Death throes of liberal America.

Didn't you just say I was even though I didn't? you said liberals can't think clearly and followed it with see above^ and my post
The post above that. MY post. Not my post encapsulating yours. Sorry.
Heard by the people that would put it into action. Heard by people who would either vote for it or by forcible means, put it into action.
But you were talking about yourself and your reasons for believing what you believe so it would be accurate to say that liberal ideology has not put together a cohesive narrative that you have heard would it not?
But you were talking about yourself and your reasons for believing what you believe so it would be accurate to say that liberal ideology has not put together a cohesive narrative that you have heard would it not?
Liberal idiology has not put together a workable cohesive narrative. I agree with that. They do have a narrative though. I don't understand what the rest of the post is related to though.
Liberal idiology has not put together a workable cohesive narrative. I agree with that. They do have a narrative though. I don't understand what the rest of the post is related to though.
Admittedly I was leading the witness to this question:

How much exposure in your personal life do you have with neo-liberal political thinking? Not the news, not this forum, how many liberals do you know in your own life that talk to you about the liberal narrative or whatever you want to call it? How intelligent are they?
Just to respond to the idea that liberals want to take from others-

Really what liberals want is for working people to make wages that actually support them and allow them to save for their future and/or invest. I don't think anyone disagrees on that.

Wages have been stagnating for decades while corporations continue to increase profits... Many by moving those jobs overseas so that they don't have to actually pay workers decent wages here or taxes in a country where they make their profits. (This happened after cutting taxes.) Liberals want to preserve the social safety net for the disabled and elderly... Want poor children to have access to food and healthcare... What is so wrong with that? It's not stealing from the rich, it's wanting our taxes to go to these areas instead of to bloated military spending and corporate subsidies and tax loopholes (soon to be more breaks for the wealthy.) I know that with this latest tax bill, my taxes will end up increasing to cover the deficit that cutting taxes on corporations and wealthy will create. So who is really taking from who?

It comes down to having a cooperative mindset. I don't qualify or need for any sort of assistance, but I want my taxes to go to helping those who need it. I'd rather see my taxes go to healthcare and education and assistance for those in need. And you can say to these people, "Just get a job" but many are already working poor working multiple jobs just to try and make it. I'd rather invest in people than give my taxes to corporations in the form of tax cuts in the hope that they will create jobs and raise wages (we've cut taxes before. They don't create more jobs or pay higher wages.)
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Admittedly I was leading the witness to this question:

How much exposure in your personal life do you have with neo-liberal political thinking? Not the news, not this forum, how many liberals do you know in your own life that talk to you about the liberal narrative or whatever you want to call it? How intelligent are they?
I know at least 3 profusly liberal people. I may know more but discussions have never taken place where I would know. Of those I know in real life, all are of at least above average intelligence.
I know at least 3 profusly liberal people. I may know more but discussions have never taken place where I would know. Of those I know in real life, all are of at least above average intelligence.
Well if you're getting a flow of information from the other side from intelligent people you can trust, there's nothing wrong with your perceptions its now been rendered academic: a matter of opinion.

For the sake of honest disclosure I would say I go liberal on most issues but would never describe myself as a liberal because I also go deeply conservative in other areas. All of my friends are mostly conservative and above average intelligence as well. But it was not my intention to collect people that disagree with my politics, I just picked people who were reasonable that I liked personally and the politics were an accident. I think in SOME (not all) cases conservatives are just more willing to laugh at themselves than liberals are and not taking yourself too seriously is a prerequisite for being my friend.
And in a world where corporations actually paid decent sustainable wages--we wouldn't need all these assistance programs. I used to help people find jobs and did job coaching at my last employment. I've been in the break room of Walmart and seen the poster advising employees on how to get on public assistance. This is one of the most successful companies in the world.
@Eventhorizon what are your thoughts on the political correctness movement? I don't just mean the liberal arm of it, I mean the two pronged claw of bible folks & college students working together to sterilize art, opinions, and even language.
And in a world where corporations actually paid decent sustainable wages--we wouldn't need all these assistance programs. I used to help people find jobs and did job coaching at my last employment. I've been in the break room of Walmart and seen the poster advising employees on how to get on public assistance. This is one of the most successful companies in the world.
Then think about where those employees on assistance spend their food stamps.
Two, accusations should Not be viewed as guilty without process.

Like your condemnation of Hillary and Obama and every “liberal” out to destroy America.
Hillary has gotten away with the death of Americans, and now the lawyers are trying to make the witness to her selling spent plutonium to Russia. Now they are selling slaves in Libya again.