Death throes of liberal America.

Do you understand that I could have done so to help my side, just as you did? Do you understand that I have the intellectual capability to dissemble information and that I made a choice not to, to show respect to you and your ideology?
Errr... many questions.
It's funny I am actually having a hard time answering this.
I mean I think Its completely feasible I at some point may actually say that or something like that

Just helping move things forward. I'll say what you won't.

Your agenda is one of division. Mine is one of cooperation.

Since you employ a "by any means necessary" mentality with regards to the oppression and subjugation of liberal ideologies I must attempt to do so in return even if this is against my nature.

Cooperation or death.
Fairness or death.

You probably believe in such things yourself to an extent but you're too busy segregating groups and placing self perceived dangers and hate upon them.

Balance or death.

You(anyone) wanna push any sort of agenda, you'll get pushback somewhere, somehow. That's life.

I'm not here for politics. I'm here for support, connection, development, humor, understanding and other things under larger umbrellas aside from "us" vs "them"
Just helping move things forward. I'll say what you won't.

Your agenda is one of division. Mine is one of cooperation.

Since you employ a "by any means necessary" mentality with regards to the oppression and subjugation of liberal ideologies I must attempt to do so in return even if this is against my nature.

Cooperation or death.
Fairness or death.

You probably believe in such things yourself to an extent but you're too busy segregating groups and placing self perceived dangers and hate upon them.

Balance or death.

You(anyone) wanna push any sort of agenda, you'll get pushback somewhere, somehow. That's life.

I'm not here for politics. I'm here for support, connection, development, humor, understanding and other things under larger umbrellas aside from "us" vs "them"
Ok you have a right to your opinion. There are other ways to do that rather than misquoting me and putting words in my mouth. So thanks for understanding that and not doing it.
you're pontificating about what a bad person he is instead of engaging him

Because he won't engage otherwise.
You're new here. He has a long history.
I'm always willing to converse rationally. Normally. Sanely. You don't know me well yet, but ask anyone. I'm reasonable.
Ok you have a right to your opinion. There are other ways to do that rather than misquoting me and putting words in my mouth. So thanks for understanding that and not doing it.

Because he won't engage otherwise.
You're new here. He has a long history.
I'm always willing to converse rationally. Normally. Sanely. You don't know me well yet, but ask anyone. I'm reasonable.
@Wyote, E.H. had a choice between addressing what I wrote or just letting this thread die forever, you've given him a third option, to focus on your insults. Is he really some irrational monster or do you just not know how to engage him? The way you treat me or anyone else on this earth is irrelevant, what matters in this particular case is how you treat him.
and yes he will engage, he's engaging me and i'm not doing what you're doing- so how do you account for that?

If I wanted to engage with him in this regard directly I'm pretty confident we could both make it happen. You're the interested party here. Success. He's engaged with me in the way I wanted and has bargained with me for future interactions.
If I wanted to engage with him in this regard directly I'm pretty confident we could both make it happen. You're the interested party here. Success. He's engaged with me in the way I wanted and has bargained with me for future interactions.
Just for the record Wyote, I like you a lot and this is not an attack. BUT
If you can engage with him then either do it or leave this thread, insults aren't advancing the topic or your interaction they're just making you feel better.
"In the way I wanted"... what does that mean?
Sure .
Conservative is someone who doesn't have All the answers but recognizes what we do have is a good foundation to work off of. They also love America.

A liberal is someone who hates America and wants to see it torn down and rebuilt in an image they can't agree on. They'll sign off on it so long as It's not a conservative vision though. Also liberals think everyone should have the same things regardless of what they do for a living. If you do have more, it should be taken away and distributed to those who are deemed to have less. Liberals will decide who that is. They also feel as If we should be taking care of anyone in the world who asks for help...again so long as they don't identify as conservative.
Even I who isn't an American, can see that that's a terrible definition.
"In the way I wanted"... what does that mean?

In a way that furthers our relationship to one another from my own perspective. You are placing your own ideas into the situation here.


Whatever perceived insults that may have occurred have only been used for humor or gaining trust. Again, placing your own thoughts into things.

Your analysis of things here is not needed. Everyone is fine. Also I'll engage in whatever ways the forum deems appropriate, not you personally.
Your analysis of things here is not needed.
I have never been this fucking enraged at a stranger on the internet in all my life.
You self-righteous inflexible stubborn jackasses have had this thread for YEARS and have made NO PROGRESS whatsoever, probably because you are behaving like self-righteous inflexible jackasses. I make the first baby steps of progress, you fuck it up so masterfully that I would actually believe E.H. paid you to take the heat off him... and my analysis of things here is not needed.

This is the worst thread ever, and it's not E.H. that's responsible- it's you.
My analysis of things here is not needed.
My analysis of things is who I am, you ass.