Do people realise the truth about power?

Nowadays governments are completely unhinged and there's nothing to keep them in check.

Except wealth they cannot control. Hello, Bitcoin. :)

Except wealth they cannot control. Hello, Bitcoin. :)


That's my hope. :)

Bitcoin as the incorruptible governer of governments.

The alternative is CCP style governments across the world. I mean if all world's governments came together and decided to destroy Bitcoin mining, it could be done. But it would mark the end of freedom and beginning of totalitarianism.

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Societies are shaped by the few. The rest of us are the fish in their aquariums.

I don't mind being one of the pets, and when it's unpleasant, I'm content to be deprived of the benefits of society for a time, and just go camping in isolation.

I don't see any point in complaining because the option is always there: enjoy things that society gives, or enjoy surviving from nature. The former is more pleasant to the appetites, the latter is more pleasant to the mind and senses.
You fly around this forum like a one man flock of seagulls

btw I'm U.A.P. Wywy, not a bird.
Everyone knows birds aren't real.
But he was proven right, yet your kind of belief is still mooted. People who speak the truth are dangerous to power and are actively opposed and/or silenced.
But he was proven right

He was not in fact, proven right lmfao.
He wrote a book painting himself in a better light, that's not surprising in the slightest.
He's still a known charlatan. This is extremely easy for anyone to investigate for themselves.
People always try to change narratives to save face.
Have you read any of his books?

I remember the Apocalyptic TV ads in the 80s. They got it very wrong, as he says. He might have said more than in what I photographed above of course. I only know this, but have bought 3 of his books and they look good so far.
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My guess is that crypto will only be allowed to exist if it doesn’t challenge the wealth of the wealthy. That rule works for most things. Nearly all world events arise because the wealthy need to maintain or expand their slice of the pie, but there is always another reason which is fed to the people.
My guess is that crypto will only be allowed to exist if it doesn’t challenge the wealth of the wealthy. That rule works for most things. Nearly all world events arise because the wealthy need to maintain or expand their slice of the pie, but there is always another reason which is fed to the people.

Sure, the wealthy will definitely gain from this. Most crypto will go away after regulations are established and set in place. Most are worthless and have no use case. However, the cryptos that solve real world problems or have actual utility. I think those will become very valuable once they are used and the benefits felt.
Power is almost useless with the forces of energy out there.
We shall see true power one day.

There are so many different kinds of power. Money and politics is not but for a season.

Raising someone from the dead, making the deaf to hear, the blind to see, comforting someone that is in their last seconds, caring for your parents. The power to be meek and humble is power. Those who stand up and take time to be thankful: these are powerful people. They don't want the mansions and big mega-yachts. They do not threaten the world's demise. They do not starve and kill people over nothing. All this power could change in the twinkling of an eye. Back to your discussion. Sorry for butting in like that.