"If I let out my emotions someone might mistake them for a psychotic episode and call an ambulance. I can't afford the medical bills right now"
I learned at an early age that I needed to protect myself,my inner self, because it hurts so much,I can become physically ill-- Also found that a lot of people don't really want to connect on a really deep level, a lot of them are superfical--which is really annoying-- I just want to have meaningful discussions and they want to talk about how drunk they were that particular weekend-ughh!
so, then I became callous- really I have become like a hermit-- my feelings are hidden and my relationships have really suffered for it, which in turn makes me feel like crap, but I'm so tired of being hurt And I need to be with myself alone and heal. I always feel the need to escape, recharge so to speak-- and my extravert family just doesn't understand that-- But I know you guys understand,right??lol
-- and my extravert family just doesn't understand that-- But I know you guys understand,right??lol
"If I let out my emotions someone might mistake them for a psychotic episode and call an ambulance. I can't afford the medical bills right now"
perfect saying for an Ni dom, especially an INFJ. because of Fe=not letting people see how vulnerable we are..........
"Why so Serious?"
I know I can appear cold and emotionless.. It has taken many years to learn how to block the empathy I feel for others.. Ive been asked... "why dont you open up?" etc.. I dont have the heart to tell them that if I did I would be in tears. (the world is full of pain) I just cant open up a little its all or none. I have to.. I can open up in a dark calm room with one person whom which I trust. Anything more than that and I am bombarded with emotions that seek to teach me what its like to feel like someone else. INFJs will understand what I mean here Im sure. The cold others read off us is IMO blocking. Empathy is a curse sometimes.
I've been told I look either lethargic, angry, or bored. Funny thing is whenever I've been told I was one of these things I was at the time, or I would be after the person told me.
I've also been told that I have a scary glare, and have been in confrontations because of it. Staring off into space while appearing to be staring someone down. Never fun, as I never see it coming.
.I've been told I look either lethargic, angry, or bored. Funny thing is whenever I've been told I was one of these things I was at the time, or I would be after the person told me.
I've also been told that I have a scary glare, and have been in confrontations because of it. Staring off into space while appearing to be staring someone down. Never fun, as I never see it coming.
For me personally...
I suspect that I can be appear and behave rather chilly when:
A. I'm super focused on performing (or executing an objective) and it's consuming my life.
B. I'm exhausted. In need of downtime... And a non-editor calls with a Photoshop question..... -_-
C. I'm looking to justify my actions in someway…
D. I'm looking to distance myself from someone without direct confrontation.
Specifically talking point B stands out in my mind.