Do INFJs desire other INFJs?

That said, healthy INTPs with well-developed (or at least not under-developed) Fe are my weakness tbh.

INTPs are the bomb! (INTJs are my weakness.) My dad is an INTP with well-developed Fe and without that gross egotism unhealthy/immature INTPs can have. He was sooooo romantic with my mom.
This one certainly does. Married to another INFJ for 27 years. It may sound dull to others, but there's enough variation in the degree of our respective IsNsFsandJs that it's not like being married to an identical twin. I'm stronger on the IN scales, she's stronger on the F and J. On our first date we both felt we'd known each other for years.
My dad is an INTP with well-developed Fe and without that gross egotism unhealthy/immature INTPs can have. He was sooooo romantic with my mom.
I literally swooned when I read this. Like hands together against my cheek while saying "ohhhhh" like a giddy schoolgirl. I want one. Yeah, my bro's an INTP of the unhealthy variety and is a grade A certified asshole who thinks he's above showing compassion. Has actually cited the fact that he's an INTP in an attempt to explain his abrasiveness away as if he can't help it. Ick. What a sad copout, like he's never heard of personal growth.

NOTE: an INTP cannot be tricked out of bed with bacon sandwiches. If they want to drop out of uni, they're going to do it.
Lol, is this a reference to something?
Yeah my mate Nick from uni, know him?

The genius mathematician who now works in a pub in Kent.
But how do you know that he can't be tricked out of bed with bacon sandwiches? My brother could be, but then again he's a really underdeveloped INTP so perhaps your statement doesn't apply to him. :laughing:
It's just so easy being with another INFJ..they get it. . silence is ok. .no small talk. .sitting for long periods talking about deep. and real things. for that bit of time not feeling out of place, but understood. I treasure the INFJ's I know
It's just so easy being with another INFJ..they get it. . silence is ok. .no small talk. .sitting for long periods talking about deep. and real things. for that bit of time not feeling out of place, but understood. I treasure the INFJ's I know
I think similarly. I feel like there is definitely some magic that exists between INFJ and INFJ.

I think ENFJ and maaaaaybe xNFP would be ok too though.
But I'd rather it be INFJ.

It'd definitely need to be an NF type, I'm thinking.
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Poison isn't my type.

That's why I choose INFJ.


Magic is better.

I'm sure he'll show up around here. ...some day.

Here's hoping, my friend :)

Personally I know that I'm probably only maximally compatible with other Intuitives, and sensitive women appeal to me - that seems like a prerequisite of achieving the depth and intimacy of a fulfilling relationship (though not necessarily). The fabled ENFP might be a good match, though I really like INFPs too, and ENTPs.