Death throes of liberal America.

laughed at my rage and is clearly not sorry.

I only laughed because I found your outrage preposterous. I assumed it was all a joke. Now that I know it wasn't, I really don't appreciate all that horrible stuff you said about me. I wasn't attacking you. I am sorry you perceived it as such.
Now that I know it wasn't, I really don't appreciate all that horrible stuff you said about me.
Well of course I said horrible stuff about you, you crossed a line you shouldn't have crossed, laughed at me for being mad about it AND STILL ARE NOT SORRY IN THE LEAST. I don't buy that you're this fucking oblivious.
Well of course I said horrible stuff about you, you crossed a line you shouldn't have crossed, laughed at me for being mad about it AND STILL ARE NOT SORRY IN THE LEAST. I don't buy that you're this fucking oblivious.

I don't buy that you're this fucking mad lol

I've done nothing. I've apologized. I've genuinely got no ill will towards you.
And no you still haven't apologized, you apologized for my having PERCIEVED it wrong, as if it was my mistake- you made the mistake admitting that is how the fuck apologizing works.
I thought so too when I did it but you are angry and I was attempting to make amends
I think you're still not grasping the most important fact here, not understanding a mistake is fine- not recognizing it exists is a problem. And you still haven't- which isn't helping.
I think you're still not grasping the most important fact here, not understanding a mistake is fine- not recognizing it exists is a problem. And you still haven't- which isn't helping.

Explain what I'm missing
Pretty sure I already did, like 3 different ways.

No, you haven't. You did perceive my words incorrectly and I admitted I'm a terrible explainer and expressed a willingness to further discuss it, at which point you attacked me very aggressively which from my perspective came out of left field, which is why I thought it was a joke. I do apologize for saying something that triggered such a reaction, but I am also not responsible for your feelings and also I've been transparent and willing to talk about what has bothered you.

I think it was my comment about your analysis not being needed that set things off, but didn't mean it in the sense that I don't value your personal input on anything. I meant that the situation I was explaining was more of a personal matter between eventhorizen and myself and explaining it in detail to everyone on the forum felt a bit intrusive. That is it. I hope this ramble brings a little clarity and you don't hold too much resentment towards me in the future.
How are you getting worse at this? Instead of saying you're sorry, and that's all. You're adding modifiers around it i'm not asking for an explanation this isn't logical it's emotional. I'm practically begging you to make an apology and you keep cluttering it up with a recap of what just happened, I don't care what just happened I want two words from you "I'm Sorry" The rest of that shit is what's ruining it.