Derail This Thread

As far as I know only @hush and @Night Owl enjoy it enough to watch it multiple times. I'm not sure how it can reach 1 billion views. I guess they better get to work, huh?

Weeeeellll... I'm not sure "enjoy" is necessarily the correct word...

More like "watch in horror, unable to tear eyes away"
You, sir.

Are the master of making me change my mind, and then subsequently wallow in regret.

As far as I know only @hush and @Night Owl enjoy it enough to watch it multiple times. I'm not sure how it can reach 1 billion views. I guess they better get to work, huh?

Weeeeellll... I'm not sure "enjoy" is necessarily the correct word...

More like "watch in horror, unable to tear eyes away"

The word "enjoy" hmmm. It comes close to my experience. The phrase: "watch in horror, unable to tear eyes away" hmmm. A little closer.

The drawn out sentence "click play and be fully conscious to an extent I never knew was possible about how much I regretted the action of clicking play and the ontological principle sustaining my existence, and starring shocked and scandalised at myself for ever clicking play in the first place and then proceeding to gouge my eyes out with a ball point pen and then flushing them down a toilet (wrapped in disposable wipes of course) whilst giving myself a lobotomy with the handle of a toothbrush and drinking a bottle of drain cleaner" hmmm. That about summarises my response. But "enjoy" - yeah, that'll do.
@Night Owl, why are you being oppositional? Remove your Like at once!

Nein. I'm not going to unlike the post you want me to unlike. And I'm not going to like the post you want me to like (I know you do! what person doesn't want a like, especially an Fe dom or tertiary user!). My German mummy always taught me: oppose the dictator. But I always thought she was a hypocrite. She voted for Hitler.

@Milktoast Bandit, I have heard you are quite fond of getting drunk and exposing yourself. But if you are to listen to only one thing I ever say please listen to me now. No matter how curious you are to find out what may happen if you were to put your dick in this lovely alligator snapping turtle's mouth, please, for the love of god, resist the urge to do so. This is not a trick. I am just trying to be a good friend and don't want you to do anything you might regret. But with that being said, you are an adult. I can't stop you from touching the proverbial stove, or placing your dick in this wonderful animal's mouth. So do as you please, just remember that I think this would be a great time to be cautious and to wait for another less dangerous opportunity to whip out your dick and to place it somewhere in a comical manner. You have been sufficiently warned. Have a good day.
Nein. I'm not going to unlike the post you want me to unlike. And I'm not going to like the post you want me to like (I know you do! what person doesn't want a like, especially an Fe dom or tertiary user!). My German mummy always taught me: oppose the dictator. But I always thought she was a hypocrite. She voted for Hitler.

It's on. You have now entered into a world of pain.