What is there to learn if evil does not exist?
How can we know love and forgiveness if there is no right or wrong?
There is Love to learn, true connection with others, who we really are, our strengths and weakness so that we can purify ourselves further, challengive our ego with the power of our spirit and Love, all the variety and depth of life and experience, all the secrets of the universe that we live in, how our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and expectations define and create our reality, how to manage our power, how to learn from our mistakes ,how to understand the consequences of our thoughts and actions, how to work /use creative power with others, how to invest into and nuture the next generation of souls, to learn responsiblity and self awareness, to really test and challenge ourselves to be the best people we can be.
There is no good and evil, but there is certainly effective and ineffective behaviour, healthy and unhealthy, creative and destructive. True 'evil' is nothing more than fear, ignorance, hate, self centredness, apathy and laziness. It is the lack of knowledge, strength and Love. We can know Love and Forgiveness because these are inherenet in God's nature and in our own. We are not here to battle each other or with demons. We have no enemies here, only friends. The only thing we are fighting against is our ego, and our fears. At the heart of every thought and action we can either choose fear or love. Fear strengthens the ego and weakens the spirit, and Love weakens the ego and strengthens the spirit. When we are ready, we also have to learn to love, accept and forgive our ego, as the ego is simply a character that we can use to learn with. We can forgive and accept our ego, heal it and not allow it to rule our lives. We can learn from everything, and the ultimate lesson is always love.
We were not created by a cruel venegeful god that is fearful, angry and jealous, and wants to reward and punish us like little children, and wants us to submit like complete sheep and not think for ourselves. No! That is the narrative of human cultures and civilisations that seek to control their population with fear and keep them in line. All these people trying to scare us with stories of demons and evil just so they can maintain power of us because they are ignorant and they dont know Love. There is no Love in that narrative, only fear and reward. We should be the best people we can be so we can be the best people we can be, not so we earn a reward of avoid punishment. We learn though our experience, how we affect ourselves and each other. The state of the world right now is a testament to everything we have achieved and failed together as a people, humanity, a community of souls. Clearly there is much room for improvement, we have much more to learn, and our egos are strong, but we will get there. All we need is Love and to invest into the next generation- and not just your own children but your neighbours children as well. Life is very simple- Love your neighbour as yourself, and love your neighbours children as your own.
We can create a kingdom of Heaven on this earth. Most of us fail to realise the absolute stunning wonder and sheer beauty of the planet we live on because we walk around with our eyes and hearts closed. We live in an amazing place and life is full of wonderful potential and opportunities. To be here is a blessing and we should be grateful, not resentful for. This isnt just some prison we need to escape, this is a place where we can live, love, create and learn. It so easy to get caught up in our egos and fears, and start seeing others as enemies and become overly concerned with material security. But material security is just an illusion that we build out of our fears. If we could just have faith and Love, we would need to worry about shelter, food and clothes. The material world is something that we get caught in because we have no concept or experience of Faith, and what it means to trust in the universe. All these things are just tackydistractions, manifestations of the fears of our egos. They are all unecessary. We dont need to hoard anything! There is more than enough for us to share. It is our lesson to learn to share. Your hunger and pain is the same as mine, to help myself, I must help you, to heal myself, I must help you heal yourself. We can live in harmony with each and this planet, it will provide for us and we will live in a heaven that we have been able to create on this planet. And then our souls will be purified, strong and knowledgeable enough to move on from this realm into other more dymamic and less restrictive environments, where we can joyfully learn and create with each other, with the knowledge that all creation has consequences and power sould be used wisely and responisbily.