- Enneagram
- 2w1
Can’t speak for all INTPs but my process is...
I will date a bunch people for 1-3x
I will filter
If I find someone I will zero-in and then that’s it...
I usually know if I like someone right away and it becomes obvious to me
During the actual dating, my philosophy is the person I am with is it until death
I do not say or act like that so to speak but that is the mindset
I also don’t fear losing them, but it’s usually the other that will run because my patience is amazing, frankly
Honestly, it’s sort of fortunate having Ti as the top function
I will collect all the data, but it doesn’t mean I will act or judge someone on it
Rule 1: Your past is your past and I will not hold that against you
Rule 2: I will not hold bring up things I am not planning on acting on
Rule 3: Boundaries and space are respected
I’ve been in 3-4 relationships
2, 6 and 10 years for those
And a bunch or here and theres
It’s real easy to tell if we will put you in long term play...
Yes, you become little puppies running around every where eager to show whatever was dug out from the back yard. You bark and bark unable to contain your excitement. It is painfully endearing.