Derail This Thread

I wonder if you could make horse gravy .... man I miss horse meat.

You beast.

I love Ian Thorpe - "Thorpy" or "The Torpedo" as he is colloquially named.

I also was moved by the Australian people who offered tangible love and encouragement before and after he came out as gay. He went through terrible depression and suicidal thoughts regarding his sexuality. He really was embraced by Australia as a nation and emotionally supported. Did you notice this @Night Owl ? Anyways he has a cute boyfriend now and lately seems relaxed and happy.

Yes, his dignity as a human being was not in the least belittled. Australians really were there for him. Every culture has its weak points, and its strengths. As a strength, there is something particularly community-like, in a concrete friendly way, about the way Australians support their own. As testified with Thorpey's situation :)
I am the world's forgotten boy, the one who's searchin' searchin' to destroy. Well honey I am the world's forgotten boy, the one who's searchin' only to derail. Hey!