Do INFJs desire other INFJs?

It's just so easy being with another INFJ..they get it. . silence is ok. .no small talk. .sitting for long periods talking about deep. and real things. for that bit of time not feeling out of place, but understood. I treasure the INFJ's I know

I'm sorry INTJs! I just couldn't do it.
Egh. I don't mean offense.

No offense taken. Though kind of wish I could understand more; on behalf of INTJ's.

Personally I know that I'm probably only maximally compatible with other Intuitives, and sensitive women appeal to me - that seems like a prerequisite of achieving the depth and intimacy of a fulfilling relationship (though not necessarily). The fabled ENFP might be a good match, though I really like INFPs too, and ENTPs.
+1, got good taste Hos
LOL so far the INFJ males I’ve observed have been one of the most laid-back and kindest types. Not sure what kind of INFJ men you’ve been around haha

I still stand by my statement wholeheartedly. :)

I’m in love with an INFJ and I couldn’t be happier. Yay for unicorn pairing! @JamieUK92