Night Owl
This Bird Has Flown
- Enneagram
- Never
Here I come expecting innocent fun
Instead many jokes, whilst Matilda chokes,
Are thrown around - more grotty than the ground -
But just as well, because she's doing swell,
Well a lil' better now, though nail's on brow,
Since puns and rhymes partly heal 'long with time,
Since they disguise the balm of caring tries
Which were prompted by some retired guy -
A girl in fact, but then rhyme would've lacked.
Instead many jokes, whilst Matilda chokes,
Are thrown around - more grotty than the ground -
But just as well, because she's doing swell,
Well a lil' better now, though nail's on brow,
Since puns and rhymes partly heal 'long with time,
Since they disguise the balm of caring tries
Which were prompted by some retired guy -
A girl in fact, but then rhyme would've lacked.