Death throes of liberal America.

Good point.
The fact that Hillary is 1) not only a loser but 2) biggest corrupt beast the world has ever known has nothing to do with the fact she is a woman. It has everything to do with the fact she's scum of the earth.

Ok little milktoast? Got that? Got that little one? Now, go be a good boy and run along and play. Don't let to good kids pick on you for being different now.

Edit: I forgot to add a few more of these.
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The fact the Hillary is 1) not only a loser but 2) biggest corrupt beast the world has ever known has nothing to do with the fact she is a woman. It has everything to do with the fact she's scum of the earth.

Ok little milktoast? Got that? Got that little one? Now, go be a good boy and run along and play. Don't let to good kids pick on you for being different now.

Your comments that I quoted are personal attacks that have nothing to do with politics, and you stated they are in the public eye/have their positions because of their husbands which has everything to do with being women...

It's a tough world out there, doodlepooder. Be sure not to let a little intelligence, self awareness or wisdom get in the way of your Rupert Murdoch manufactured opinions. mmkay guy? Now run along you lil scamp.
Your comments that I quoted are personal attacks that have nothing to do with politics, and you stated they are in the public eye/have their positions because of their husbands which has everything to do with being women...

It's a tough world out there, doodlepooder. Be sure not to let a little intelligence, self awareness or wisdom get in the way of your Rupert Murdoch manufactured opinions. mmkay guy? Now run along you lil scamp.
What would you know of intelligence, self awareness or wisdom enough to say anything about them at all?
That's like me trying to talk about what It's like to be a dog.
Well if that's all you do in a debate it's wrong, but this isn't an MLA debate squad it's an internet forum, we shouldn't mind a little shit-talking.
Derp! Isn't there a 14 year old at a roller rink you should be chasing around? :tonguewink: (See, now I'm shit talking you!)

And if you look at EH's track record, more insults are made about those he disagrees with than actual points. If there were ever any thoughtful points made, then that's another thing. But those he disagrees with are either idiots, dogs, beasts or children.
You talk about liberal America like they're this unified force, but there is a lot of infighting is there not?
It's becoming more unified thanks to things like the internet etc. Advances they have made are partially influenced by the ability to make themselves Look larger than they really are and this again, thanks to the internet.
The causes they fight for are this blob mass of inconsistancies but where they group together in hope their particular cause will make it to the surface and cured as a result. Kind of like a weird lottery. In the end though the glue that binds all of this is the desire to take from others they feel have to much or at least...more then they. Also the desire to have others work for them so that they don't have to.
Derp! Isn't there a 14 year old at a roller rink you should be chasing around? :tonguewink: (See, now I'm shit talking you!)

And if you look at EH's track record, more insults are made about those he disagrees with than actual points.
But if he gets nasty and you stay cordial nothing about you or your life changes, and you get to probe for more information and more deeply understand what he's saying. Whereas if you get nasty back it's all just now a squabble. That being said I still don't mind a little (little being the operative word) shit-talking. I don't worry about being called a pedophile because I know i'm not. Ask any child who's met me, I hate children.

"I would never let anyone with hands that sticky touch my dick" Daniel Tosh, on fucking children.
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Thank you, I wasn't aware of that
Listen, I didn't mean to be a smartass but my point is still valid, if you don't like this thread don't bother with it.

It's becoming more unified thanks to things like the internet etc. Advances they have made are partially influenced by the ability to make themselves Look larger than they really are and this again, thanks to the internet.
The causes they fight for are this blob mass of inconsistancies but where they group together in hope their particular cause will make it to the surface and cured as a result. Kind of like a weird lottery. In the end though the glue that binds all of this is the desire to take from others they feel have to much or at least...more then they. Also the desire to have others work for them so that they don't have to.
First, look larger than they really are? You mean a third of the country (I consider liberals to be a third, conservatives to be a third, and people who waffle back and forth and/or belong to a third ideology to be a third, also included in the latter is people who say they're on a particular side but don't actually vote or contribute in any way)
MOST of the middle part I would say is somewhat accurate
But, desire to have others work for them so they don't have to? isn't that kind of a sweeping generalization? and does that also mean you believe there are no lazy useless pricks on the conservative end or did you just leave that detail out for brevity's sake?
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Theres more than thirds. There are not just two ways of moving forward. I often side with conservatives because they hold views at least partially similar to mine on some matters. I hardly side with liberals because well, they simply do Not have a reasonable capacity to think clearly on almost ever matter it seems. But i only side with conservatives because there is currently no other valid choice. Or at least, one being presented in a way that's heard.
Listen, I didn't mean to be a smartass but my point is still valid, if you don't like this thread don't bother with it.

First, look larger than they really are? You mean a third of the country (I consider liberals to be a third, conservatives to be a third, and people who waffle back and forth and/or belong to a third ideology to be a third, also included in the latter is people who say they're on a particular side but don't actually vote or contribute in any way)
MOST of the middle part I would say is somewhat accurate
But, desire to have others work for them so they don't have to? isn't that kind of a sweeping generalization? and does that also mean you believe there are no lazy useless pricks on the conservative end or did you just leave that detail out for brevity's sake?
See above ^
I kinda wish this thread were experiencing death throes
Hush you are back! But...what an odd place to choose to reappear.