Death throes of liberal America.

Holy shit. You just blew my mind. I thought I knew about every type of twin. So you are identical, yet opposite in many regards. That is very interesting. She is like your bizarro twin. So I guess it is almost like a hybrid of identical and fraternal twins. I assume you have the same eye color. Do you have birthmarks that are on the opposite sides of your face or body? Like a mole on the right side of your face that is on the left side of her face? When you look at one another it must feel more mirror like than identical twins looking at one another who are both right handed. Cool.

Yep! We sure do! She has a mark on her right hand and I have the very same one on my left. It is a lot like looking in a mirror lol Same eye color, hair color etc.

It's the same as identical twin only we split a couple days later (fraternal are two eggs - Ammie and I shared an egg and split from that one). Its the stage between normal identical twins and conjoined twins. Just a couple days later and we may have been conjoined! :/ Which would have sucked with Ammie. She's great and all but no way. She would have killed me already.
would have sucked with Ammie. She's great and all but no way. She would have killed me already.

Ha ha, imagine! Being stuck to someone would not be the best, however attached you are.

Boom boom. Sorry that's a bit lame.
@CindyLou. Maybe you have already gone over this if so I apologize. This is pretty interesting. Do You find you have an out of the ordinary connection with your sister? Do you have the same thoughts, when apart do you have a sense of the others well-being etc?
@CindyLou. Maybe you have already gone over this if so I apologize. This is pretty interesting. Do You find you have an out of the ordinary connection with your sister? Do you have the same thoughts, when apart do you have a sense of the others well-being etc?

I'm not sure. Maybe her more so than me. If I'm sick then she will sometimes show the same physical symptoms to a lesser degree without knowing I'm sick.

Once we were shopping in two different states on the same day and somehow ended up purchasing the exact same outfit. We'd never have known but we ended up wearing that outfit on the same day and were so astonished that we somehow ended up wth the same clothing that we had purchased while so far from each other and ended up wearing them on the same day. That was pretty surreal lol

Once she was in a terrible car accident and I had a feeling that something had happened to her that I brushed aside but that's all I can think of at the moment. Otherwise, I think those moments if they happen might happen more with her than with me. I'll have to ask her! :)
God may very well be above your understanding. After all, they speak of the simplicity which is in Christ. Read it all a few more times, and maybe you'll get it.

Truth is over 37% of the votes had been cast before the incident everyone is speaking of. I wasn't there. Some folk tempt others to react to their stupidity. He got a reaction, I reckon. Maybe he was provoked and the guy didn't listen too well to stop and go away. I know quite a few folk that probably could use being punched. That doesn't mean I would or I condone that; just saying.

You are correct that a big portion of the votes were already collected via early voting.
The guy asked a normal question...the Fox news reporter even backed up his story.
And you are condoning you when you say - "I know quite a few folk that probably could use being punched.”
Just because you follow it with - “But I don’t condone that.”, you still are still calling him stupid and victim blaming him for his “wanted reaction” which is not conducive to the witness testimonies and the taped conversation and scuffle.
He asks him a perfectly normal question, in a perfect normal tone of voice.
Truth is...Jesus wouldn’t condone any of what you are saying.
Inferring people are unable to understand God, that we are too ignorant...IMHO no one understands God - I would argue He simply cannot be understood by us as humans, but not because we are stupid or ignorant.
Inferring that people are ignorant whiners - “Read it a few more time, and maybe you’ll get it.”
Inferring that this person brought this upon himself instead of being the victim of assault and battery...then dismissing yourself - “I wasn’t there.”
Then your very next sentence is about their stupidity...and how he pushed the reaction.
You don’t defend the reporter in any way whatsoever.
You don’t ask any difficult questions of the assaulter...why not?
Just saying - If you are bringing Christ into this...then you need to read it a few more times Sir and recognize your obvious bias.
Even to the point that you are willing to dismiss the nasty behavior and lies of our supposed POTUS...the Lord is working his works through the pile of human feces spay-painted orange?
I rather doubt that Jesus would be on board with the “healthcare” plan...or the Trump budget - both of which decimate the poor, the elderly, the disabled, the ill, children, and removes the essential patient protections allowing insurance to charge you more for pre-existing conditions or they can just drop you like they used to when you hit your lifetime limit...”’ll have to pay for the chemo yourself.”.
Move to Canada or Mexico probably.
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So you were there? Well, what was asked?
So you were there? Well, what was asked?

Did you not hear the recordings?
If you have not, then what are you talking about?
Jebus man...
Can't you tell I did not hear any recordings?
Is it possible my definition of a liberal safe haven does not coincide with every person's definition ? Much like there are 45,000 different denominations of Christianity each believing the others will go to hell.

This I read. Then," define God./..impossible."

Rubbed me wrong, and I am not Jesus.
This I read. Then," define God./..impossible."

Rubbed me wrong, and I am not Jesus.
I do ask many times in discussions for those I am speaking with to define what "God" means to them.
Can't you tell I did not hear any recordings?

It certainly seems that way....because the recording I heard had the reporter asking a perfectly normal question in a perfectly normal way.
Maybe the news you get cuts the first part out or something.
Also...Gianforte came out and apologized for the incident and how badly he handled it...but I suppose maybe the reporter had a microphone shaped like a dildo or something else we couldn’t discern from the taped incident, corroborated by a Fox news reporter.
Have you gone full Breitbart?!
No. First I've heard of him. I'm seeing/feeling a clash with someone pushing the issue about something. I believe in my space: same as with others.

People waiting outside with questions sometimes seem to forget about people's privacy. Kind of like a woman saying "no" and meaning it, I'm disturbed when the press and others keep pushing it.

I'm also disturbed when a rapist is let go, or a child molester. Maybe they should be bothered more if they are guilty.

Such ambiguity.
No. First I've heard of him. I'm seeing/feeling a clash with someone pushing the issue about something. I believe in my space: same as with others.

People waiting outside with questions sometimes seem to forget about people's privacy. Kind of like a woman saying "no" and meaning it, I'm disturbed when the press and others keep pushing it.

I'm also disturbed when a rapist is let go, or a child molester. Maybe they should be bothered more if they are guilty.

Such ambiguity.

If he is the newly elected Congressperson who is already in the news because of how badly he did in a deep red state...then he should expect reporters to be outside of events.
Don't much know what I would expect, as I normally stay put in the background. Know I'd try to change their rules of engagement with me. Trying to help them doesn't place me at their command when and where they choose. We could have times to speak.
Let me get the job done.

There have, in the past, been some pretty dreadful things asked. Ask something shouldn't be asked, and he/she should expect a side-step two-step tippie toe around the sensitive issues.
Don't much know what I would expect, as I normally stay put in the background. Know I'd try to change their rules of engagement with me. Trying to help them doesn't place me at their command when and where they choose. We could have times to speak.
Let me get the job done.

There have, in the past, been some pretty dreadful things asked. Ask something shouldn't be asked, and he/she should expect a side-step two-step tippie toe around the sensitive issues.
It’s not a sensitive topic - he asked him if he supported the healthcare bill.
Don't much know what I would expect, as I normally stay put in the background. Know I'd try to change their rules of engagement with me. Trying to help them doesn't place me at their command when and where they choose. We could have times to speak.
Let me get the job done.

There have, in the past, been some pretty dreadful things asked. Ask something shouldn't be asked, and he/she should expect a side-step two-step tippie toe around the sensitive issues.
I'm going to assume you're also not running for office.
It's the job of the press to ask questions (policy questions like the one this reporter tried to ask) of those running for office and elected officials.. and report it. When you run for office, you should expect to get hounded by the press. Since a free press is essential to keep democracy going.
Democracy comes at a cost.

Including myself, people need the funny papers every day.
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That's right; you didn't read that in the news.
That's right; you didn't read that in the news.

What what what what what?

Here I got one - Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis.