majority leads it there.

No, it spins into destruction because the people in power lead it there. The common "majority" has no ability to do anything substantial or meaningful in most of the world. The very few people with the most money and thus the most power dictate all, generally to their own self-centered ends.

Common sense is part of the majority.

No, it quite flatly isn't. Many people have no interest whatsoever in doing things that make rational sense. They're much more interested in listening to and following agendas that someone much higher up on the food chain has specifically crafted for them, for specific purposes that they not only don't understand but likely have never given serious thought to.

Common sense by definition does not mean correct sense only that what ever sense it is, it is the most common.

No, that's not what it means at all. It means self-evident facts, truths and best practices. Those that require no empirical proof to accept. And as stated above, its practice is unfortunately rare (i.e., not "common" at all).
See, this I don't get. EH, with respect, why do you choose to focus on whether or not what she said is opinion, or how common sense is or is not correct sense. I fail to see the relevance.

Why do you not instead focus on the core of her statement, being 'You don't keep eating an apple once you realize it's rotten.' or: You don't repeat the same actions knowing the outcome is unfavorable.

Do you believe
A) the same actions are not being repeated or
B) you don't know what the outcome will be or
C) the outcome is not unfavorable or
D) another option
Why would I focus on what is clearly incorrect? First it's absolutely opinion. End story there so nothing more entertain with that. Second, I had a point to make about common sense. I am correct of course, I just thought it was something that should be known. That completes any relevance I found in the conversation. So that is "why".

Talking about rotten apples and the like and relating it to this thread? Ok...if that's what you want to for it. But all opinion.