Death throes of liberal America.

Funny how many liberals are going down in flames these days. A cleansing of the media. But we already knew the complete deviance of their minds. Not a surprise to decent folk. Not at all.
Funny how many liberals are going down in flames these days. A cleansing of the media. But we already knew the complete deviance of their minds. Not a surprise to decent folk. Not at all.
Funny how many liberals are going down in flames these days. A cleansing of the media. But we already knew the complete deviance of their minds. Not a surprise to decent folk. Not at all.

Just like the POTUS.
Not to mention the purge of molesters and rapists at Fox.
Yep...just the liberals...hahahahha!

(decent folk...yeah)
((like Roy Moore))
Al Frankin desperately try to find the right combination of words that will allow him to keep his job. Nope. Always ALWAYS knew you are a loser and a creep Al. You had more than you ever should have. Now It's time to accept the boot.
Al Frankin desperately try to find the right combination of words that will allow him to keep his job. Nope. Always ALWAYS knew you are a loser and a creep Al. You had more than you ever should have. Now It's time to accept the boot.
I mean... should he though? The woman who accused him forgave him and if she's willing to let it go, why shouldn't we? It happened to HER, shouldn't we just follow her lead?
There might be good reason to pose exceptions to this but as a general rule- if the woman involved decides to let it go then why should we be butthurt?
When David Bowie died a woman told the story of how she lost her virginity to him (while he was wearing a kimono no less) at the age of 14. Suddenly liberal butthurt reporters flooded around her and starting asking about her "trauma" to which she replied (i'm paraphrasing obviously) "Bowie didn't abuse me, I wanted to fuck him at 14 and I can't imagine a better way I could've lost my virginity" If the woman isn't being mistreated then who cares? It's not like the day before your 18th birthday you're an irrational idiot and the day OF your 18th birthday you suddenly get a brain. There's a grey area here, even if it makes people uncomfortable.
I mean... should he though? The woman who accused him forgave him and if she's willing to let it go, why shouldn't we? It happened to HER, shouldn't we just follow her lead?
The second woman has Not. And...I still believe people in power need to set examples.
Why are you choosing Al Franken when you can also take your pick with many Republicans-- as was already brought up by @Skarekrow ? But that is an inconvenient point for you to consider, @Eventhorizon .

Trump bragged about groping women and peeking on them in their dressing room for the Miss USA pageants. Look up how many women have accused him of sexual harassment. There are creeps on both sides. Personally I'd like to see creeps on both sides purged. It's high time the people we elect to represent us actually respect women.

Now Republicans in Alabama may elect a pedophile. Grown men who fuck 14 year olds (or who try to) are pedophiles, btw... Regardless of rockstar or political status.
Why are you choosing Al Franken when you can also take your pick with many Republicans-- as was already brought up by @Skarekrow . But that is an inconvenient point for you to consider, @Eventhorizon .

Trump bragged about groping women and peeking on them in their dressing room for the Miss USA pageants. In fact, Trump has many accusers who haven't just forgiven him. There are creeps on both sides. Personally I'd like to see creeps on both sides purged. It's high time the people we elect to represent us actually respect women.

Now Republicans in Alabama may elect a pedophile. Grown men who fuck 14 year olds are pedophiles, btw... Regardless of rockstar or political status.
Considering what that woman said do you think Bowie should have gone to prison? If he hadn't died first I mean.
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Considering what that woman said do you think Bowie should have gone to prison?
I think men who fuck minors should face legal consequences, yes.. And we aren't talking about a 17 year old just on the cusp of being legal.

Why are you defending a pedophile? Because it's David Bowie? Because fame and power and money make it seem OK? Would you say the same thing if it was some adult loser living in his parents basement banging 8th graders and freshman girls?
I think men who fuck minors should face legal consequences, yes.. And we aren't talking about a 17 year old just on the cusp of being legal.

Why are you defending a pedophile? Because it's David Bowie? Because fame and power and money make it seem OK? Would you say the same thing if it was some adult loser living in his parents basement banging 8th graders and freshman girls?
Look obviously this kind of thing is disgusting, there is a very reasonable tendency to keep adults from fucking children but at the end of the day he didn't kidnap her and force her to do anything. She wanted to sleep with him and never regretted it for a moment. So what harm is done? I maybe get that the laws can't pick and choose and that if this had come out before he died Bowie might have had to go to jail because that is the nature of criminal justice. But as a rule, when decades have passed and the girl in question STILL doesn't regret a thing and wouldn't do anything different if she could I have a hard time seeing him as a monster.

No. Moore has Not Been elected yet for one. Two, accusations should Not be viewed as guilty without process.
True, but you were just all over Franken with no criminal conviction.