Do INFJs desire other INFJs?

Well noted.
Yeah but you're INTJ dragu so it doesn't matter anyway :laughing:
I yearn to have a male INFJ friend in life. I'm in my 30s and although I've been 'in love', I truly found out what love is with an INFP.

I came across a INFJ female at my workplace a few months ago, i have never ever been more open to anyone before, not even my wife that i go back 6 years with. She is and probably will be a friend i will hold close for the rest of my life, Its a magical bound i cant really explain it. I hope you find your INFJ friend one day and can experience the same thing. We are extremly rare tho.
I came across a INFJ female at my workplace a few months ago, i have never ever been more open to anyone before, not even my wife that i go back 6 years with. She is and probably will be a friend i will hold close for the rest of my life, Its a magical bound i cant really explain it. I hope you find your INFJ friend one day and can experience the same thing. We are extremly rare tho.
I've never been attracted to fellow INFJs. It's like being attracted to a sibling. I do have many INXJ friends and quite a few friends who claim to be INFJs, but I'd type differently.

Two of my (confirmed) INFJ friends and I have close, easy friendships. We understand each other, share easily, and can get into deep discussions easily after months of zero contact.

My INTJ husband cannot stand one of them. They're friends, but he finds the person really annoying. I find this fascinating.
the short answer is yes. . I love the feeling of understanding that another INFJ gives off. There is a quiet knowing that sort of flows between the two of you. I worked on a small mental health out patient team and one of the therapist was an INFJ. We would sit in our morning meeting, not say a word, yet understand everything the other was thinking about the goings on. . that were usually chaotic. I still chat with her everyday and feel a life long connection. To understand another person's mood ad needs without them having or needing to explain would be a wonderful way to be. .