Death throes of liberal America.

Look obviously this kind of thing is disgusting, there is a very reasonable tendency to keep adults from fucking children but at the end of the day he didn't kidnap her and force her to do anything. She wanted to sleep with him and never regretted it for a moment. So what harm is done? I maybe get that the laws can't pick and choose and that if this had come out before he died Bowie might have had to go to jail because that is the nature of criminal justice. But as a rule, when decades have passed and the girl in question STILL doesn't regret a thing and wouldn't do anything different if she could I have a hard time seeing him as a monster.

True, but you were just all over Franken with no criminal conviction.
The evidence is daming against Franken. No question that it took place.
But not concrete enough with Moore- is that what you mean?
All there is with Moore is an accusation and no proof. Perhaps one dwy there will be proof but as of now, no. And It's not like people can't make false accusations for any number of reasons.
All there is with Moore is an accusation and no proof. Perhaps one dwy there will be proof but as of now, no. And It's not like people can't make false accusations for any number of reasons.
And what proof is there with the woman who says Franken grabbed her ass? Other than her say-so
And what proof is there with the woman who says Franken grabbed her ass? Other than her say-so
Other than he doesn't deny it? And that there's more than one who says this is what he's prone to do?
Other than he doesn't deny it? And that there's more than one who says this is what he's prone to do?
Right- but you're not being consistent, you said there are a number of reasons for someone to lie about this, so consider the following scenario-
The first girl who accused him told the truth and the second one lied. That's not a pattern of what he's prone to do you're back down to 1 girl and even if it was 2 that's not a huge pattern.
As for not denying it what about his dumbass staffers saying "Erm sir, no one's gonna believe your denials so just apologize" He said in the article you linked he didn't remember the incident. So why does his lack of denial= guilt?
As for not denying it what about his dumbass staffers saying "Erm sir, no one's gonna believe your denials so just apologize" He said in the article you linked he didn't remember the incident. So why does his lack of denial= guilt?
Because of the first accuser where all sides acknowledge what happened. So we know that he's done it once, that by itself is enough to expect him to resign. The second is simply adding to an already capsized ship.
Because of the first accuser where all sides acknowledge what happened. So we know that he's done it once, that by itself is enough to expect him to resign. The second is simply adding to an already capsized ship.
Again though, if she forgave him do we have to ask him to resign? Remember- in this scenario we're down to 1 girl who has forgiven him, so why the resignation?
Again though, if she forgave him do we have to ask him to resign? Remember- in this scenario we're down to 1 girl who has forgiven him, so why the resignation?
We don't have to ask him to do anything or we can ask him to do everything. I think for the good of the nation he should and should willingly and apologetically. People need to know that action like this won't be tolerated. Women are not objects to be played with whenever it suits a person to do so. Women should Not be made to suffer humilation at the hands of creeps like Franken.
We don't have to ask him to do anything or we can ask him to do everything. I think for the good of the nation he should and should willingly and apologetically. People need to know that action like this won't be tolerated. Women are not objects to be played with whenever it suits a person to do so. Women should Not be made to suffer humilation at the hands of creeps like Franken.
I agree since that theoretical is now- quite dead. A pleasure as always, sir.
Look obviously this kind of thing is disgusting, there is a very reasonable tendency to keep adults from fucking children but at the end of the day he didn't kidnap her and force her to do anything. She wanted to sleep with him and never regretted it for a moment. So what harm is done? I maybe get that the laws can't pick and choose and that if this had come out before he died Bowie might have had to go to jail because that is the nature of criminal justice. But as a rule, when decades have passed and the girl in question STILL doesn't regret a thing and wouldn't do anything different if she could I have a hard time seeing him as a monster.

I think you chose an odd and maybe unnecessary way to make your point in this thread about the fallout from sexual harassment.... Because it almost sounds like you're an apologist for sex with underage girls. Maybe I shouldn't have taken the bait and pointed out that sex with a 14 year old when you are an adult is still pedophilia, regardless of social status... But felt it was a necessary point to make, again, seeing as how Alabama has a kiddie-creeper running for the Senate... (And our president, with his own set of allegations and admissions, backs him.)

Anyway, it's on both sides, a power thing. Not a partisan issue.
I think you chose an odd and maybe unnecessary way to make your point in this thread about the fallout from sexual harassment.... Because it almost sounds like you're an apologist for sex with underage girls. Maybe I shouldn't have taken the bait and pointed out that sex with a 14 year old when you are an adult is still pedophilia, regardless of social status... But felt it was a necessary point to make, again, seeing as how Alabama has a kiddie-creeper running for the Senate... (And our president, with his own set of allegations and admissions, backs him.) It's on both sides, a power thing. Not a partisan issue.
Social status was not something a brought up, but if at this point you don't see my point I don't know how to explain it. As for odd and unnecessary, that's just my style.
Social status was not something a brought up, but if at this point you don't see my point I don't know how to explain it. As for odd and unnecessary, that's just my style.
You don't think Bowie's social status is implied? He did wield much more power and influence over her. Most grown men do over teenage girls... And especially if they are rock stars. I understand that you are trying to tie the 14 year old to one of Franken's accusers who said that she forgave him and did not call for his resignation--and that constituents should be willing to accept that. .
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You don't think Bowie's social status is implied? He did wield much more power and influence over her. Most grown men do over teenage girls... And especially if they are rock stars. I understand that you are trying to tie the 14 year old to one of Franken's accusers who said that she forgave him and did not call for his resignation.
Listen, i'm going to try this one last time and you'll either get this or you won't THAT GIRL said she wanted to fuck Bowie then, now, and forever. That is what makes a difference in this case. If you read what I wrote above you'll even see me admit that I still think Bowie should have gone to jail because the police can't make exceptions to these things for obvious reasons. But I don't see Bowie as some kind of predator who manipulated her into anything. She stated more or less that she did everything in her power that night to fuck bowie and would do so again if she could. That's not the kind of thing you hear from the victim of a horrible assault. That's all i'm saying here.
Michelle Obama is an ignorant stupid human. Her comments make her as intelligent as your standard domestic pet. Though that's probably an insult to most pets. The only reason anyone in the world knows who she is has everything to do with her husband of whose pet she is. When she talks it's as if someone has placed a barking chiwowa on stage and teased it to the point it can do nothing other than bark.
Does that help?
Ive got a pocket full of sunlight.
Gonna spread that love around
Defeated the dark one named Hillary
Now the suns back and coming on strong
The worlds waking up to a new bright day
Oh Ive got a pocket full of sunlight
Gonna spread that love around.
The dark one name Hillary went down
And it wasnt on Bill...

She really does look like the crypt keeper.
For Hillary. ..just do what your prison wife says
Hillary Clinton has recently been caught flapping her excessively large jowls again

Women should Not be made to suffer humilation at the hands of creeps
Good point.