- Enneagram
- 954 so/sx
I feel almost ashamed for posting here.
Shit, now I'm going to get perma banned
Don't f*ck with me
Play nice or I'm sending this woman to your home to play some nose tunes
I feel almost ashamed for posting here.
Shit, now I'm going to get perma banned
Don't f*ck with me
Play nice or I'm sending this woman to your home to play some nose tunes
Play nice or I'm sending this woman to your home to play some nose tunes
God no. I wasn't even in the womb alone. I have no conception of it.
Sorry you're feeling that way though EH.
This is as a good as place as any to state the obvious. I am a loser in every sense of the word.
But, just because you are a loser does not mean you are wrong.
Does anyone here have any conception of what it means to be truly alone?
Does anyone here have any conception of what it means to be truly alone?
I'm ok.I haven't read every post in this thread so don't know the context but wanted to check to see if you're OK? What's up - why so despondent?
Do you have an identical twin sister? I've always wondered what it would be like to have a sibling who was genetically identical to me. How would we be different?
Do you dress alike everyday so as to confuse people?
No, we never did that lol. The closest we got to dressing alike would be wearing the same outfit in different colors.
How are you different from one another?
Personality wise she's an extrovert, hands down. I'm not. Since she was little she always had a ton of friends surrounding her but none of them really were at the intensity of my friendships which were far fewer. She'd have 20 friends to my one friend. That isn't what people typically think about with identical twins; sometimes people see twins have strange co-dependant relationships who sometimes live with each other into adulthood. Ammie and I never had that and don't have that. We were both individuals and never relied on each other too much; my parents made sure of that. I still never really felt like I was ever alone, though. I never really had to do anything technically alone. Not even was I born alone. I don't even have my own birthday (which Im glad I hate attention!) I share everything, my looks, my DNA, my birthday, my parents, with another person.
I never got in trouble and she always did. She is more aggressive and ambitious. I'm stronger than her, emotionally. I'm more stable and can handle just about anything, I think. I don't think she can. She seems a bit fragile.
Things I notice like even today, we both still play some of the sports we used to play for fun..both of us are good at sports but she is better than me because she's aggressive. I'm just not as aggressive. She has no problems with jumping out in front of someone to get the ball. She does it naturally, and I don't. If we play co-ed sports I'm even more reluctant to be aggressive. This reluctance happens naturally to me and it doesn't to her. It's something I think is cool about her because she takes that into every aspect of her life.
Physically we are almost the same except she's a bit softer due to a previous eating disorder that I didn't share that destroyed a lot of her muscle which she hasn't been able to recover to this day. She's been getting botox injects since her early 20s so I have some expression lines that she doesn't have. She parts her hair on the left and I part mine on the right. She is left handed and I'm right handed. I'm sure there's more to say. Could probably go on forever about how we are different and how we are alike. It's fun having an identical twin. It's been a cool way to experience this life.![]()
Thanks for sharing. But I'm really confused. If you are identical rather than fraternal twins, how can you be so different? How can one of you be right handed while the other is left handed? I thought that was genetic. Plus how can you be an introvert while she is an extrovert? I thought that was an innate predisposition as well. And shouldn't your hair part on the same side as well? This is puzzling to me.
Because we are mirror twins (I should have mentioned that. Obviously not everyone knows about mirror twins)
Mirror image twins result when a fertilized egg splits later in the embryonic stage than normal timing, around day 9-12. This type of twinning could exhibit characteristics with reversed asymmetry, such as opposite dominant handedness, dental structure, or even organs (situs inversus).
Because we are mirror twins (I should have mentioned that. Obviously not everyone knows about mirror twins)
Mirror image twins result when a fertilized egg splits later in the embryonic stage than normal timing, around day 9-12. This type of twinning could exhibit characteristics with reversed asymmetry, such as opposite dominant handedness, dental structure, or even organs (situs inversus).
We were both individuals and never relied on each other too much; my parents made sure of that. I still never really felt like I was ever alone, though. I never really had to do anything technically alone. Not even was I born alone. I don't even have my own birthday (which Im glad I hate attention!) I share everything, my looks, my DNA, my birthday, my parents, with another person.