Do INFJs stay single longer than other personality types?

According to his other posts, this guy just dates a bunch of alleged infj's and gets butthurt when they don't like him like he thinks they should. This is a good, all inclusive community.
To be honest, I like him so far. He's not a Nazi and that's good enough for post-WWII American sensibilities.
I think my fave is good old fashioned blueberry

Yea I'd definitely say the first ones you mentioned are my favs for sure
I'm confused. I thought this was a community of INFJs with a few supportive others. Being told to "chill out once in awhile" is not anywhere near my idea of INFJ-friendly support. I came here because I wanted a safe-ish space where I could share a bit in hopes of actually being understood for a change and feel less alone in the challenges of being an INFJ.

Why so much pushback from non-INFJs? Or did I not read some essential FAQ? Have I misunderstood the point of this community?

I like starting riots for the sake of riots—it’s nothing personal. It’s just an opinion based on experience. For you, chill out as you see fit

Hahahahahahhaa oh how I hate that word lmfao

A couple years back I saw this chick’s car parked beside my car at the uni’s parking lot with a short motto sticker, “Only you can make Monday’s moist” with all this overly pink glittered design in the back.

Then my male acquaintance from class walks by me and says, “Please tell me that’s not your car.” :laughing::tearsofjoy:

I was like, “Oh fuck that, hell no hahaha”
Nope, unless you spent time mostly with unhealthy INFJs—which sounds like the case in your situation and what you mentioned in your previous posts. Unfortunately I can attest that unhealthy INFJs are the worst in relationships.

Typically healthy INFJs value healthy doses of independence in relationships and although we love spending time with our partners, we need our alone time too.

And also with the perfectionist aspect, while we INFJs do realize that our perspectives regarding relationships are idealistic and it’s a bit of our downfall, we don’t take relationships for granted if we are serious about a person. Once we are really set and care about a person, we truly mean it and we are in it for the long haul. It’s a double edged sword tbh.

Another nope. But hey, I can’t speak for all INFJs. Not every INFJ is the same.

First relationship was four years, and my last one was three. So another nope. But like I’ve said, not all INFJs are categorized in one huge lump.

I am going to say this. I’ve met some really shitty ass INTPs, INTJs, and other introverted types. Each MBTI type has their flaws and characteristics that you are bound to dislike. But hey, nobody is perfect.

And also, I think it’s about time you stop dating INFJs. Let’s face it, you don’t get along with them in terms of relationships and that’s ok. There are other types more suited for INTPs in particular.

Woah nice rebuttals. Actually, I'm wondering aren't INTPs prone to a series of relationships, especially non-committal ones? I keep reading on forums how many INTPs take their sweet time over defining a relationship but are impossibly certain at times. I mean seriously, how does that kind of mindset go at all? I suppose with some people it's sure and others it's not?
I think they’re perfectionist and sensitive, so I don’t think they can last in relationships long. That and they tend to try different people out and willing to experience new things. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are more single than other types

Also, other people might not know how to deal with them initially, and it takes time. I had to friend an INFJ for an entire year and then pursue for 6 weeks or so just to get into an eight month relationship where everything was high stakes poker. Big drain! Every little misstep nearly derailed the whole thing because of the perfectionism and sensitivity of the INFJ. They are also very needy comparatively

I also notice they like everything to build slowly and step by step in a linear fashion. The slowly thing is okay, I have patience, but the step by step only moving forward stuff would drive me nuts. Like it’s okay to revisit something and modify. Perfection or whatever that is called is a giant pain in the ass

Hahahahaha! Why am I laughing so hard at this? Even though I'm an INFJ, I could actually understand where your laments are coming from. Hahaha

Anyway, here's my take on this: for one, I believe it's that difference between the tendency of the INFJ to be more abstract and in a sense more ethereal than the more worldly logic of the INTP. For example, the slow, step by step process is common because we actually go about the possibilities over a million times before actually deciding to commit to it. To top it off, if something fails to be meaningful enough, it becomes pointless. Hence, it becomes critical for us to relish every step. For INTPs however, when something is laid with absolute clarity, you waste no time at all. And yet the irony of it is that most INTPs like having options that I think in a way, you would also not mind taking the slow route if only to be sure. I think though that for any of us, it's just a matter of timing. Maybe there will be a time when an INFJ and an INTP are at a point of clarity and certainty at the exact same time. Maybe that's how golden couples are born. In any other case, it's just bad luck. Hehehe
Woah nice rebuttals. Actually, I'm wondering aren't INTPs prone to a series of relationships, especially non-committal ones? I keep reading on forums how many INTPs take their sweet time over defining a relationship but are impossibly certain at times. I mean seriously, how does that kind of mindset go at all? I suppose with some people it's sure and others it's not?

Can’t speak for all INTPs but my process is...

I will date a bunch people for 1-3x

I will filter

If I find someone I will zero-in and then that’s it...

I usually know if I like someone right away and it becomes obvious to me

During the actual dating, my philosophy is the person I am with is it until death

I do not say or act like that so to speak but that is the mindset

I also don’t fear losing them, but it’s usually the other that will run because my patience is amazing, frankly

Honestly, it’s sort of fortunate having Ti as the top function

I will collect all the data, but it doesn’t mean I will act or judge someone on it

Rule 1: Your past is your past and I will not hold that against you

Rule 2: I will not hold bring up things I am not planning on acting on

Rule 3: Boundaries and space are respected

I’ve been in 3-4 relationships

2, 6 and 10 years for those

And a bunch or here and theres

It’s real easy to tell if we will put you in long term play...
