Liberal Thug Thinks He Got Away With Assaulting Trump Supporter – Then Gets SHOCK Of His Life
written by Mr. Conservative on Apr 21, 2017
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During a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley, California last weekend, a gang of liberals descended on our president’s supporters and viciously assaulted them.
Chilling video footage shows Donald Trump supporter Sean Stiles get hit over the head with a bicycle lock by a masked liberal Antifa thug. The liberal assumed he’d gotten away with this vicious crime, but he learned the hard way that he greatly underestimated the intelligence of Trump supporters.
Mad World News reported that within four days, users of the message board 4Chan were able to identify the thug as Diablo Valley College philosophy professor Eric Clanton. They did this by matching up Clanton’s facial features with those of the partially-masked attacker.
Once they had his identity, the internet users hacked into Clanton’s Amazon account and found that he had just bought 14 bike locks with one day shipping.
/pol/ hacked into Amazon account of AntiFa Rioter who beat people w/ bikelock, Eric Clanton.
They sent him 14 bikelocks w/ 1-day shipping. pic.twitter.com/q9lBQqYX1t
— /pol/ News Network (@polNewsNet) April 20, 2017
Once Clanton’s identity came out, Stiles announced that he would move forward with charges against him. Without the efforts of these internet users, Stiles never would have gotten justice.
Let us hope that all violent offenders like this are brought to justice and thrown in prison. - eh
written by Mr. Conservative on Apr 21, 2017
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During a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley, California last weekend, a gang of liberals descended on our president’s supporters and viciously assaulted them.
Chilling video footage shows Donald Trump supporter Sean Stiles get hit over the head with a bicycle lock by a masked liberal Antifa thug. The liberal assumed he’d gotten away with this vicious crime, but he learned the hard way that he greatly underestimated the intelligence of Trump supporters.
Mad World News reported that within four days, users of the message board 4Chan were able to identify the thug as Diablo Valley College philosophy professor Eric Clanton. They did this by matching up Clanton’s facial features with those of the partially-masked attacker.

Once they had his identity, the internet users hacked into Clanton’s Amazon account and found that he had just bought 14 bike locks with one day shipping.
/pol/ hacked into Amazon account of AntiFa Rioter who beat people w/ bikelock, Eric Clanton.
They sent him 14 bikelocks w/ 1-day shipping. pic.twitter.com/q9lBQqYX1t
— /pol/ News Network (@polNewsNet) April 20, 2017
Once Clanton’s identity came out, Stiles announced that he would move forward with charges against him. Without the efforts of these internet users, Stiles never would have gotten justice.
Let us hope that all violent offenders like this are brought to justice and thrown in prison. - eh