Death throes of liberal America.

I have never been this fucking enraged at a stranger on the internet in all my life.
You self-righteous inflexible stubborn jackasses have had this thread for YEARS and have made NO PROGRESS whatsoever, probably because you are behaving like self-righteous inflexible jackasses. I make the first baby steps of progress, you fuck it up so masterfully that I would actually believe E.H. paid you to take the heat off him... and my analysis of things here is not needed.

This is the worst thread ever, and it's not E.H. that's responsible- it's you.
My analysis of things here is not needed.
My analysis of things is who I am, you ass.
As a side note. This response does not strike me as INTPish.
Hey fuckhead do you know why Russian hackers get paid to make memes and social media messages that trick left and right into fighting each other? It's because it works on stupid people, by which I mean you. Mr. INFJ emotional demi-god master manipulator is being played because he's a fucking idiot. You useless cunt.
I have never been this fucking enraged at a stranger on the internet in all my life.
You self-righteous inflexible stubborn jackasses have had this thread for YEARS and have made NO PROGRESS whatsoever, probably because you are behaving like self-righteous inflexible jackasses. I make the first baby steps of progress, you fuck it up so masterfully that I would actually believe E.H. paid you to take the heat off him... and my analysis of things here is not needed.

This is the worst thread ever, and it's not E.H. that's responsible- it's you.
My analysis of things here is not needed.
My analysis of things is who I am, you ass.

You're losing it buddy.
Reason, you're right. You're absolutely right. And now it's time to calm down. You're emotional, and that's not an even playing field with INFJs ok. As you pointed out, that's their area.

Wyote, please understand, he's hurting. Telling an INTP that his analysis is not needed is like telling you that your insights are unwelcome or your need for harmony is ridiculous.
Reason, you're right. You're absolutely right. And now it's time to calm down. You're emotional, and that's not an even playing field with INFJs ok. As you pointed out, that's their area.

Wyote, please understand, he's hurting. Telling an INTP that his analysis is not needed is like telling you that your insights are unwelcome or your need for harmony is ridiculous.