Derail This Thread

so this thread seems to be the only one lately not experiencing drastic derailment.
an elegant irony.

An apt point! lol

On a side note, as I remember thinking from the very beginning. This thread can never be derailed because it's purpose was 'to derail'. Hence 'to derail' this thread, is to keep with the OP and stay on 'on rail'. Yet perhaps the eternal struggle 'to derail' this thread can ever be made, to such a point where by staying so much 'on rail' the thread finally becomes derailed...... O_o
An apt point! lol

On a side note, as I remember thinking from the very beginning. This thread can never be derailed because it's purpose was 'to derail'. Hence 'to derail' this thread, is to keep with the OP and stay on 'on rail'. Yet perhaps the eternal struggle 'to derail' this thread can ever be made, to such a point where by staying so much 'on rail' the thread finally becomes derailed...... o_O

Are you high?
To derail or not to derail, that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them. I just made that up. I have made up my mind. Derail it is!

What a bunch of crap. What a pretentious asshole. Give me a fuck'n break you pseudo-intellectual poseur. Ban this fraud at once.
That's funny. Everyone knows Aussies are too numbed by intoxication to be concerned with micro aggressions. Silly bird.
That's funny. Everyone knows Aussies are too numbed by intoxication to be concerned with micro aggressions. Silly bird.

Indeed. We'll revoke their citizenship if they start getting that touchy.