Derail This Thread

If there were a Donald and Hillary sex tape, would you watch it for free if nobody could ever find out that you actually watched it?
More trophy points! I need more trophy points! Please, for the love of god, more trophy points! I am begging you! Please!
Entertainment Weekly?
I had to check the spelling and that's the first thing that popped up...did you know they are adding cast members to season 2 of "Stranger Things"?
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@Night Owl, how many times are you going to get busted at the airport trying to smuggle baby koalas before you learn that it is not legal? Leave the local wild life alone. There are other ways to make money these days. I hear you can make good money wrestling crocs naked and covered in chicken blood live on Australian television these days. It's part of the new initiative for more educational wildlife programming for children in your country. I think it is a great idea. Sounds progressive and sophisticated to me. Better than that cooking show I heard about where you use kangaroo as an ingredient. Now that was just tasteless. They would always over cook the kangaroo meat, a real tragedy.
No your not. You love it,

I don't mind being called strange. That just means that I am not normal which is objectively true. But weirdo is different. To me, weirdo means there is something inherently wrong with you. It has a negative, even creepy or sinister connotation. Stop calling me weirdo or I will sue you for libel. I am an upstanding citizen. Good day.
View attachment 29904

@Night Owl, how many times are you going to get busted at the airport trying to smuggle baby koalas before you learn that it is not legal? Leave the local wild life alone. There are other ways to make money these days. I hear you can make good money wrestling crocs naked and covered in chicken blood live on Australian television these days. It's part of the new initiative for more educational wildlife programming for children in your country. I think it is a great idea. Sounds progressive and sophisticated to me. Better than that cooking show I heard about where you use kangaroo as an ingredient. Now that was just tasteless. They would always over cook the kangaroo meat, a real tragedy.

By the way, how fuck'n cute is that little guy? OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
I don't mind being called strange. That just means that I am not normal which is objectively true. But weirdo is different. To me, weirdo means there is something inherently wrong with you. It has a negative, even creepy or sinister connotation. Stop calling me weirdo or I will sue you for libel. I am an upstanding citizen. Good day.
Insane in the membrane
insane in the brain
insane in the membrane
insane in the....

Oh btw, from where I'm from 'weird' is a compliment..... Maybe it's to do with the people I hang out with?
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