[MENTION=9401]LucyJr[/MENTION] I have to admit that response like " it is very possible I am quite ignorant, but I don't see the need for irony there. You saw I am ignorant,..." and "My response was clearly stated from my a priori perspective as a christian" lead me to suspect an alternate motive on your part. However even though I dont like people in general to begin with, I still believe the best of them to begin with. Your responses give me the gut instinct that you are f'ing with people now.
Most certainly not, in all honesty. I don't play any game, of any sort.
When I said
it is very possible I am quite ignorant
I meant ignorant from all the theories and all evolutionary perspectives, and all the methods science use to establish and find the age of our ancestors, or how much they lived in a certain time of history. Yes, I am ignorant of all the science theories and discoveries.
You are on the internet, you have access to a huge amount of information to include the most recent theories on the origins of mankind. You know the world is not flat and yet you suggest with your posts that if the bible said the world was flat, you would believe it before you believed your own eyes.
Yes, I believe everything the Bible says, because the Bible is right always. That is my stance.
With regard to science, I am interested so as to see how science veryfies everything that which is written in the Bible.
And as for the flatness of the Earth, the Bible doesn't state this. That is rather a interpretation of the Bible based on certain verses, which was a wrong interpretation.
There are two options here, one you really are ignorant as you say and embrace it or two, you are playing a game. Both of those options are fairly intolerable for me.
I am not playing any game here. Yes, I am ignorant with regard to all the scientific information up to date.
I dont know what to think at this point but I am inclined to avoid discussion with you. Not that I am implying this is any huge loss on your part.
Good luck I guess.
Please don't

. It was not my intention at all to be rude, or to play a game or something.
Yes, I am a ignorant with regard to what is up science now. This is not to say I'm not interested in science. I read and I like to be informed on science, but I have experince with two things:
1. Science articles are written mostly for sensation, by people who are not really scientists themselfs. Many theories are written before to be really tested as valuable, just for the enthusiam factor. They give a interesting title, and they post science articles. But only time will tell for sure if what was advanced initial in the "sensation article" is really lasting and true.
2. People never look for how the article is expressed. For example, the article might say "a new study might
suggests that...". Suggests is the word there. People pass that, and they take it to be really a discovery which can not be contested.
3. Many scientific studies and theories are advanced on a priori theories, which are just theories, not facts. For example, a certain new theory is advanced on the old evolutionistic theory. That new theory is true only if the evolution theory is true. So my natural reaction to these kinds of theories is to dismiss them instantly, or maybe just to wait. This is because up until now, the evolutionitic theory has yet to prove something more stable and believable, beaside just a few bones and alot of pressupositions. The evolutionary theory has been throught major changes, and its still changing. There are two major sub evolutionistic groups in science, each of them propose a very different course of evolution. The first one is the classic theory of evolution, and the second one is the one proposed by Jay Could, and that one is changed also.